Message form Jim Wallace on the NRA Board Elections

There are plenty of other organizations that do good work AND you don’t have to be concerned about them lighting your money on fire.

I hope the NRA figures it out but I’ll be sitting it out in the meantime.
I would hope that you fully understand that the majority of 2A Keyboard Warriors do not belong, support or involve themselves in any 2A rights organization.
I would hope that you fully understand that the majority of 2A Keyboard Warriors do not belong, support or involve themselves in any 2A rights organization.

I’m not the one shaming others for how they choose to spend their money.
What standing do you think there is to challenge? Just about every lawsuit has been mooted by the GOV by kicking enforcement down the road.

Until something effects someone you can't challenge.
I'd settle for a website disseminating coherent information. I need an organization that does something other than ask for money. It's been 5 months and the GOAL website still does not have a legible explanation of what the CH135 AWB means.

"Because of the terminology used, it appears that the only guns grandfathered after the July 20, 2016 are the those that meet the new two feature test, such as the Tavor. So, because of the “lawfully possessed” and how that will be interpreted, it appears that there are now two different groups of guns that must be dealt with." GOAL WEBSITE (1/31/2025)

this is not a grammatically correct sentence in the English language. How can I rely on this???? And don't use the excuse that they have other more important things to do unless you can show what they are doing. They are the self proclaimed manager/coordinator of lawsuits and continue to use the excuse that they cannot challenge the entire law and need to coordinate lawsuits against the individual sections. They then file a duplicate lawsuit against training requirements hours after Comm2A filed their lawsuit. AND what happened with it????? They withdrew it when the AG deferred the training requirement to 2026 and asked them to withdraw the lawsuit. So basically they have voluntarily withdrawn the only lawsuit they filed at the request of the AG.

They now beat their chests proclaiming that "the July 2026 AG advisory notice has now been codified into law in CH135" and asking for more donations. Well even the slightest knowledge of the Constitution makes it clear the ex post facto laws are not allowed under Article 1. The moment that they had a legal basis for making this claim and asking me for more money should have been the moment that a lawsuit was filed.

BTW : My financial support goes (and has for quite some time) to SAF, Comm2A and just recently I added FPC to the mix mostly because I enjoy their Instagram posts telling Hochul to go f___ herself.
I'd settle for a website disseminating coherent information. I need an organization that does something other than ask for money. It's been 5 months and the GOAL website still does not have a legible explanation of what the CH135 AWB means.
If you've been following along, the law is so non-sensical literally nobody knows what it means. I know you think it's coherent or something- it is not.
A sincere request was met with a sincere and honest reply as to why I no longer carry an NRA membership, and therefore can't vote for him, along with what needs to change for me to come back, and I'm a skinflint for that? For not "providing some insurance?" NRA's money went to Comm2a and FPC, if they want their $30 a year for a membership again, they have to earn it.

I heard the NRA was flipping the tab on Doug Hamlin's rent money. Not hotels or travel expenditure, rent money for primary address. Was half a million a year not enough to put a roof over his head? My bad, that was from 2023 when he was Executive Director of Publications. If he gets LaPierre's salary, 1.1 million a year. Can't wait to see the 990 for 2024 and what actually changed, because @GOALJim delivered a hell of a pol nothing burger in his OP, but subtly asked people to renew to vote.

Pony up? Ray, how upset were you when you found our your last solid chance to give LaPierre money went away when he took his house in Virginia off the market?

Maybe he left some used underwear for you to sniff, let you keep the sensation of having your nose crammed squarely up his ass a while longer.

To be specific, in order go back to being an NRA member, I need to see...

1. More money going from the NRA-ILA to The NRA Foundation. The best way to protect the 2A is get more people interested in exercising their rights, and as a direct result, voting to keep our rights.
2. Start putting actual money and not drop-in-the-bucket dough into the NRA's School Shield program. Was a great program, projected to do at least 500k a year into it, barely has done half.
3. No more private jets. Period. No private jets companies, no buying private jets. 1.2 million a year buys A LOT of flights. Go fly <insert preferred airline>, and watch yourself get upgraded to first class 90% of the time for free. Or utilize the points/miles the company earned on plane tickets.
4. Include a copy of the 990 filing mailed out every year to every member household. Not an email, not a link in an e-newsletter, a paper copy of a 990 mailed to each and every member household so the people who vote for the current board can see, at least in general, where money is going. That would be a "bold move signaling the start of a new chapter, one rooted in accountability and responsiveness."

See that is exactly what skinflints do - make excuses. Yet you and everyone else have benefit from decades of their influence and legislative lobbying. Show me any group that has no waste in it - if you knew anything you would know that is how it works.

If you don't want join then you be you but don't stand on your soapbox like you are some holier than thou preaching. Weren't you the guy complaining about others who are stingy with their ammo at the range? If I knew it was you I would tell you to join rthe NRA and then you can shoot my guns.
A sincere request was met with a sincere and honest reply as to why I no longer carry an NRA membership, and therefore can't vote for him, along with what needs to change for me to come back, and I'm a skinflint for that? For not "providing some insurance?" NRA's money went to Comm2a and FPC, if they want their $30 a year for a membership again, they have to earn it.

