Mass Firearms School holding Spanish speaking firearms safety classes

But, I am a strong believer in people learning our national language of English.

We don't have a national language.

If I go to another country they don't cator to me not knowing their language.

First, it's "cater". I wouldn't pick on typos and grammar except that you're talking about language.

Second, they do. Have you ever been to another country? I don't speak French, German (I do a little, but I'm far from fluent) Swedish, Norwegian, or Chinese, but I had *no* problem in France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, or Hong Kong. They *do* cater to us, everyone speaks English.

America is horribly fantastic at holding people hands. Creating non English classes only prevents the need to learn English. It promotes laziness. If you never had the option to take a drivers license test in spanish, or dial 1 for spanish (or any other language) you can bet your ass more people would be learning English.

Or they'd drive illegally. But that's really not the point, is it?

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Easy with the gun grabbing racist talk. You don't know me from a hole in the wall.

But we do know what you wrote here.
First, it's "cater". I wouldn't pick on typos and grammar except that you're talking about language.

Second, they do. Have you ever been to another country? I don't speak French, German (I do a little, but I'm far from fluent) Swedish, Norwegian, or Chinese, but I had *no* problem in France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, or Hong Kong. They *do* cater to us, everyone speaks English.

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That depends where you are in whichever country you're in. If you're at the airport, hotel, places where tourists are plentiful and more importantly, places that depend directly on tourists money, then plenty of people speak English. Go outside of those spots and it drops off dramatically. English is the language of commerce. It has been for a long time. The English back in the day were good at building boats and doing business . If you wanted a part of that business, I was a good idea to learn their language. Same goes for today whether you're in Ohio or China. "Press 1 for English" is a crutch that slows the learning process down.

We're currently in the middle of a wave of immigration by people who speak Spanish as a first language. The vast majority of their kids speak English, in my experience. (35 years in Chelsea and still work there everyday). The whole "English is being replaced by Spanish" is a non-issue put forth by people on the right who don't think about what they're saying and people on the left who don't think about what they're saying and, for some reason, get off on antagonizing other people with it.

As far as the topic of the post goes...

- they've made a business decision because it will make them money. If it doesn't, they'll end it next week.
- everyone has the right to defend themselves.
Perhaps there has been demand for classes in Spanish. Maybe MFS has recognized that demand and are trying to provide the supply necessary to meet that untapped demand.

Wow. What an earth shattering concept.
Besides, taking the basic firearms safety course doesn't guarantee you a LTC... A Spanish speaking MA resident would still have to prove suitability to the CoP(unfortunately).

2A is a fundamental right no matter what language you speak... Being bigoted and advocating for gun controls will not get you very far here on NES...

The issue of press 1 for English is an American social issue that is entirely seperate from the right to bear arms

this. +1 to you sir.

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for the cheap seats.

btw, she's an NES member (i think). kimmie1911
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sons of liberty.... oh here we go, we're at it again...

i think i'm going to listen to rap music and drink myself stupid. LOL 2 Pac!
Bottom line is that you shouldn't have to speak English nor be a citizen to exercise your rights, 2nd Amendment or otherwise. Drawing lines like this is the way rights have been abridged since the founding--drawing distictions between one's self and the other people...Some of you should get together and start an NES Know-Nothing Party.

Comm2A didn't bust their ass in Fletcher only so the rest of the pro-2A community could stand up and say "Fine, non-citizens can have guns but you have to speak fluent English first."

Plus, I don't know if you were paying attention, but Hispanics and Latinos are the largest growing voting blocs in the country. Getting them on the 2nd Amendment wagon is critical to making sure there isn't a legislative reversal now a few decades down the line when the Supreme Court looses a couple strong pro-2A votes.
It's not a win win. Read ALL posts and see my reasoning. I don't want someone I can't communicate with to be holding a loaded firearm in my country and I'm quite positive that I speak for the majority. If you want to enjoy the freedoms of this great country, then learn the national language. It's as simple as that. You are getting heated over nothing and regurgitating whatever some professor or newspaper told you instead of paying attention to actual safety concerns of your fellow, English speaking Americans. Other countries would not even give you the time of day, yet you want to defend anybody that steps foot on our soil. THAT is scary.

