Massachusetts Rifle Association - Woburn, MA

The website says
Until further notice, the Massachusetts Rifle Association is no longer accepting new members.
Thank You

Has that changed?
The website says
Until further notice, the Massachusetts Rifle Association is no longer accepting new members.
Thank You

Has that changed?
I dont believe so. They're always up to date with their website. I don't think they'd let that one linger.
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They will accept 20 applications a month, usually on the first open office hours of the month, unless its a holiday or holiday weekend. That puts January's on Wednesday night the 5th.
The MRA will be accepting applications (1 per person) this Sunday, March 13th from 9:30 AM to noon.
New applications won't be accepted until all of Sunday's applications have been processed, including orientation, so the odds are that it will be months after Sunday that additional applications will be accepted.
for those who may not get the emails

Massachusetts Rifle Association is implementing a key FOB upgrade. As of
March 1, 2023, all (round black and grey), and all (elongated grey) FOB's
will be deactivated. In addition to our regular business hours, Wednesday
evenings (6pm - 8pm) and Sunday mornings (9:30 - 12pm), we will hold
additional office hours dedicated to FOB upgrades only.

If you received a round solid grey FOB after January 2023 you have the
correct FOB and no additional action is required.

To be eligible for an exchange you must have your Club Express account up to
date and accurate, we will help you with that if necessary.

Extended office hours will be for FOB exchanges only.

Fridays February 3rd and February 17th from 9:00am to 8:00pm

Mondays February 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th from 4:00pm to 8:00pm

You need to come to the club for a new FOB or your access to the club will
be interrupted
Member bio information:

For those of you who "need to update your Club Express account" before getting a new key fob, be aware that any "visible" information you put in your profile is visible to EVERYONE, not just members with a login.

Like, that crazy frothy mouthed gun confiscationist neighbor, or some busybody school parent, or anyone else wanting to dox gun owners. (assuming they know MRA exists)

If you care about this, go change your settings. I changed mine to, "Do not list me in the directory"

It's absolutely baffling to me that the board allowed any of that information to be visible to non-members, and that the default visibility is anything other than "name and picture only"

As an example of how bad this is, I was able, when not logged in, (I used a different browser I only use for testing stuff) to see name, phone, numbers, email, home address, and photo of a random name I guessed.

Given the recent state data breech of all the FA10 records, this is really... careless? Sloppy? Inexcusable?

If anyone on the MRA BoD is reading this, please make all of this information for all users completely invisible to anyone not logged into the website. There has to be a setting for this.


tl;dr: I'm pretty sure I was wrong.


I spent some quality time talking with Victor at the MRA office, after he spent even more quality time with ClubExpress.

He turned on the member directory feature again so I could try to show him what I did.

I couldn't.

This leads me to one of two possible conclusions:

1) There was some bug that was fixed behind the scenes at ClubExpress

2) It was user error. Or more accurately, bad QA technique on my part.

I was 100% sure I'd copy/pasted the URL into a different browser (not just browser window) that does not have any stored website credentials, and was able to see stuff I shouldn't have been able to see.

But attempting to do that today, perhaps with sufficient care, I was unable to do that. I got all the right errors at all the right times.

or put in a way only old people will get:

<Emily Litella>
</Emilie Litella>
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Member bio information:

For those of you who "need to update your Club Express account" before getting a new key fob, be aware that any "visible" information you put in your profile is visible to EVERYONE, not just members with a login.

Like, that crazy frothy mouthed gun confiscationist neighbor, or some busybody school parent, or anyone else wanting to dox gun owners. (assuming they know MRA exists)

If you care about this, go change your settings. I changed mine to, "Do not list me in the directory"

It's absolutely baffling to me that the board allowed any of that information to be visible to non-members, and that the default visibility is anything other than "name and picture only"

As an example of how bad this is, I was able, when not logged in, (I used a different browser I only use for testing stuff) to see name, phone, numbers, email, home address, and photo of a random name I guessed.

Given the recent state data breech of all the FA10 records, this is really... careless? Sloppy? Inexcusable?

If anyone on the MRA BoD is reading this, please make all of this information for all users completely invisible to anyone not logged into the website. There has to be a setting for this.
Where were you able to see member profiles while not logged in? I don't see an option for that anywhere on their website
Where were you able to see member profiles while not logged in? I don't see an option for that anywhere on their website

Yes. I tried using a different browser that I only use for testing stuff like this, and was able to search for and see profiles without logging in.
Yes. I tried using a different browser that I only use for testing stuff like this, and was able to search for and see profiles without logging in.
Sorry, maybe you misunderstood and I could've phrased it differently. I wasn't asking "were you able", I was asking where/how you were able to view member profiles while not logged in. I don't see a link to a MRA member directory anywhere on their website.
Sorry, maybe you misunderstood and I could've phrased it differently. I wasn't asking "were you able", I was asking where/how you were able to view member profiles while not logged in. I don't see a link to a MRA member directory anywhere on their website.
Copy the link to a different browser.

