MA Police Officer Test 2011

you find a new unit out there yet? [laugh] congrats dude. how's the PT? hopefully we'll see you on border wars. [smile]

ETA: if i was to ever peruse a LE career after i retire, CBP would be it for me. i am fluent in spanish so that's a plus. [grin]

Actually I ETS-ed. I was on a one year "try one" contract, and I declined reenlistment since I knew this offer was coming, and a trans-continental move would be involved. Didn't feel like dealing with all the crap to IST to a different state and go inactive for the academy.

The PT is NO JOKE. Seriously, it's on par with if not harder than PT in USMC boot camp. The big difference is PT is just one class of many that you have, and your other instructors don't smoke you or anything. So if you screw up in law class, you don't drop right there but rather wait and pay for it the next day in PT. The instructors don't forget, either.
Actually I ETS-ed. I was on a one year "try one" contract, and I declined reenlistment since I knew this offer was coming, and a trans-continental move would be involved. Didn't feel like dealing with all the crap to IST to a different state and go inactive for the academy.

The PT is NO JOKE. Seriously, it's on par with if not harder than PT in USMC boot camp. The big difference is PT is just one class of many that you have, and your other instructors don't smoke you or anything. So if you screw up in law class, you don't drop right there but rather wait and pay for it the next day in PT. The instructors don't forget, either.

Ouch, but how do you screw up in law class? Like fail a test or something?
As we all know, test scores are out. Getting through to Civil Service is more than impossible at this time and I'm sure phone lines will be busy for quite some time. Perhaps someone on this forum knows the system and can answer some questions for me.

1. Soaris states the test score. If claiming Veteran status, are the extra points already added to the score?

2. Now that test scores are out, is there truth to the rumor that cities or towns have 30 days to request a new list and discard the last test scores or list?. Reason for this question is that the City of ********** will be using the old list until March to fill vacancies on the reserve list.

Any info is appreciated. Thanks
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I don't know much on the subject, but my town is in the process of training a number of reserve officers. At least one of the reserves came up through the dispatchers position. I'm pretty sure that if any full timers left, the reserves would be at the top of the list to fill any open position. I'm in a small town so things might work differently in other places.
As we all know, test scores are out. Getting through to Civil Service is more than impossible at this time and I'm sure phone lines will be busy for quite some time. Perhaps someone on this forum knows the system and can answer some questions for me.

1. Soaris states the test score. If claiming Veteran status, are the extra points already added to the score?

2. Now that test scores are out, is there truth to the rumor that cities or towns have 30 days to request a new list and discard the last test scores or list?. Reason for this question is that the City of ********** will be using the old list until March to fill vacancies on the reserve list.

Any info is appreciated. Thanks

To answer number one, if your SOARIS states that your preference status states "Vet", then yes your scores reflect veteran points added.

To answer 2. I don't know.
From my understanding, you do NOT receive any extra points for being a veteran. You only get veteran preference.

If John Q. who attends UMASS scored 100 on the exam and you being a veteran only scored 70, you will still be listed above him because of your vet status and based on your residency preference. (This applies if both you and John Q. listed Leominster as your residency and #1 on your residence preference).
From my understanding, you do NOT receive any extra points for being a veteran. You only get veteran preference.

If John Q. who attends UMASS scored 100 on the exam and you being a veteran only scored 70, you will still be listed above him because of your vet status and based on your residency preference. (This applies if both you and John Q. listed Leominster as your residency and #1 on your residence preference).

While what you wrote is true, Mass Civil Service for STATE municipalities award 2 points for veterans, regardless disabled or not.
Actually I ETS-ed. I was on a one year "try one" contract, and I declined reenlistment since I knew this offer was coming, and a trans-continental move would be involved. Didn't feel like dealing with all the crap to IST to a different state and go inactive for the academy.

The PT is NO JOKE. Seriously, it's on par with if not harder than PT in USMC boot camp. The big difference is PT is just one class of many that you have, and your other instructors don't smoke you or anything. So if you screw up in law class, you don't drop right there but rather wait and pay for it the next day in PT. The instructors don't forget, either.

sounds like fun. too bad on the ETS, i guess one has to weigh his / her options. [smile] HOOAH!
Ouch, but how do you screw up in law class? Like fail a test or something?

As an example, on our first day we were all issued a Silent Partner card, which is a card with the information of an Agent that has fallen in the line of duty. Yesterday, we were supposed to have all the information on the card memorized, but not everyone had all the information memorized. So the law instructors just said,"Okay, no worries. Just make sure it gets done tomorrow." This morning, the PT instructors said they heard we didn't really care about our Silent Partners, so instead of having 1 hour of PT and 1 hour of arrest procedures, we had 1.5 hours of pain and 30 minutes of arrest procedures. It got really tough to do pushups because of all the sweat pooling on the ground, and one guy just started bleeding from his nose out of nowhere. End result, everyone now has their Silent Partner card memorized. Through pain, comes discipline.
As an example, on our first day we were all issued a Silent Partner card, which is a card with the information of an Agent that has fallen in the line of duty. Yesterday, we were supposed to have all the information on the card memorized, but not everyone had all the information memorized. So the law instructors just said,"Okay, no worries. Just make sure it gets done tomorrow." This morning, the PT instructors said they heard we didn't really care about our Silent Partners, so instead of having 1 hour of PT and 1 hour of arrest procedures, we had 1.5 hours of pain and 30 minutes of arrest procedures. It got really tough to do pushups because of all the sweat pooling on the ground, and one guy just started bleeding from his nose out of nowhere. End result, everyone now has their Silent Partner card memorized. Through pain, comes discipline.