You should spend more time overseas, or even working with "damn dirty furrin' speakin' types ovahea", before claiming to speak for the majority. You don't speak for me, and MFS is spot on in what they're doing.
First, it's "cater". I wouldn't pick on typos and grammar except that you're talking about language.


A grammar nazi on NES no way!

they do exist
Bottom line is that you shouldn't have to speak English nor be a citizen to exercise your rights, 2nd Amendment or otherwise. Drawing lines like this is the way rights have been abridged since the founding--drawing distictions between one's self and the other people...Some of you should get together and start an NES Know-Nothing Party.

Comm2A didn't bust their ass in Fletcher only so the rest of the pro-2A community could stand up and say "Fine, non-citizens can have guns but you have to speak fluent English first."

Plus, I don't know if you were paying attention, but Hispanics and Latinos are the largest growing voting blocs in the country. Getting them on the 2nd Amendment wagon is critical to making sure there isn't a legislative reversal now a few decades down the line when the Supreme Court looses a couple strong pro-2A votes.


a cop, a soldier... both. living it up.

QFMT. +1 to you sir. have a great day.
Good for you guys, MFS!!!! I hope it works out.
I don't care what language someone speaks, if they're being exposed to the shooting sports I'm happy. There's strength in numbers, whether the numbers speak English, Spanish, Chinese or Swahili.
ugh, just tried to post in a duped thread ...

I've taken classes there and also received this e-mail. Honestly, It doesn't bother me at all.

If I were a native Spanish speaker I would prefer a class taught in my native language simply for that fact that Massachusetts laws and regulations are confusing enough... let alone in a second language.

I would not, English is not my native language, but translating firearm parts, never mind actual laws into Russian is royal pain in the ass and yes, lots is lost in translation. What's worse, like the case with many immigrants who never feel the need to melt into main society outside of their little communities, it's a crutch. If I want to read Mosin manual, I read it in original language. If I want to read details of firearms law, English is the choice.

Aside from being a natural born, getting naturalized requires good command of English although this requirement has been FUBARed by bleeding hearts. Yes, self-defense is a basic human right and decency to learn the main spoken language is just as basic.

I suggest that they offer a course in native Moonbat or Ebonics: "so we know how to put dis clip into dat gat and sheeit, yo!"
... and one more thing, for all you people who think that this is easy, I had to translate and interpret in court, it's not just as simple as a Google translation, translating English Legalese into Russian Legalese is not simple, because most people don't speak Legalese.

So the question is, does MFS have some approved Spanish translations or they are winging it? It's a serious question. I've done an assload of technical and topical translations, it's not as simple as finding some dude that "speaks both languages" You are opening a can of worms, hopefully you cover your ass because "road to hell is paved with good intentions"
So the question is, does MFS have some approved Spanish translations or they are winging it? It's a serious question. I've done an assload of technical and topical translations, it's not as simple as finding some dude that "speaks both languages" You are opening a can of worms, hopefully you cover your ass because "road to hell is paved with good intentions"

Im pretty sure one of their concealed carry instructors is Latino. It would make a lot of sense to offer a course like this if you already have a guy in-house to run it.
Those opposed to classes in Spanish are claiming that communication is the key point, what about the deaf or mute?
Should those people, who would have difficulty communicating with an LEO under most circumstances be denied a basic human right? My daughter suffers from a condition called Selective Mutism, should she be denied an LTC when she of age because of a communication barrier?
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another couple of points to consider about a more culture vs. language barrier:

1. I have done some favors coming to court to help out translating for a dude with DUI. The biggest part of our conversation wasn't translating but explaining that vodka and driving is not OK, even though there was no property demage or people killed, that bribing/ assaulting cops is also a big no no.

2. May be Spanish is considerably more advanced language, but on the territory of former Soviet union things like "receiver" is completely meaningless. All "de-miled" kits come with a completely in tact receiver but plugged bore and cut off bolt nipples or whatever the **** you call them. Now try to teach someone that this magic "receiver" is the source of all evil and it's not OK to just give it to random people or throw in the trash.

