Message form Jim Wallace on the NRA Board Elections

The stupidity in this thread is shocking.

Are YOU going to DC to lobby Congress? Are YOU going to meet with legislative aids, testify at committee hearings? No? Then STFU and stop being so cheap.
The stupidity in this thread is shocking.

Are YOU going to DC to lobby Congress? Are YOU going to meet with legislative aids, testify at committee hearings? No? Then STFU and stop being so cheap.
You sound like the Biden administration. Keep throwing money at something that doesn’t work. Hasn’t for years. That’s stupid. Actually the definition of insanity. Keep doing the same thing and expect different results.
While FPC and GOA are doing all the work around the country. Maybe wit a little help from the SAF.
Not goal or nra. That’s for sure.
James Wallace - GOAL Executive Director

Al Hammond
Todd Ellis
Charlie Hiltunen
Jim Porter

Got my magazine last night in the mail, thanks for the list.


I'm a Life Member, so I'm voting. Just to be clear, Jim is requesting that we vote for these four, plus himself? I know some voted for Jim only. Which is better?

Also, anyone have thoughts about the proposed amendment?
The stupidity in this thread is shocking.

Are YOU going to DC to lobby Congress? Are YOU going to meet with legislative aids, testify at committee hearings? No? Then STFU and stop being so cheap.
For a million dollars a year I will suck dick for the NRA. Send me there. I'll do 90 hour work weeks so long as the Listerine is covered by the NRA. Finally make the lack of teeth work to my advantage. Shit, for 500k a year I'll even live in that cesspool, since the NRA is going to pay for my "office" aka domicile in additon to my salary and let me write off big lunch and dinner bills as business meetings. So long as they have a Cheesecake Factory I'll be available 24/7.

Jokes aside, your heel-digging is shocking. Are you from a background or area where palm greasing is the norm and the only way to get things done? Where getting caught with your hands in the kitty is just an "oopsie"?
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If gun owners believe Letitia James law fare attack on the NRA in New York was on the up and up then may God help us........we are indeed in far more trouble than even I realized.

Again, the "lawfare attack" was against individuals. Best I can tell, the judgments require the individuals to pay money back to the NRA. Are you just being obtuse because in a round-about way a Democrat who is very anti-gun ended up helping the NRA? If a Republican shone the light that exposed the dirty secrets, would you be championing them instead?
For a million dollars a year I will suck dick for the NRA. Send me there. I'll do 90 hour work weeks so long as the Listerine is covered by the NRA. Finally make the lack of teeth work to my advantage. Shit, for 500k a year I'll even live in that cesspool, since the NRA is going to pay for my "office" aka domicile in additon to my salary and let me write off big lunch and dinner bills as business meetings. So long as they have a Cheesecake Factory I'll be available 24/7.

Jokes aside, your heel-digging is shocking. Are you from a background or area where palm greasing is the norm and the only way to get things done? Where getting caught with your hands in the kitty is just an "oopsie"?

Just go away. You are part of the problem. And cheap.
Just go away. You are part of the problem. And cheap.
No, I'd say I'm part of the solution. You are the one trusting blindly, even when there is verifiable proof that trust is not warranted. Imagine how many more lawsuits, training, youth programs could have been bankrolled with another 200 to 400 million in the last 20 years. The problem is the people who enabled that behavior, and still currently reward it. Like you are suggesting to do.