So you're saying group discipline?

OTH...Methinks not everyone EVER remembers their part each cycle...
So you're saying group discipline?

OTH...Methinks not everyone EVER remembers their part each cycle...

Yes, mass punishment is most definitely the policy here. On the bright side, when you do something well you're actually positively reinforced, unlike in boot camp where you suck no matter what. They don't play head games here like in boot camp. If they say you are doing poorly at something, it's not just to mess with your head, it's because you actually are doing it poorly.
Yes, mass punishment is most definitely the policy here. On the bright side, when you do something well you're actually positively reinforced, unlike in boot camp where you suck no matter what. They don't play head games here like in boot camp. If they say you are doing poorly at something, it's not just to mess with your head, it's because you actually are doing it poorly.

Digging it.
1. Soaris states the test score. If claiming Veteran status, are the extra points already added to the score?

2. Now that test scores are out, is there truth to the rumor that cities or towns have 30 days to request a new list and discard the last test scores or list?. Reason for this question is that the City of ********** will be using the old list until March to fill vacancies on the reserve list.
1. Not points--preference. See below.

2. Never heard of this. Highly doubt it, as it would give municipalities way too much leeway to hand pick candidates by perpetual extension of the list.

I don't know much on the subject, but my town is in the process of training a number of reserve officers. At least one of the reserves came up through the dispatchers position. I'm pretty sure that if any full timers left, the reserves would be at the top of the list to fill any open position. I'm in a small town so things might work differently in other places.
You can't "come up" through a dispatcher position to a sworn Reserve Intermittent position--at least via civil service. If your town is indeed Civil service, there's a number of things that could have occured to make it look like one was an official, required stepping stone without that being the case.
To answer number one, if your SOARIS states that your preference status states "Vet", then yes your scores reflect veteran points added.
No. Again, no vet points on the entry police test. You get a preference, which for the veteran, is far more beneficial.
From my understanding, you do NOT receive any extra points for being a veteran. You only get veteran preference.
True, though saying you "only" get veteran preference is quite the understatement.

If John Q. who attends UMASS scored 100 on the exam and you being a veteran only scored 70, you will still be listed above him because of your vet status and based on your residency preference. (This applies if both you and John Q. listed Leominster as your residency and #1 on your residence preference).
While what you wrote is true, Mass Civil Service for STATE municipalities award 2 points for veterans, regardless disabled or not.
What is a state municipality? You mean the state police? They're the only ones that do a 2 point vet preference.
I thought that the 2 points only applies towards a promotional exam.
5 points on a muni promo exam.

For the record, here's how the lists break down bu category:

1) Minority/Special Class Applicant (if consent decree community)
1) Chapter 534/310 Applicant (meaning they won a previous appeal or had special Beacon Hill legislation passed to place them at the top of the list)
2) Resident Child of Line of Duty Death (402A)
3) Non-Resident Resident Child of Line of Duty Death (402A)
4) Resident Disabled Veteran, Scores 100-70 (Resident)
5) Resident Child of Line of Duty Permantly & Totally Disabled (402B)
6) Non-Resident Child of Line of Duty Permantly & Totally Disabled (402B)
7) Resident Veteran, Scores 100-70
8) Resident Civilian, Scores 100-70
9) Non-Resident Disabled Veteran, Scores 100-70
10) Non-Resident Veteran, Scores 100-70
11) Non-Resident Civilian, Scores 100-70

With all that said, most lists will not have any applicants from categories 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6. A list, depending on the size of the municipality, will usually only have a very few Disabled Veteran applicants. Thus, usually, the resident vets start within the first 5 ranked applicants, though that number will likely grow with each exam that passes for the next decade or two.

Yes, I do mean State Police, I thank you for the clarification. And yes, only for the State Police civil service exam, the scores reflect your 2 points added.
Got my letter too. I got a 93.Not sure if that's enough to be competitive but I'm still proud on my first go at it. A few friends already in LE said it took multiple tries to pass! applicant pool is much different now I bet.
So far one town that i selected has posted my standing. The other 3 towns say none selected is there an error and i need to reselected the towns on the website or have those towns just not established a list yet?
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I just checked. All four towns that I listed have posted standing. With a score of 98 I'm in a 5-way tie for 242nd place for Springfield PD. I'm literally holding my breath as I type this.
I just checked. All four towns that I listed have posted standing. With a score of 98 I'm in a 5-way tie for 242nd place for Springfield PD. I'm literally holding my breath as I type this.

Tied with 3 people for 115th place in haverhill, 243rd in methuen with a couple other people, boston was somewhere in the 4000's tied with 50 people [laugh]
Scored 94

Tied with 15 people for 67th place in Cambridge (Residency), Tied with 20 for 113th in Lexington, Tied with 15 for 61st in Bedford, and Tied with 8 for 71st in Sudbury.

This being my first go around for this... I'm assuming I'm out of the running in Cambridge? [wink]
I got a 91 only applied to Boston with Residency, and I am number 1520, with 100 others tied with me.
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I scored a 95.

Tied for 7th in Leominster, 20th in Lancaster, 54th in Gardner, and 275th in Lowell. If they let me update my Veteran status to Disabled Vet...I should be #1 or #2 in Leominster. This is my 2nd time with this exam. I declined my card twice because I stuck with my job that pays me well but I'm starting to be disgruntled with it...

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