3. Do any of you "non-racists" want to go to the range and shoot along side some dude who has no idea what "cease fire" or "man down range" means? It's bad enough people do crazy shit like loading and sighting rifles while others are hanging targets or pointing loaded guns at you, at least I can explain to them using "****" and "shit" that it's not OK.
mutli language countrys do not work, the tower of babble principle. boris is right.

I dated a german nurse while over there in the service. she spoke good English,that's how we met. come to find out whyshe learned the language, she explained that she went to Texas for mri training and all the manuals and instructions are only in English.
the doctors told her if they weren't all on the same page ,patients lives were at peril.

if spanish speakers can take classes for firearms,they should be taking English classes as well.

that said, it isn't a gun schools job to teach language class,they are just a cog in the wheel of changing population.
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mutli language countrys do not work, the tower of babble principle. boris is right.

I dated a german nurse while over there in the service. she spoke good English,that's how we met. come to find out whyshe learned the language, she explained that she went to Texas for mri training and all the manuals and instructions are only in English.
the doctors told her if they weren't all on the same page ,patients lives were at peril.

if spanish speakers can take classes for firearms,they should be taking English classes as well.

We're not talking about running an MRI machine here. We're talking about a class that no one should be ****ing mandated to take in the first place.
3. Do any of you "non-racists" want to go to the range and shoot along side some dude who has no idea what "cease fire" or "man down range" means? It's bad enough people do crazy shit like loading and sighting rifles while others are hanging targets or pointing loaded guns at you, at least I can explain to them using "****" and "shit" that it's not OK.

I'll let my gun club sort that one out. If you can't pass the range orientation, then you need to find another club.

You shouldn't need any instruction to go out, buy a gun, and shove it under your mattress. Is that prudent? No. But your 2A isn't about what's prudent--at least, it shouldn't be.
Anyone against ANY method of increasing LTC issuance is a supporter of gun control. All over America people own guns without needing some bullshit state-issued license. And that includes people who can't speak English. Self-defense is a right independent of nationality or any other personal characteristic. People who oppose MFS offering this training -- whether it be because of nationalistic motives, love of 'Merica, racism, "safety" concerns (love that gun-grabber angle), or anything else can go to hell. We should be supporting anyone who makes it easier for people to enjoy their natural rights apart from interference of government.

Good work, MFS.
Anyone against ANY method of increasing LTC issuance is a supporter of gun control. All over America people own guns without needing some bullshit state-issued license. And that includes people who can't speak English. Self-defense is a right independent of nationality or any other personal characteristic. People who oppose MFS offering this training -- whether it be because of nationalistic motives, love of 'Merica, racism, "safety" concerns (love that gun-grabber angle), or anything else can go to hell. We should be supporting anyone who makes it easier for people to enjoy their natural rights apart from interference of government.

Good work, MFS.

yep, on my first visit to az. when i met my brother at sky harbor,he said" every one carrys down here,don't start any shit"[smile]
mutli language countrys do not work, the tower of babble principle. boris is right.
Yep, Switzerland is a downright disaster. Social chaos, rampant crime, gun accidents all over the place...

I dated a german nurse while over there in the service. she spoke good English,that's how we met. come to find out whyshe learned the language, she explained that she went to Texas for mri training and all the manuals and instructions are only in English.
I've had some exchanges with the owner of a school that teaches English to nurses, in Frankfurt. One of their criteria for admission is being fluent in English.

Wait, what? You must be fluent in English to get into a course that teaches English? Yes, because they're not teaching conversational fluency. They're teaching how to communicate using medical terminology, something that almost never comes up in casual conversation.
Ah........ but what language are the deaf or mute fluent in with sign language???

Those opposed to classes in Spanish are claiming that communication is the key point, what about the deaf of mute?
Should those people, who would have difficulty communicating with an LEO under most circumstances be denied a basic human right? My daughter suffers from a condition called Selective Mutism, should she be denied an LTC when she of age because of a communication barrier?
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