Mass. Gov. Patrick outlines new gun control bill

So if the legislation says the transfer has to take place at a dealer - does that mean you could just fill it out in the store. Dealers probably woudn't mind because people would be coming into their stores and maybe buying ammo or whatever

No, it has to transfer through the dealer as the dealer has to do the background check on the person receiving the firearm.

Also, notice it puts a $25 limit on what dealers can charge for a transfer. I know a lot of dealers that charge $40 right now.
What is a replica of a firearm? The TSA considers miniature jewelry shaped like firearms 'replicas'. Would drawing a firearm on paper in school be a replica? Would pointing your finger and yelling 'bang' be a replica?

it's a card blanche to put you in prison if they don't like your face.
Something else here. If I missed it somewhere in this thread, I apologize. Many new semi automatic pistols come with two magazines and all come with at least one. According to this legislation, magazines are considered a separate transaction. You would have to purchase the pistol first, then pick up the mag for it the following month. It also appears that djis is supposed to flag you if you made a second purchase in the month. The way it looks, they aren't going to stop the transaction. So if you make a mistake, and buy a second gun 29 days after you purchased the first, they will let you do it, and come after you with a vengence at their convenience.
Here is the hidden agenda. even more so. Did you notice the punishments for this offense has a potential 2 1/2 year sentence. Now, you may never get 2 1/2 years, you will plead it down, however, two years potential sentence is the magic number to disqualify you for a MA LTC (see dwi after 1994) and make you a federally prohibited person. So, no moving out of state to regain your rights. Done for life. This turd needs to be flushed and PRONTO! I am referring to the legislation, however if you misinterpreted it to me calling Deval Patrick a turd, I am too upset and tired to argue with you.

Excellent catch.
Does Section 2 give them the ability to disclose information about licensed gun owners publicly? Or am I not reading that correctly?

"SECTION 2. Section 10 of chapter 66 of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended by inserting after the word “request”, in line 62, the following words:- , but the commissioner of the department of criminal justice information services, or the commissioner’s agent, may disclose records pertaining to persons who own or possess rifles, shotguns, firearms, machine guns, large capacity weapons or large capacity feeding devices, as defined in section 121 of chapter 140, to licensees under section 122 of chapter 140 to comply with section 131E of chapter 140."

So if you buy 2 magazines in a month under the new law, you will face a $1000 fine and up to 2.5 years in prison. Amazing.

2nd offense is up to 5 years in prison.

They are successfully turning lawful gun owners into criminals.

That's the plan. Its so clearly the plan that I'm afraid the other shoe is going to drop. This proposed bill is full of so many landmines I see no way you're average person who just desides "I want a Gun" wouldn't trigger a PP status within the first 6 months of owning there first firearm.

Edit: Oh, I see the other shoe is that they strip out the protection that prevents interactive maps of where we live... Nice.
I'm a bit confused about the 'one magazine a month' bit... it keeps referring to 'large capacity ammunition feeding devices'. Does that mean the legal 7 round magazines would not fall under the 1 gun a month language?
Posting people's addresses is not cool. We need unified political opposition, not to resort to harassment.

"SECTION 2. Section 10 of chapter 66 of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended by inserting after the word “request”, in line 62, the following words:- , but the commissioner of the department of criminal justice information services, or the commissioner’s agent, may disclose records pertaining to persons who own or possess rifles, shotguns, firearms, machine guns, large capacity weapons or large capacity feeding devices, as defined in section 121 of chapter 140, to licensees under section 122 of chapter 140 to comply with section 131E of chapter 140."

You see that? They just put you on the ****ing map (if it passes). Your address, available to all the world to know you have a gun.

**** them. Its about high time politicians saw the consequences of their actions. We are just going to have to provide the information about them like they do us. I'm not nor have I ever lived in Mass or NY and this shit makes me angry.

If someone acts upon that information. Good.
"SECTION 2. Section 10 of chapter 66 of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended by inserting after the word “request”, in line 62, the following words:- , but the commissioner of the department of criminal justice information services, or the commissioner’s agent, may disclose records pertaining to persons who own or possess rifles, shotguns, firearms, machine guns, large capacity weapons or large capacity feeding devices, as defined in section 121 of chapter 140, to licensees under section 122 of chapter 140 to comply with section 131E of chapter 140."

You see that? They just put you on the ****ing map (if it passes). Your address, available to all the world to know you have a gun.

**** them. Its about high time politicians saw the consequences of their actions. We are just going to have to provide the information about them like they do us. I'm not nor have I ever lived in Mass or NY and this shit makes me angry.

If someone acts upon that information. Good.

I say, game on a**h***s!
I'm a bit confused about the 'one magazine a month' bit... it keeps referring to 'large capacity ammunition feeding devices'. Does that mean the legal 7 round magazines would not fall under the 1 gun a month language?
I think if I dead it right all Mag's over 10 rounds will be illegal after 1 year to posses if bill passes. 10 roundeds become high capacity but can only be loaded with 7 rounds and will be grand fathered. All future magazines can not hold more than seven.
If this passes who ever jumps on the manufacture of 7 round Mag's for all the high cap guns out there should do well.......sadly.
What a giant steaming pile. Nothing in this will curb violence. Instead it will create a myriad of potential felony traps law abiding gun owners will fall victim to. I have already spoken to "casual" gun owners who want to sell their guns to avoid the hassle. Making me go to an FFL for a transfer during their busines hours instead of when I feeel like doing it? It's an intentional inconvenience to stop FTF transfers. It's a bunch of feel-good bullshit with one goal, attrition to the numbers of gun owners in MA. As GOAL stated, all this does is penalize legal gun owners. We have jumped through the hoops and dealt with all the petty foolishness forced upon us, and that wasn't good enough. Now we are going to be forced to comply with more absurd regulation. We all know the obvious, criminals don't obey laws and none of this affects them at all, it only affects us. I know I am preacing to the choir, just really disappointed at how far we have fallen in the history of liberty.
there's provisions to ad clips in one ofcthe sections.....I got lost in the current laws trying to figure out where they would insert clip.

I meant it is as a joke...was trying to bring a little levity since they don't know what a mag or a clip or a high capacity magazine clip that holds armor piercing magic killer bullets is.
i emailed my reps tonight and basically said he was ignorant on the matter and to please be the voice of reason. This makes no sense and punishes me. A good guy. I just want to shoot for fun and protect my family. Yet, I am stressed and MASS is usually the root cause.
Didn't this one gun a month nonsense get voted down last year? Does anyone remember? How slim was the margin? This goes a lot farther. Either way it has to be fought, but if the same bill but now on steroids got voted down last year, I would hope that some of the folks that voted it down do so again.
Bill also requires gun show promoters to register each show and pay 500 bucks. Also need to provide dealers lic numbers. Promoter also required to provide Internet access...for NICS checks.

Looking forward to paying $15 per show....

That's all I can say right now. Head is spinning with all of this.
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