I won't tell you to go away though. You can keep giving away money as you see fit, as will I.
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Again, the "lawfare attack" was against individuals. Best I can tell, the judgments require the individuals to pay money back to the NRA. Are you just being obtuse because in a round-about way a Democrat who is very anti-gun ended up helping the NRA? If a Republican shone the light that exposed the dirty secrets, would you be championing them instead?
I would encourage a vote for Carles Rowe, too. He would be one of the few (probably the ONLY) actual competitor in that slate of candidates.
The NRA has totally dropped the ball on their founding principle: foster marksmanship in the civilian population.
The National Rifle Championships have been a joke for quite a few years now. That's fine, if the NRA wants to focus 100% on legislative issues: hand over all the trophies to the CMP. They are doing a much better job at marksmanship training, anyways.
I would encourage a vote for Carles Rowe, too. He would be one of the few (probably the ONLY) actual competitor in that slate of candidates.
The NRA has totally dropped the ball on their founding principle: foster marksmanship in the civilian population.
The National Rifle Championships have been a joke for quite a few years now. That's fine, if the NRA wants to focus 100% on legislative issues: hand over all the trophies to the CMP. They are doing a much better job at marksmanship training, anyways.
After 1968 the NRA became painfully aware that Leftist Politicians became threat number 1 and from that 1968 dust up NRA-ILA was conceived and launched in the early seventies. Even back then Politicians showed their hand regarding the 2A and the NRA knew gun safety and marksmanship meant nothing if you didn't have firearms.
After reading yesterday that the Letitia James and the New York led attack on the NRA was on the up and up the pain in my head was unaffected by 4 tabs of Aleve. This morning it's much better thank you, but as they say.......the day is young..........
After 1968 the NRA became painfully aware that Leftist Politicians became threat number 1 and from that 1968 dust up NRA-ILA was conceived and launched in the early seventies. Even back then Politicians showed their hand regarding the 2A and the NRA knew gun safety and marksmanship meant nothing if you didn't have firearms.
Agreed. The NRA needs to concentrate on 2A issues ONLY, in my opinion. Leave the competition and marksmanship training to organizations that have been doing it better for many years now.
I'm a Life Member, so I'm voting. Just to be clear, Jim is requesting that we vote for these four, plus himself? I know some voted for Jim only. Which is better?

Also, anyone have thoughts about the proposed amendment?
The proposed bylaw amendment is a YES. It is an essential part of the fixing that needs to be done. The NRA was incorrectly registered as a "charitable" organization. When the New York nonprofit laws changed, the NRA should have corrected its designation. This is also, in part, gave the NY AG a lot of authority over "charitable" organizations.
After 1968 the NRA became painfully aware that Leftist Politicians became threat number 1 and from that 1968 dust up NRA-ILA was conceived and launched in the early seventies. Even back then Politicians showed their hand regarding the 2A and the NRA knew gun safety and marksmanship meant nothing if you didn't have firearms.
I think it even moved up past rust.

With Wayne LaPierre’s departure, the National Rifle Association (NRA) must now confront the failings of its current Board of Directors. Once a powerhouse in American politics and gun rights advocacy, the NRA has seen its trajectory marred by legal battles, financial mismanagement, and diminished influence, highlighting significant governance and leadership failures.
[horse]LaPierre has been gone now over a year. Ammoland has ~35K subscribers and if Ammoland stop writing anti-NRA stories, they would lose the ~35K subscribers who suffer from NRADS.

Ammoland has no lobby in Washington, makes no real political donations to anybody.
[horse]LaPierre has been gone now over a year. Ammoland has ~35K subscribers and if Ammoland stop writing anti-NRA stories, they would lose the ~35K subscribers who suffer from NRADS.

Ammoland has no lobby in Washington, makes no real political donations to anybody.

Not making any comments for or against, just putting it out there for information/discussion.
Not making any comments for or against, just putting it out there for information/discussion.
We have huge trouble in this country, huge trouble in MA. We don't have the time, energy, resources, to continue to obsess over LaPierre or bump stocks.

What was was, what is, is.
We have huge trouble in this country, huge trouble in MA. We don't have the time, energy, resources, to continue to obsess over LaPierre or bump stocks.

What was was, what is, is.

Well, as soon as you quit over-reacting...
@GOALJim was the only person I voted for. I don't know enough about anyone else and their bio's only tell of how great and perfect they are. Anyone who has been affiliated with the org for more than 5-10 years should be prevented from running.
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