Dad recently passed & I am inventorying and "Checking In" his stuff to my rather chunky spreadsheet. It has an index page w/the most likely to be needed info, and each SN is a clickable link to the page for that gun. The page has EVERYTHING I can find out about it, what dad had in his notes, links to SN lookups, videos, etc.
Me and dad always had the same taste in guns and women. Older stuff, esp milsurps, wheelguns, 1911s, etc.
As for the women part, he had requested "Fat Bottom Girls" to be played at his funeral. The funeral director commented that in all his time in the field he knew that was the first time it had been played at a funeral he directed, and expected it would be the last.
Anyway, one of these is a Winchester Model of 1917. I will be keeping this, and I *THINK* it's a CMP gun, but I can't find any markings on it to indicate that. CMP will do SN lookups and provide info for $20 each, so I'll likely be doing that as I can't find any paperwork on this, the H&R M1 Garand CMP "Special" in .308, or either of the 1903 A3s. In his notes he said it has a Criterion barrel, which also leads me to belive it's a CMP gun.
That said, if folks could take a look at it & let me know what I need to look at/up, a ballpark price (I'm keeping it, but want that for my spreadsheet), and the like, I would appreciate it
Me and dad always had the same taste in guns and women. Older stuff, esp milsurps, wheelguns, 1911s, etc.
As for the women part, he had requested "Fat Bottom Girls" to be played at his funeral. The funeral director commented that in all his time in the field he knew that was the first time it had been played at a funeral he directed, and expected it would be the last.
Anyway, one of these is a Winchester Model of 1917. I will be keeping this, and I *THINK* it's a CMP gun, but I can't find any markings on it to indicate that. CMP will do SN lookups and provide info for $20 each, so I'll likely be doing that as I can't find any paperwork on this, the H&R M1 Garand CMP "Special" in .308, or either of the 1903 A3s. In his notes he said it has a Criterion barrel, which also leads me to belive it's a CMP gun.
That said, if folks could take a look at it & let me know what I need to look at/up, a ballpark price (I'm keeping it, but want that for my spreadsheet), and the like, I would appreciate it

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