A sincere request was met with a sincere and honest reply as to why I no longer carry an NRA membership, and therefore can't vote for him, along with what needs to change for me to come back, and I'm a skinflint for that? For not "providing some insurance?" NRA's money went to Comm2a and FPC, if they want their $30 a year for a membership again, they have to earn it.
I heard the NRA was flipping the tab on Doug Hamlin's rent money. Not hotels or travel expenditure, rent money for primary address. Was half a million a year not enough to put a roof over his head? My bad, that was from 2023 when he was Executive Director of Publications. If he gets LaPierre's salary, 1.1 million a year. Can't wait to see the 990 for 2024 and what actually changed, because
@GOALJim delivered a hell of a pol nothing burger in his OP, but subtly asked people to renew to vote.
Pony up? Ray, how upset were you when you found our your last solid chance to give LaPierre money went away when he took his house in Virginia off the market?
Maybe he left some used underwear for you to sniff, let you keep the sensation of having your nose crammed squarely up his ass a while longer.
To be specific, in order go back to being an NRA member, I need to see...
1. More money going from the NRA-ILA to The NRA Foundation. The best way to protect the 2A is get more people interested in exercising their rights, and as a direct result, voting to keep our rights.
2. Start putting actual money and not drop-in-the-bucket dough into the NRA's School Shield program. Was a great program, projected to do at least 500k a year into it, barely has done half.
3. No more private jets. Period. No private jets companies, no buying private jets. 1.2 million a year buys A LOT of flights. Go fly <insert preferred airline>, and watch yourself get upgraded to first class 90% of the time for free. Or utilize the points/miles the company earned on plane tickets.
4. Include a copy of the 990 filing mailed out every year to every member household. Not an email, not a link in an e-newsletter, a paper copy of a 990 mailed to each and every member household so the people who vote for the current board can see, at least in general, where money is going. That would be a "bold move signaling the start of a new chapter, one rooted in accountability and responsiveness."