Masachusetts Reputation

Rob Boudrie

NES Member
Apr 24, 2005
Feedback: 8 / 0 / 0
The IPSC World Shoot is currently taking place in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
The one logistical problem has been with the delivery of ammo - which includes ammo ordered by competitors for delivery at the match, or personal ammo shipped as part of single container.

Delivery has been difficult, with reports of problems in various locals - export permits, intermediate waypoints, recalcitrent shippers, etc.

I found today's posting on the discussion forum at most amusing:

The Armscor Philippines ammo shipment arrived early this morning under heavy guard and escorts. Ivan's got ammo if you need it. The US competitor ammo?? "Maybe tomorrow".

Followed by:

Wow, if I didn't know any better I'd think this shoot was taking place in Massachusettes.
It's amusing and insulting at the same time. Massachusetts and California are easy targets for those who engage in mindless state bashing - too easy.

Here are some of the ignorant comments I've read in my travels in various forums. They all are opinions about the Bay State.

Automatic firearms are prohibited.
You are not allowed to carry.
Hunting with rifles is prohibited. You may use only shotguns.

Nuff said.

MA Reputation

When I hear about how bad MA is from a Texan or Arizonan, I ask a few questions:

"I can legally carry in a Massachusetts restaurant with a liquor license. How about your state?" (the AZ answer is "NO", and the Texan must audit the restaurant's books in order to make sure alcohol is < 50% of the business)

"A business owner such as a shopping mall or supermarket cannot make it a crime for me to carry there simply by posting a sign. What about your state?"

"I don't have to disarm when visiting a public faciltiy or a police department. What about your state?"
Of course, the might come back with something like the following:

"My daughter can walk into a 7-11 and buy some pepper spray across the counter without having to get a license beforehand; what about yours?"

"If I can't find wnat I want locally, I can order ammunition from any of a hundred mail order or internet sites and get it delivered to my doorstep without any hassles; how about you?"

"I can by most any rifle or shotgun for hunting, target shooting, or just plain fun without the need for any $100 state license; how about you?"

"I can buy most any handgun, regardless of who my police chief is and whether or not he like me personally or guns in general; how about you?"

"My Attorney General doesn't arbitrarily stop me from buying the handguns I want from my favorite dealer under the guise of 'protecting me' from that dealer; how about yours?"

"If I meet objective criteria, specified by law and uniformly applicable to everybody everywhere in the state, I can get a license to carry a concealed handgun; what about people where you live?"

Is the general perception of Massachusetts laws somewhat exagerated? Absolutely. Does it pretty much catch the reality of life here? Unfortunately for us, yes it does.

I lived in Mass. for several years over in N.Adams. A beautiful state and friendly folks up in the Berkshires. In fact my mother and step dad live in Heath. Unfortunately the anti gun reputation is well earned and out here in fly over country people marvel that the state that started off our revolution has come to this point. Tell you what, we have 70000 square miles and 650K residents. Why don't you all move out here. We can use the population and you can use the freedom. And no we are NOT part of Canada. [wink]
It's that damn wind. Not to mention the Indians have more rights in the midwest than everybody else does. [roll]
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