I heard the NRA was flipping the tab on Doug Hamlin's rent money. Not hotels or travel expenditure, rent money for primary address. Was half a million a year not enough to put a roof over his head? My bad, that was from 2023 when he was Executive Director of Publications. If he gets LaPierre's salary, 1.1 million a year. Can't wait to see the 990 for 2024 and what actually changed, because @GOALJim delivered a hell of a pol nothing burger in his OP, but subtly asked people to renew to vote.

Pony up? Ray, how upset were you when you found our your last solid chance to give LaPierre money went away when he took his house in Virginia off the market?

Maybe he left some used underwear for you to sniff, let you keep the sensation of having your nose crammed squarely up his ass a while longer.

To be specific, in order go back to being an NRA member, I need to see...

1. More money going from the NRA-ILA to The NRA Foundation. The best way to protect the 2A is get more people interested in exercising their rights, and as a direct result, voting to keep our rights.
2. Start putting actual money and not drop-in-the-bucket dough into the NRA's School Shield program. Was a great program, projected to do at least 500k a year into it, barely has done half.
3. No more private jets. Period. No private jets companies, no buying private jets. 1.2 million a year buys A LOT of flights. Go fly <insert preferred airline>, and watch yourself get upgraded to first class 90% of the time for free. Or utilize the points/miles the company earned on plane tickets.
4. Include a copy of the 990 filing mailed out every year to every member household. Not an email, not a link in an e-newsletter, a paper copy of a 990 mailed to each and every member household so the people who vote for the current board can see, at least in general, where money is going. That would be a "bold move signaling the start of a new chapter, one rooted in accountability and responsiveness."

See that is exactly what skinflints do - make excuses. Yet you and everyone else have benefit from decades of their influence and legislative lobbying. Show me any group that has no waste in it - if you knew anything you would know that is how it works.

If you don't want join then you be you but don't stand on your soapbox like you are some holier than thou preaching. Weren't you the guy complaining about others who are stingy with their ammo at the range? If I knew it was you I would tell you to join rthe NRA and then you can shoot my guns.

Those are all very reasonable requests. The only point I disagree with is that I would be perfectly fine if I received an email 990 not paper but other than that those are mild reforms to get NRA going in the right direction. I highlighted 3 in red because that is most important.

I have said for years, way to many people (who probably couldn't hold a private sector job) make far to much $$$ on gun poltics.

I dont consider @Agnotology a skin flint. He sounds wise to me.
But then again you do run with the Letitia James crowd.
So you don’t have a problem with excessive salalries and private jets paid for with donated $$$ ?

For 2023, excluding wayne, 2 staffers were paid over $500,000, 3 over $400,000, and 4 over $300,000. The NRA is a non profit, not a for profit business.

See:2023 IRS Form 990
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Mitch McConnell shut off donations to anyone who ran with Trump and MAGA

G O A donated $2500 to Ted Cruz to help him hang onto his seat.

NRA donated close to $400,000 to help Ted Cruz to hang onto his seat.

Don't take this personal but I am done with feckless NRA bashing.
See that is exactly what skinflints do - make excuses. Yet you and everyone else have benefit from decades of their influence and legislative lobbying. Show me any group that has no waste in it - if you knew anything you would know that is how it works.

If you don't want join then you be you but don't stand on your soapbox like you are some holier than thou preaching. Weren't you the guy complaining about others who are stingy with their ammo at the range? If I knew it was you I would tell you to join rthe NRA and then you can shoot my guns.
This site is insane sometimes. Not wanting to give money to the NRA or GOAL is skinflinting? Really? NRA wich abandoned Mass many many years ago and the goal which hasn’t done a god damn thing for us here. How many months has chapter 135 been in place. And no real action from anyone. They sued on the 18-21 year old thing, when a strongly worded letter would have worked. They waste money. NRA-GOAL-COMM2a- ALL A FRACKIN JOKE. I’m with the other guys. Until they change something’s about thier organization and actually file some lawsuits. They will never get another dime here either. We need some results in this state or just Efff off
FPC and GOA get my money now.
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Mitch McConnell shut off donations to anyone who ran with Trump and MAGA

G O A donated $2500 to Ted Cruz to help him hang onto his seat.

NRA donated close to $400,000 to help Ted Cruz to hang onto his seat.

Don't take this personal but I am done with feckless NRA bashing.
How about stop paying off politicians and start fighting for our 2a again
Been an NRA life member for quite some time. Not really sure what they have done for Massachusetts gun owners but I guess I will continue to donate to them
Mitch McConnell shut off donations to anyone who ran with Trump and MAGA

G O A donated $2500 to Ted Cruz to help him hang onto his seat.

NRA donated close to $400,000 to help Ted Cruz to hang onto his seat.

