Man gets sucker punched, pulls out weapons and kills the perp… You Decide…

That's fair. I agree. Assuming it is, though...?
I probably wouldn’t have shot him. At least not in the way he went about it. But maybe the guy can’t fight or a million other variables.

Reminds me of when that video was posted up here where some guy was banging a married woman and the husband showed up on his doorstep and e boyfriend came out with a rifle and the estranged husband charged him.

In 2017, a jury was instructed: "You cannot substitute your sense of justice, whatever that means, for your duty to follow the law, whether you agree with it or not. It is not for you to determine whether the law is just or whether the law is unjust. That cannot be your task. There is no such thing as valid jury nullification. You would violate your oath and the law if you willfully brought a verdict contrary to the law given to you in this case." The Ninth Circuit upheld the first three sentences of the jury's instruction and overruled the remainder but deemed that instruction a harmless error and affirmed the conviction.[59]
Judges can blather whatever they want in instructions.

Juries have a crucial job to do, and jury nullification is perfectly legal and arguably needed now more than ever.

Although I agree with the court of play stupid games, win stupid prizes, its going to be awfully difficult to justify lethal use of force at that point after you’ve demonstrated retreat, de escalation, and that your life was not or at least, no longer in danger when the other party failed to pursue.
You don't know what the criminal had in his hands, either. The fist that delivered the punch could have held a pair of brass knuckles, palm sap, roll of quarters, yawara stick, etc. I don't count on the press for all details surrounding such incidents.
You definitely own or at the least, have owned, a diverse amount of mall ninja shit. Had to google yawara stick.
Well, cuts down the guy throwing hands being a repeat offender.
Guaranteed he has a rap sheet and was out on parole when he should have been in jail. Probably both of them. Shooter most likely is a prohibited person. This is a win-win in my eyes, hopefully resulting in two fewer Chicago weekend Lori Lightfoot Allstars on the roster.
Do you think you'd have done it?

Maybe you'll say "I don't know," and that's fine by me. I'm not trying to trap you. I'm just curious whether your endorsement of this kid's actions goes so far as to say you'd do the same thing.
Complicated question. Quick answer, if I was in Chicago, yes.

I don’t think I would ever be in that situation realistically though. I’m also not the type of guy a random POS would generally start shit with. If that happened in any slightly American place, I would have turned around and proceeded to cave his face in, and probably killed him with my fists. If it escalated, I would absolutely shoot and scoot.
Justice and The Law are like estranged siblings these days. One wants nothing to do with the other...
There is a scene in the first Jesse Stone movie where a troubled teen asks Chief Stone about whether smoking weed is right or wrong. He replies, “I’m not in the right and wrong business; I’m in the legal and illegal business.”
In 2017, a jury was instructed: "You cannot substitute your sense of justice, whatever that means, for your duty to follow the law, whether you agree with it or not. It is not for you to determine whether the law is just or whether the law is unjust. That cannot be your task. There is no such thing as valid jury nullification. You would violate your oath and the law if you willfully brought a verdict contrary to the law given to you in this case." The Ninth Circuit upheld the first three sentences of the jury's instruction and overruled the remainder but deemed that instruction a harmless error and affirmed the conviction.[59]

thats all good but i do what i want anyways
Although I agree with the court of play stupid games, win stupid prizes, its going to be awfully difficult to justify lethal use of force at that point after you’ve demonstrated retreat, de escalation, and that your life was not or at least, no longer in danger when the other party failed to pursue.

maybe his life was still in danger? its up to the state to prove otherwise.
Get your head punched or bashed in? Make sure you're in a red state before you whip out a gun and cap the guy assaulting you. Zimmermann BARELY got away with it too. Jury of his peers would have been less understanding in more liberal elite state like MA/CT/NY.
Judges can blather whatever they want in instructions.

Juries have a crucial job to do, and jury nullification is perfectly legal and arguably needed now more than ever.
I’m in favor of jury nullification, as a concept.

If this kid were on trial for murder, I wouldn’t apply it here.
There is a scene in the first Jesse Stone movie where a troubled teen asks Chief Stone about whether smoking weed is right or wrong. He replies, “I’m not in the right and wrong business; I’m in the legal and illegal business.”
Exactly. "Right & Wrong" are difficult to codify...
I defer your a legal scholarship. Or are you just blathering? 😘
Judges are terrified of it. If you ever need a quick dismissal from jury duty, write those two words on your questionnaire when they call you in. You’ll be back in your car in 15 min.

If you want to perform your civic duty and make your own judgment, keep your mouth shut about it and serve.
Judges are terrified of it. If you ever need a quick dismissal from jury duty, write those two words on your questionnaire when they call you in. You’ll be back in your car in 15 min.

If you want to perform your civic duty and make your own judgment, keep your mouth shut about it and serve.
The time I got sat on a jury, my dads best friend bumped into me (smoking a butt outside the courthouse) just before jury selection was about to begin. He said, watch this (no hold beer, it was like 8am) and before I finished my cigarette, he was off to work. He has never told me what he said to be in and out in like 5 minutes. He is, somewhat, of a public figure....Ish, but not really. This was prior to 9/11/01 (case details come into play). He still won’t tell me how he did it.
The time I got sat on a jury, my dads best friend bumped into me (smoking a butt outside the courthouse) just before jury selection was about to begin. He said, watch this (no hold beer, it was like 8am) and before I finished my cigarette, he was off to work. He has never told me what he said to be in and out in like 5 minutes. He is, somewhat, of a public figure....Ish, but not really. This was prior to 9/11/01 (case details come into play). He still won’t tell me how he did it.
Those two words will do it, every time.
Its illegal to say you could defeat another man in fisticuffs and not know who don frye is.
I’m no longer big on following laws, but if he’s a baller and KOd me with a sucker punch, I guess that would end that.
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