Man fatally shoots assailant in downtown Seattle

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Despite all the doubters or nay-sayers, a good shoot like this could happen here in MA too. One of the keys is making sure all the legally necessary prerequisites are present before drawing and firing your self-defense gun.

Darius Arbabi
Despite all the doubters or nay-sayers, a good shoot like this could happen here in MA too. One of the keys is making sure all the legally necessary prerequisites are present before drawing and firing your self-defense gun.

Darius Arbabi

Once difference is that, in MA, there would almost certainly be charges filed and the exoneration of the individual would be a small news item months or years later. And, don't forget - it is very likley that someone acting legally will take a plea deal once the uncertainties of the judicial system and retainer requirements are fully explained.

Yes, no kidding!

Bad weather also slows down the perps, and they get a lot of that over the year.

I've been on numerous business trips there for ~1 week at a time. Depression, blamed on the "Great NorthWet" is allegedly rampant, but I don't know how that translates into their crime rate.
Yes, no kidding!

Bad weather also slows down the perps, and they get a lot of that over the year.

I've been on numerous business trips there for ~1 week at a time. Depression, blamed on the "Great NorthWet" is allegedly rampant, but I don't know how that translates into their crime rate.

Well, my theory is that crime is lower because there are so many Starbucks in Seattle - you can literally sit in one, look out the window, and see two others! Everyone is just over caffeinated and is too busy running for the little boys room to have the time to perpetrate evil :-)
Well, my theory is that crime is lower because there are so many Starbucks in Seattle - you can literally sit in one, look out the window, and see two others! Everyone is just over caffeinated and is too busy running for the little boys room to have the time to perpetrate evil :-)

Shoot the last time I was back home, (Seattle area), I couldn't believe the coffee shacks at the gas stations.[shocked]
Yeah, but WA isn't anti gun like MA. Big difference.[wink] Plus knowing Seattle that is one area I wouldn't be at night.

Well, Seattle is pretty left-leaning. It's basically the moonbat capital
of WA. It would not surprise me if the DA that covers Seattle is a railroader
type. They likely have better rules of engagment in WA though, which
limits the amount of corruption/abuse their DA/prosecutor can get away

Seattle has about the same population as Boston, yet a fraction of the crime. Any wonder why?


It's probably because if one looks at Seattle on the whole,
the word "dump" doesnt come to mind nearly as much as it would say,
traveling around certain parts of Boston. Most of Roxbury is like
Fallujah minus the craters from the IEDs, and the rifle fire (usuallly).
Crime matches up to economically distressed areas pretty well.

It's probably because if one looks at Seattle on the whole,
the word "dump" doesnt come to mind nearly as much as it would say,
traveling around certain parts of Boston. Most of Roxbury is like
Fallujah minus the craters from the IEDs, and the rifle fire (usuallly).
Crime matches up to economically distressed areas pretty well.


If that were really true, Maine's violent crime rate would dwarf that of any Boston, Brockton or Worcester neighborhood you could find. It's not the poverty, it's the complete moral bankruptcy that's to blame.

I tend to agree... There are a lot of poverty stricken areas especially in the South that do not see nearly the amount of crime as certain neighborhoods in Boston.
Being of limited financial means does not make one a criminal. Folks of lower income can have values as good if not better than folks with more money. It all gets down to values with human beings. You either have them or you don't.
Well, Seattle is pretty left-leaning. It's basically the moonbat capital
of WA.
Ayup. Beautiful city, full of pussies and freaks.

I'm glad I lived in the Kitsap peninsula, with the real people of Washington. A ferry ride away left the moonbattiness and freakshow behind.
If that were really true, Maine's violent crime rate would dwarf that of any Boston, Brockton or Worcester neighborhood you could find. It's not the poverty, it's the complete moral bankruptcy that's to blame.


I suppose your right, but even given that, the "moral bankruptcy rate"
tends to be higher in dumpy urban areas as opposed to the areas that are
not so dumpy. Even though 95% of the people that live there are not
bad people, all it takes is that 5% to turn someplace into a combat
zone. I'd place a fair wager that a smaller % of the land area
in Seattle has area that one would consider dumpy compared to other
large cities.

Yeah, there are plenty of people living in maine (and for that matter, large
segments of the US ) that don't have a pot to piss in and don't cause
anyone trouble- but that isn't what I'm talking about. I'm talking about
distressed urban areas. I see this pattern constantly in MA. There aren't
too many dumpy portions of cities and towns in MA that don't have some attendant
crime problem. It just comes with the territory. I live a half mile from a low
income housing project. Guess what happens there- about 50% of the drug arrests
in Fitchburg. It might not be "Poor People" that cause the problems, but
those who commit crimes sure like to live in the same place that they

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The major problem with those "depressed urban areas", and one of the major reasons that they continue to be depressed, is, as I noted, the moral bankruptcy. Why would anyone want to open a store, or a factory, or some other business there (which would help solve the economic problems), knowing that it and its employees will be treated as fair game for theft, vandalism and violence? Places like Maine have geography working against their economic development; places like Roxbury have geography in their favor, but their own residents working against it.

Moral Bankrupsy is a moot point. Since nobody besides the individual can make the transition from immoral to moral. (How many of us know guys who have been through more than one messy devorce because he keeps getting caught running around on his wife? She *and society* tried to teach him to be moral, but he wouldn't have it....)

It's fear of death that motivates these turkey's:

I found the above table while discussing this event. Appears that Seattle actully has MORE crime than Boston...just the crime is less violent there. So in Seattle the people there are MORE likely to steal your car, or rob your house than in Bean-Town (that might indicate MORE moral bankrupsy) the difference is they are LESS likely to do both while your IN it. And they are less likely to attempt to kill you.

Why? Because you're allowed to pack heat in Washington, and so violent turds like this get KILLED for it. Vs. here they get a few weeks of color TV and 3 square meals a day, and then 6 months of probation (of wich there is no relevent conciquence to obay).

We have more violent crime here, because frankly there's nothing telling criminals that they can't do it.

Morals be damned! Tom Waits said it best: "It's the same with Men, as with horses and dogs. Nothing wants to die."

We read this article and cheered on a fellow gun owner doing the right thing (and doing it damn well at that....I read in another article that he didn't draw untill the goblin knocked him to the ground) criminals read (or hear) about this story, and they rethink thier lousy line of work.

What I'm waiting for is the bleeding hearts protesting because the goblin didn't have a knife or a gun, and downplay how you can easily be killed by an unarmed attacker (and this man probably recived the brunt of the attack because he ignored the gobin because he was armed and didn't want this to end this way).


-Weer'd Beard
Yes, like Mr. Fish and his 10mm hollowpoint bullets. I am offended that the jury found him guilty without being there and without PROOF that he was lying. I thought you couldn't convict someone unless you had proven it beyond a reasonable doubt. I'm glad to see that this guy isn't getting charged. But as Lynn said in the other thread, this guy has a bunch of friendly witnesses.
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