Man pulls concealed carry weapon in gun-free mall to defend family and bystanders during shooting

A lot of that is fair.

But I'll take exception to #3. I would bet that unless Perp needs to drop a deuce, you're going to be safest in that bathroom.
The sekrit subtext is that under most circumstances I'd strive to get o-u-t: OUT;
akin to the post above by @NewGuyRay.

Sharing some details with the Best Practices for
Escape and Evasion after getting spotted printing.

(If SWAT is busily covering the entire mall with yellow Police Line tape
like some kind of modern art installation after the kinetics stops,
you don't want to flounce back onto the property
to retrieve your car while you're packing.

You know how the first few hours of news reports on every mass casualty event
include the phrase, "police are searching the area for a second shooter".

God forbid there actually was a second shooter who escaped.

Have some nachos, then give the keys to someone who is unarmed).

Oh, and I'll concede that for all I know it's barely possible that the tiling
mastic'ed onto the bathroom walls could have a minor disrupting effect
on stray external shots of handgun ammo. I've read the Box O' Truth,
and I know it can normally go through 8 walls before lunch time,
but never say never. But given a choice, I'd rather shelter in a shop's
rear storeroom that has a door onto a service corridor or ground-level fire exit.
Especially since those doors probably have peepholes and working locks/latches.
Crabtree Mall in Raleigh is a GFZ and is posted, but not at all entrances. The entrance by McCormick and Schmick's/Ruth's Chris is not posted as you walk into Belks from outside, so in effect, the mall leaves themselves wide open to carry in.

Hole-up. A RC/M&S in a freaking MALL????? WTF is this world coming to. "Let's hit Auntie Annie's, Hot Topic, H&M and finish off with a big dinner that costs 5x the value of all of our purchases at Ruth's Chris." LOL

No Dennis you're incorrect. Not all police are bad. I've learned a secret though. Wanna know how to have a safe and happy life? Stay away from bad neighborhoods and police. Interacting with either may end up badly for for you.

So Mick Jaggar is wrong??? Is that what you're saying???? He'll send Keith Richards after you. Know why?? Because NOTHING can kill Keith Richards. Even Chuck Norris is afraid of Keith Richards.

Anyone else wonder what porn would be like?


...seems anti-climatic.


Hopefully it involves Sasha Grey. ;)
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