Memorial Video from the 10th Mountain Division

May 11, 2006
North Central Massachusetts
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This is a tribute to the soldiers of the 2 BCT 10th MTN DIV who were KIA during their tour at Camp Victory, Bagdhad, Iraq. Several of the KIA were attached from battalions in the 256 BCT (Louisiana National Guard). The Song is "A Soldier's Heart" by R. Kelly

Nice tribute. What I will say is 10th MTN, and the Louisiana unit are with sons, which are attached to a CA unit.
A 10th Mnt soldier injured one of our guys who now has a years worth of rehab and skin grafts to go through. Since the idiot let a incindiary go in the humvee that one of our guys was driving. Nothing happened to the soldier, but lets just say the Engineers took care of things their way.
Also It needs a MAJOR KLEENEX Warning. Lynne before you click on the link have the tissues ready.
I really like that song. Is it out in CD by chance?
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