MA Resident Purchasing M1 Garand From CT Resident


NES Member
Jan 18, 2009
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My friend who is a MA resident with a Class A LTC wants to buy an M1 Garand from a private owner that lives in CT.

Can he drive down there, buy it, drive it back to MA, and then do an E-FA10 on it OR does it have to go through an FFL?
FFL. Federally it can be one in either state, but CT might have some rule against it.
Must be through an FFL because they are residents of different states per federal law.

Unless your MA buddy has a CT permit, he can't transfer it via a CT FFL. He'll need the seller to come to MA and do the transfer at a MA FFL. The seller should be in possession of a MA NR LTC in order to transport across the border or have your MA friend ride with him in the same car, meeting in CT.

Or, have the seller ship to a MA FFL or do FFL transfer from CT to MA. Isn't as easy a process as other states due to picking the worst two in New England to transfer between.
Must be through an FFL because they are residents of different states per federal law.

Unless your MA buddy has a CT permit, he can't transfer it via a CT FFL.

Is this because of CT state law? Not real familiar with the legalities down south...
Yeah, I think you need a special permission slip to purchase in CT. I know you do for ammo. Not needed for simple possession like in MA though.

Federal law would allow the MA buyer to go to a CT dealer and buy the gun in CT.

However, I'm about 90% sure that CT doesn't recognize a CT non-res Pistol Permit as something that allows purchases in CT.
If this becomes critically important, I can confirm.
The seller can also drive it up to MA, to a FFL and do the transfer there. Either way, the transfer has to happen in the buyers state.
I see two problems with your statement.

1. if the seller does not have a Mass LTC or FID he can't drive it into mass legally.
2. You do not have to do the transfer in the buyers state of residence. I have purchased rifles and shotguns at NH and Maine FFLs (many actually) and left with the guns to drive back to mass. If you are legal to possess the long gun in the state you are standing in when you are conducting the transfer and the state you reside its cash and carry. Handguns are different.....must be transferred while in the buyers state of residence.

As stated previously......this being a ct to ma transfer it gets more hairy as the buyer and seller are probably not allowed to posses the gun in the other state. A shipment from CT to a MA FFL is the best way.
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What makes me both giggle, and feel disgust for firearms law in the more oppressive states is that the transaction would be legal at an FFL in NH. FOPA would cover the CT resident travelling through MA with the rifle, and NH doesn't require permits for this transaction.

What makes me both giggle, and feel disgust for firearms law in the more oppressive states is that the transaction would be legal at an FFL in NH. FOPA would cover the CT resident travelling through MA with the rifle, and NH doesn't require permits for this transaction.

What's worse with the ATF rules on private sale accross state lines is when the buyer and seller know each other. An army buddy of mine sold me a bolt action rifle years ago. I deployed with him twice to combat.....we are GOOD friends! He is a NH resident and lives 8 miles from me over the boarder. He could have legally sold that rifle to a complete stranger in NH.....but me being a mass resident 8 miles away HOLD ON NOW! Gotta use the ffl. What a f***ing joke.
I see two problems with your statement.

1. if the seller does not have a Mass LTC or FID he can't drive it into mass legally.
2. You do not have to do the transfer in the buyers state of residence. I have purchased rifles and shotguns at NH and Maine FFLs (many actually) and left with the guns to drive back to mass. If you are legal to possess the long gun in the state you are standing in when you are conducting the transfer and the state you reside its cash and carry. Handguns are different.....must be transferred while in the buyers state of residence.

As stated previously......this being a ct to ma transfer it gets more hairy as the buyer and seller are probably not allowed to posses the gun in the other state. A shipment from CT to a MA FFL is the best way.

1) Look at section h
The provisions of this section shall not apply to the following exempted persons and uses:
(h) Possession of rifles and shotguns and ammunition therefor by nonresidents traveling in or through the commonwealth, providing that any rifles or shotguns are unloaded and enclosed in a case;

Section 129C

2) The transfer must happen in the buyers state of residence because of CT law. Not fed law, which is what you are thinking of. You now need a long gun certificate or a resident permit to carry pistols and revolvers, to purchase a rifle in CT. A resident of MA can't have either. So while you are correct with respect to federal law. You failed to take into consideration CT law.
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