So a friend of mine got a chance to shoot one of these at his uncles in Virginia. It is a basic Mini 14 ranch rifle with a 16" barrel rather than 18" and a flash hider. Apparently it was fun to shoot and very accurate (for a Mini 14, I guess). Well, he wants one and did some research and finds out they sell it with a 5 round mag. Then he looked thru the gun laws and finds that it would only have 1 evil feature (flash hider) so it should be MA compliant. I tag along to a gun shop with him and they don't have one, they did have a standard ranch rifle but he didn't want that. He asks if they will order one and the sales guy says they are not compliant due to the flash hider and it being semi automatic.
While my first reaction was these aren't MA compliant, after doing a search here and the info he got it does seem they should be. Has anyone seen these in MA or have any info they can offer?
Note: I did explain to this guy that preban mags are VERY expensive and hard to find (especially ones that work). I also explained that he was very close to the price of an AR.....he wants this.....
EDIT: I called him and told him I posted this. At this point, he has called another gun shop and got the same response, not available in MA due to the flash hider. He also asked a LEO who was unsure,but didn't think it was compliant.
While my first reaction was these aren't MA compliant, after doing a search here and the info he got it does seem they should be. Has anyone seen these in MA or have any info they can offer?
Note: I did explain to this guy that preban mags are VERY expensive and hard to find (especially ones that work). I also explained that he was very close to the price of an AR.....he wants this.....
EDIT: I called him and told him I posted this. At this point, he has called another gun shop and got the same response, not available in MA due to the flash hider. He also asked a LEO who was unsure,but didn't think it was compliant.
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