Mass illumninati?


All you have to do to join Riverside is ask for an application.

Scratch that, the application is here. You apply, they tell you to show up to pick up your button, ID card and card key and get an orientation. You might have to say "uh-huh" if they ask you if you understand anything.

BTW... if it'll make you feel better, USMA82 and Chris are two of the club officers... and I try to make the meetings, too.

SiameseRat said:
I mean, I love and support everyone here regardless of their orientation, but don't expect me to start flirting with Lynne or MrsWW, ok?! [rolleyes]

For which I will be eternally grateful. I mean, I love ya hun, but you're definately not my type. [wink] [laugh] [laugh]
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