Medivac, Gunship, and 'Grunt' humor in the 'Rice Bowl'


NES Member
Feb 25, 2016
Feminist Caliphate of Massachusetts.
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Me, talking to a salty, slightly 'smoked' combat medic last night .

'Ya know it was quite a rip standing outside on a Huey gunship skid backwards during a 140 knot dive while firing a freehand M-60. All the while putting my all my rounds within a yard or two of the 'red smoke' and the grunts in contact...' laughter

My buddy: 'We were carrying a wounded guy through the elephant grass on a stretcher and a medivac was inbound. Someone shouted for 'smoke' and the 'red' variety mistakenly got tossed.
"All four of us froze for a second, then dropped the stretcher and and ran like hell. No time to explain. Me: Damn the guy on the strecher musta been depressed....'gotta go gunships inbound'......more laughter

Me, 'what ever happened 'to leave no man behind' ? "Hell, we didn't sign up for the Marines'....
Me, talking to a salty, slightly 'smoked' combat medic last night .

'Ya know it was quite a rip standing outside on a Huey gunship skid backwards during a 140 knot dive while firing a freehand M-60. All the while putting my all my rounds within a yard or two of the 'red smoke' and the grunts in contact...' laughter

My buddy: 'We were carrying a wounded guy through the elephant grass on a stretcher and a medivac was inbound. Someone shouted for 'smoke' and the 'red' variety mistakenly got tossed.
"All four of us froze for a second, then dropped the stretcher and and ran like hell. No time to explain. Me: Damn the guy on the strecher musta been depressed....'gotta go gunships inbound'......more laughter

Me, 'what ever happened 'to leave no man behind' ? "Hell, we didn't sign up for the Marines'....

Whatta you mean. Army Col. Hall Moore left no man behind.
Hold on, Col. Moore's 19th century 1st Cav predecessor, General George Armstrong Custer left a few behind, including himself...sans his golden scalp.

The after action report: The gunship pilot spotted the morphine induced grin on the guy in the stretcher and broke off the attack. The wounded grunt safely made it to the medivac and the 3rd Field Hospital, I'm guessing. The four embarrassed stretcher bearers laughed it off, to themselves of course. War is hell but it can also be funny as hell....
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