troops and cops do it almost routinely.. Kleck says that it happens at least a milllion times per year, and he meant civilians. Take a look at how many guys get shot by a civilian while the former are committing a crime.
The number is like 10,000 per year. That's 1 % of a million, guys.
It's quite rare to have to fire at all, and lots more rare to need a hit, much less repeated good hits, with powerful loads. And it's a HELLUVA good thing, too, since so few are able to deliver the latter, under realistic conditions.
I do agree that it's great if you can deliver the latter, but it takes far more work/ability/interest than 99% of gunowners are ever going to commit to it.

It's quite rare to have to fire at all, and lots more rare to need a hit, much less repeated good hits, with powerful loads. And it's a HELLUVA good thing, too, since so few are able to deliver the latter, under realistic conditions.
I do agree that it's great if you can deliver the latter, but it takes far more work/ability/interest than 99% of gunowners are ever going to commit to it.
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