All the “security” is in the URL. Just guess a userID and you have access.

I’m not going to post a URL here, for obvious reasons.
Copy the link to a different browser.

All the “security” is in the URL. Just guess a userID and you have access.

I’m not going to post a URL here, for obvious reasons.
I’m just curious, did you think of maybe contacting the club as opposed to posting it here? You know like maybe protecting your fellow members instead of exposing us? I’m a long time member there and sure would have appreciated a heads up from the club instead of reading it here. Did you update your fob and account as they asked? I did and chose not to be in the directory. Did you know this before or after your last visit to the club, was the office open and if it was, did you report this to them?
A member contacted the admins to have them tweak some settings and asked me to test the way I did before.

The problem appears to be fixed, as I can no longer see any member directory information even when logged in.

This is good.
UPDATE: (same update as above in post 2026)

tl;dr: I'm pretty sure I was wrong.


I spent some quality time talking with Victor at the MRA office, after he spent even more quality time with ClubExpress.

He turned on the member directory feature again so I could try to show him what I did.

I couldn't.

This leads me to one of two possible conclusions:

1) There was some bug that was fixed behind the scenes at ClubExpress

2) It was user error. Or more accurately, bad QA technique on my part.

I was 100% sure I'd copy/pasted the URL into a different browser (not just browser window) that does not have any stored website credentials, and was able to see stuff I shouldn't have been able to see.

But attempting to do that today, perhaps with sufficient care, I was unable to do that. I got all the right errors at all the right times.

or put in a way only old people will get:

<Emily Litella>
</Emilie Litella>
UPDATE: (same update as above in post 2026)

tl;dr: I'm pretty sure I was wrong.


I spent some quality time talking with Victor at the MRA office, after he spent even more quality time with ClubExpress.

He turned on the member directory feature again so I could try to show him what I did.

I couldn't.

This leads me to one of two possible conclusions:

1) There was some bug that was fixed behind the scenes at ClubExpress

2) It was user error. Or more accurately, bad QA technique on my part.

I was 100% sure I'd copy/pasted the URL into a different browser (not just browser window) that does not have any stored website credentials, and was able to see stuff I shouldn't have been able to see.

But attempting to do that today, perhaps with sufficient care, I was unable to do that. I got all the right errors at all the right times.

or put in a way only old people will get:

<Emily Litella>
</Emilie Litella>

Either way, good to check and good to raise.
I need to vent. MRA has been updating their exterior, which is great.

… but, they keep closing their outdoor ranges to do so. Multiple times I’ve gotten all excited on a beautiful day with some time off of work and the kids are in school. Pack the car and head over, only to see that giant “outdoor ranges closed today” sign on the front door. It’s seriously disappointing.
I need to vent. MRA has been updating their exterior, which is great.

… but, they keep closing their outdoor ranges to do so. Multiple times I’ve gotten all excited on a beautiful day with some time off of work and the kids are in school. Pack the car and head over, only to see that giant “outdoor ranges closed today” sign on the front door. It’s seriously disappointing.
Long time MRA member here. I agree, I’m getting really frustrated at how long their outdoor ranges have been closed. I much prefer shooting outdoors. That being said, if you’re on any of their mailing lists, they have been extremely upfront with their range closures and have sent out multiple emails, messages, etc, outlining the specific dates for the closures.

They also said the purpose of the closures was for an “environmental project.” I’m guessing maybe they are removing the lead from the berms?
I need to vent. MRA has been updating their exterior, which is great.

… but, they keep closing their outdoor ranges to do so. Multiple times I’ve gotten all excited on a beautiful day with some time off of work and the kids are in school. Pack the car and head over, only to see that giant “outdoor ranges closed today” sign on the front door. It’s seriously disappointing.
If you haven’t already, sign up for their eBlast so you get these notices.

The latest one:
To all,

Environmental Project Schedule Dates

Ranges: Pope, Summa and Mclaughlin Ranges

Monday 10/23 - closed 12pm to end of day
Tuesday 10/24 - closed all day
Wednesday 10/25 - closed all day
Thursday 10/26 - closed all day
Friday 10/27 - closed all day
Saturday 10/28 - Open
Sunday 10/29 - Open

Monday 10/30 - closed 12pm to end of day
Tuesday 10/31 - closed all day
Wednesday 11/1 - closed all day
Thursday 11/2 - closed all day
Friday 11/3 - closed all day
Saturday 11/4 - Open
Sunday 11/5 - Open

Thank You

Board of Directors
Long time MRA member here. I agree, I’m getting really frustrated at how long their outdoor ranges have been closed. I much prefer shooting outdoors. That being said, if you’re on any of their mailing lists, they have been extremely upfront with their range closures and have sent out multiple emails, messages, etc, outlining the specific dates for the closures.

They also said the purpose of the closures was for an “environmental project.” I’m guessing maybe they are removing the lead from the berms?

No. This is for the EPA. Blame WR Grace for dumping trichloroethylene (TCE) and perchloroethylene (PCE) into the Aberjona River.

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