Don't take this personal but I am done with feckless NRA bashing.
How about stop paying off politicians and start fighting for our 2a again

And I would ask how much did Cruz pay to all those Washington consultants? How much did he skim off campaign $$ to fly first class from DC to Texas. These over priced consultants are a big part of the problem.

The angst is over ignorance on how the system really works.

Like I tell liberals all the time- how you think the world should work isn't really how it works.

It’ll work if gun owners close their wallets and only donate after true results. Incentivize these orgs and politicians to do the right thing.
This site is insane sometimes. Not wanting to give money to the NRA or GOAL is skinflinting? Really? NRA wich abandoned Mass many many years ago and the goal which hasn’t done a god damn thing for us here. How many months has chapter 135 been in place. And no real action from anyone. They sued on the 18-21 year old thing, when a strongly worded letter would have worked. They waste money. NRA-GOAL-COMM2a- ALL A FRACKIN JOKE. I’m with the other guys. Until they change something’s about thier organization and actually file some lawsuits. They will never get another dime here either. We need some results in this state or just Efff off
FPC and GOA get my money now.

Tell us are you one one those guys from the threads 6-12 months back saying "not a nickel until Wayne is gone! NRA called and asked me for money and I say no way not until Wayne is gone!"

Wayne is gone now - so - where are you guys? Probably making another excuse to flint.
Tell us are you one one those guys from the threads 6-12 months back saying "not a nickel until Wayne is gone! NRA called and asked me for money and I say no way not until Wayne is gone!"

Wayne is gone now - so - where are you guys? Probably making another excuse to flint.
My not giving the NRA money had nothing to do with LaPierre.
It’s because they abandoned Massachusetts. Same as goal. Nothing has been done in this state. We have no help…no relief on anything.
I will donate to fhe NRA and goal when they actually file some real lawsuits against the crimes committed against the Massachusetts 2a community. Until I see legitimate action…they are dead to me. FPC AND GOA are actually doing real work around the country. We need an organization like one of those two in mass. Not these jokers.
Keep trying, suits and a house hardly was in the tens of millions.

Harry, the house consultation in Texas and a few suits were small. What I am talking about is board members getting paid 80k to 200k for single speeches, or "consulting" allowing them to collect a salary from the NRA without actually collecting a reportable salary. And there are 25 board members.

Go through that 990, or look at any of the anti-2A places that review the 990 if you don't want to doom scroll. Then check just their specific claims to make sure they aren't doing the left lying.
This is 100% in response to New York using Law-fare to sue the NRA as a charitable organization. They will do it again so the change has become necessary.

The only reason we know the NRA is as crooked as it is because of that NY suit. We thought they might have been up to some f***ery back in 2019, but that lawsuit confirmed it. Sucks to say, we owe Letitia James thanks.

I am not sure if I am correct, but it is my understanding that the suits brought against the NRA and its officers require the individuals of the cases to pay money back to the NRA. If this is the case, Letitia James may be the most pro-NRA person in government in the state of NY. This is also same woman who on the campaign trail called the NRA a domestic terrorism organization and vowed to destroy it. The irony is not lost on me, but the hypocrisy, while par for the left's course, is a bittersweet welcome. Normally I'd write anything she said off as leftist bullshit, but she has receipts, and they are the NRA's, along with legal filings under the pains and penalties of perjury. That goes a lot further than someone's $900 an hour lawyer talking out both sides of their mouth and their ass simultaneously. "He was a genius. He was a visionary." -P. Kent Correll, LaPierre's lawyer.

@granitestater Those salaries you saw are just the surface level waste. Woody Phillips (NRA Treasurer and CFO 1992-2018) secured a contract for his girlfriend's company HomeTelos that saw her company get paid 1.36 million dollars. And they gave him a 360k/ year no-show post-employment contract plus 42k a year for "office rent" aka a 650k house. What a golden parachute for a cockroach. The NRA flipped $13 million on private flights for JUST LaPierre between 2012 and 2019. Some totals say inner circle burned as much as $135 million. The NRA's total net income over those years was 2.569 billion. These are the easy to identify ones. I am sure there are plenty more.

Which brings me to the Amendment for Certification of Incorporation. What is the benefit for the NRA to do this? Shielding from future judgements when people embezzle money? Yeah, sounds like the NRA 2.0 is already on the right path. You want to the move the NRA to a more right-leaning state to... what exactly? Be able to not get your books questioned? Make sure the NDA's stick when someone whistle blows your company-paid vacation for your family to the Bahamas?
Tell us are you one one those guys from the threads 6-12 months back saying "not a nickel until Wayne is gone! NRA called and asked me for money and I say no way not until Wayne is gone!"

Wayne is gone now - so - where are you guys? Probably making another excuse to flint.
My standard was "not another dime until Wayne and all those who enabled him are gone".

Wayne's gone. The worst of his enablers (Cotton, and others) are still there.
If gun owners believe Letitia James law fare attack on the NRA in New York was on the up and up then may God help us........we are indeed in far more trouble than even I realized.
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