Maine Permit - Increased Reciprocity

Sep 15, 2009
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EDIT: The correct date for the new reciprocity law to take affect is October 15, 2015.

The law expanding reciprocity was signed by the governor.

Here is the bill text:

I looked up what adjournment means and found this:

127th First Regular Session - Statutory Adjournment is Wednesday, June 17, 2015
127th Second Regular Session - Statutory Adjournment is Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The bill says this at the bottom:
Effective 90 days following adjournment of the 127th Legislature, First Regular Session, unless otherwise indicated.

So 90 days from today, the changes to Maine reciprocity law will be effective. That looks to be September 14th if I did my math right.

Now for reciprocity purposes, it still requires action by other states. For NH, Maine basically has the same language as we do: If you accept our license as valid, we accept yours. It will be interesting to see who changes their website first: Maine or NH.

I notified the NH DoS commissioner (he thanked me for informing him of it) and licensing unit of Maine's law change to ensure they knew about it as well as pointing out NH's reciprocity law (RSA 159:6-d) to the Maine Commissioner and Permit division.

There are no excuses for Maine and NH to not have reciprocity in 90 days since they both are aware of Maine's law change.

As a result of this, Maine is going to have many more states where you can carry.
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Yeah, I would say Maine and NH would be no issue. I think if they try to include Mass it will be a big fail from the m******* side....
Yeah, I would say Maine and NH would be no issue. I think if they try to include Mass it will be a big fail from the m******* side....

Mass doesn't approve of anyone elses license so they will not care about Maine's either. But it does mean that soon, NH and Maine residents with a license and permit respectively will be able to conceal carry across three contiguous states: Maine, NH, and VT.
Mass doesn't approve of anyone elses license so they will not care about Maine's either. But it does mean that soon, NH and Maine residents with a license and permit respectively will be able to conceal carry across three contiguous states: Maine, NH, and VT.

Yes...exactly. So that is GREAT for Maine and NH and Vermont!!!! Too bad mass has to have such a big stick up its butt....

but for Main residents the reciprocity is for any state that is willing to reciprocate. Not just limited to New England...and NH is the same?
I believe my wife's old man has about 100 acres somewhere in or near West Buxton. I have to see if he still has that and if so, will we be getting any of it when he moves to the great beyond....
Yes...exactly. So that is GREAT for Maine and NH and Vermont!!!! Too bad mass has to have such a big stick up its butt....

but for Main residents the reciprocity is for any state that is willing to reciprocate. Not just limited to New England...and NH is the same?

It will be interesting to see if the reciprocity for NH permits is "NH resident permit holders only" or "NH permit holders". If it's the later, it's one less permit (and fee) you need to cover New England.
Yes...exactly. So that is GREAT for Maine and NH and Vermont!!!! Too bad mass has to have such a big stick up its butt....

but for Main residents the reciprocity is for any state that is willing to reciprocate. Not just limited to New England...and NH is the same?

The Maine law is worded very similar to NH's law. This article states that the Maine law will result in expanded reciprocity with 17 other states. Since Maine requires a training course it is almost a guarantee that the Maine permit will be valid in more places than the NH license.
It will be interesting to see if the reciprocity for NH permits is "NH resident permit holders only" or "NH permit holders". If it's the later, it's one less permit (and fee) you need to cover New England.

I think it only applies to residents:

A handgun carried by a person to whom a valid permit to carry a concealed handgun has been issued by that person's state of residence if that person's state of residence honors a permit to carry a concealed handgun issued under this chapter;

So once again, Mass residents are screwed. But you're used to that right? [laugh][crying]
The Maine law is worded very similar to NH's law. This article states that the Maine law will result in expanded reciprocity with 17 other states. Since Maine requires a training course it is almost a guarantee that the Maine permit will be valid in more places than the NH license.

That is fantastic!!!

- - - Updated - - -

I think it only applies to residents:

So once again, Mass residents are screwed. But you're used to that right? [laugh][crying]

Yes, we just carry the KY around with us....lmao
This would be great since the only state I get out of a NH permit is NH! Unfortunately this wont go into till the end of the summer and I spend alot of time in NH so Ill have to spend the $100 this year
So this isn't in effect yet? I'm a NH license holder and want to carry in Maine.

As I stated in my original post, it takes effect 90 days after the adjournment of the legislature. It also only applies if you are an NH resident. Maine reciprocity applies only to resident licenses.

If you have a non-resident NH license you are SOL.

The bill says this at the bottom:
Effective 90 days following adjournment of the 127th Legislature, First Regular Session, unless otherwise indicated.

So 90 days from today, the changes to Maine reciprocity law will be effective. That looks to be September 14th if I did my math right.
If you have a non-resident NH license you are SOL.

Which might be a moot point because in the other thread, someone said ME senate just signed con carry, and it's being shipped off to LePage right now...

The Legislature has not been adjourned yet. They have extended it beyond the 17th. Today they may adjourn. Also, we are expecting LaPage to sign Constitutional Carry today as well. It is a great day.
But remember under constitutional carry you have to notify law enforcement, with a permit we will still a be don't ask don't tell state. Also the nra reported that constitutional carry is for Maine residents
But remember under constitutional carry you have to notify law enforcement, with a permit we will still a be don't ask don't tell state. Also the nra reported that constitutional carry is for Maine residents

Then the NRA is a bunch of morons. I read the bill many times. It does not state only residents.
But remember under constitutional carry you have to notify law enforcement, with a permit we will still a be don't ask don't tell state. Also the nra reported that constitutional carry is for Maine residents

The NRA has that wrong. It will apply to all persons in Maine who can legally own a gun and are 21 years or older or who are 18-20 and are or have been members of the military. The NRA did help and work with GOMaine in this. There were a good support and helped push it. They were a positive force in pushing LD652.
Constitutional Carry was signed into law today in Maine. It will take effect 90 days after adjournment. Right now, I cannot say when that will be. I
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