Police Officer / Dispatcher job openings

Mar 4, 2013
Feedback: 27 / 1 / 0
Still hiring... It's not reflected in the job postings but they are interested in hiring lateral transfers who have the academy or are eligible for a waiver with an out of state academy at a higher starting pay (66k/year in January). Also have OT and details available on campus and Salem/Marblehead.

Salem State University in Salem, MA is looking to hire Police Officers and/or Dispatchers. I wanted to post this on here in hopes to attract applicants. Whether it's someone who is young and interested in becoming an officer/dispatcher or someone who is older who is looking for a career change... We are just looking for good people! If you or someone you know is looking for a good job please encourage them to apply. Feel free to send me a message with any questions you may have.

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Virtually every PD of any size in NH is looking for officers, Rockingham County is looking for officers and dispatchers. (deputies in NH are real cops, not like MA)
Very true. My town is down 6 IIRC officers, one just recently transferred to Manchester and another retired. Very good, community oriented department that has its shit together.
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