Monadnock PR-24 Question

That’s hard to say. Depends on the hitter and who you’re hittin. Best I could say is it’s pretty close to a pair of brass knuckles with its impact. Gotta be careful though you could easily crack their skull open if you go too hard.
That’s my “spare”, used to keep it in my car but not any more. Too many changes in the world, not worth it.

My original was prolly 4-5” smaller than that one and easier to hide in a sleeve or slip in our motorcycle boots like LowbuckBob stated.

Actually have a wicked funny story that includes a pretty cool motorcycle crash, me, and my SAP.

If there’s any interest I’ll type it up tonight and post it. That shit hurt but it was funny AF.
That’s my “spare”, used to keep it in my car but not any more. Too many changes in the world,

It's those "to many changes in the world" that would make me want to have one in my boot even more... [smile]

Oh, and "Yes please" on the story...


PS, If you ever want a new avatar (but why would you?) you should seriously consider this:

Some years ago; night time, cold, wet, about 8pm.

I was outside HQ’s after my dinner meal having a cigarette and saying goodnight to my young son on the phone.

Call comes over the radio and it’s one of my good friends, he yelling and running, “Foot pursuit!.....Armed Robbery...Gun....Fields Corner! Two running!!”

Immediately hang up with my son and wipe the cold rain off my motorcycle seat. Noting in my head the roads are going to suck on this thing tonight.

Lights and sirens towards Fields Corner in Dorchester from Roxbury, down Mass Ave doing about 50mph approaching Eddie Everett Square (large busy intersection).

Slow down to about 20mph approaching the intersection, cars are stopping for the lights and sirens, good.

Hit the throttle again, trying to pay attention to road conditions, traffic and listen for updates for my buddy’s location in the noise of the siren blaring, the big bikes motor, the wind noise in my ears and mind buzzing with adrenaline hoping he doesn’t get himself shot or hurt and we can get to him in time to help him with these suspects. Back up to about 40mph.

Almost thru the intersection when I see it. Some a**h*** in a low rider passed everybody on the right who had stopped for me and then he cut right across the road directly in my path.

With the cold rain I didn’t think an immediate brake and evade would work and one slip or one press just a hair too hard on the rear brake and wet road would throw the bike into a hard wiggle and buck me off anyway before it went down, and this guy was now stopped directly in my path after he finally saw why everybody else was stopped.

So that left two choices and about 2 more seconds to make one, t-bone him and break several bones or worse, or try to purposely lay the bike down in a slide and hopefully kick away from it. Both would be a first for me so f*** it, let’s see what happens.

I locked up the rear brake and caused the bike to start sliding, rear wheel now beside my right shoulder, laying it down hard on its side and gripping it as hard as I could with my legs, trying to slow it down and then kick away before impact.

Only with my adrenaline and things happening so fast I hadn’t let go of the handlebars yet as it was sliding, I’m trying to force myself to let go and kick away from the bike and my leg/leather boots caught the road and pulled out from under me, dragging me now legs behind me and still holding onto the handlebars. The bike then hit or caught on something in the road (manhole cover maybe) and flipped, immediately throwing me (whipping me up and over it) thru the air about 30ft, where I hit the ground and then rolled another 30-40 feet and was unconscious in the road.

Apparently there was an ambulance crew sitting at KFC right there having chow, facing the intersection and they watched the entire event unfold.

When I came to, I felt people shaking me, prodding me, pulling me, and I started fighting and swinging from the ground thinking it was some cockaroaches trying to steal my gun or something. I was out of it obviously, and it was the EMT’s trying to secure me and stabilize me. Once I realized that I stopped fighting and calmed down was grateful to see anybody friendly out there.

So now I’m backboarded in the ambulance, they’re taking vitals and my LT arrives and comes into the ambulance, he’s asking if I’m ok and kind of joking with me to keep me calm.

“Cool, cool, ya man I feel ok thanks Lou. How’s the bike? Wait. Stop! Do not cut my f***ing boots off! Please. I don’t care how much it hurts I need them for work.”

I’m strapped down and starting to feel the pain now. I’m reaching up and down my own body feeling for bones sticking out or obvious wet spots looking back at my hands for blood, just doing some self diagnosis.

Then I feel it. Right between my legs where my junk and my taint is, sticking out about 6 f***ing inches. I’ve been impaled by something and it’s literally sticking out of my ass!! “Ahhhhhhhhhj!!! Oh shit Lou (LT) WTF is that!!!??”

He panics with my yelling and is like “What cams?! Where?!” The EMT’s are now fully on me again looking for the object also to secure it and stop the bleeding if there is any.

Then I’m like, “ahhhhh shit (relief!) uhhh....never mind. I’m good. It’s just the handle of my SAP.”

Now we’re all laughing our asses off. I thought something had broken off the bike and impaled me when it hit. My SAP was in the back pocket of my motorcycle pants and when I was sliding on the road somehow it flipped itself upside down and the handle was now sticking down between my legs. Goddamn that was close. lol

My buddy also got other help on scene quickly and he was fine. 2 hrs in the ER and I walked out, a little banged up and bruised, another concussion to add to the list but otherwise fine. Couple beers down at Foleys with the guys and immediately home to sleep it off for the next couple days. Bunghole still intact.
You can't make this stuff up. We should subcontarct to a published writer and sell some stories.

I’m in. But I’m pretty sure these days we’d make more money if we were criminals selling our stories rather than a couple of crusty old cops. Nobody cares.
So you were/are a MotorCop Cams? I've probably worked on your bike... [wink]


Enbloc, Keeping Wings and Wheels up and Running for 32 years...
I was, long time ago. Did 10+ years in the unit with Lowbuckbob.


Do either of you remember the Big Guy that used to deliver/pickup the Units to the Dealership for repairs/recalls and such?
I think they called him "Big Mike" or maybe "Big Bob". Used to carry around a pocket full of hard candies...

Do either of you remember the Big Guy that used to deliver/pickup the Units to the Dealership for repairs/recalls and such?
I think they called him "Big Mike" or maybe "Big Bob". Used to carry around a pocket full of hard candies...

No, we had our own in-house fleet maintenance shops for all vehicles. I don’t believe any were sent out anywhere else unless directly back to the dealership.

ETA: Thinking back now (long time) the guy that always came to HQ to pick them up was named Mike. Nice guy too.
I’m in. But I’m pretty sure these days we’d make more money if we were criminals selling our stories rather than a couple of crusty old cops. Nobody cares.

You have to look at the series like Hill Street Blues, Blue Bloods, Chicago PD and all the other, "inside" cop shows. About 3 stories should make a couple hours in a series show when you embellish it a bit. I've got 14 chapters in my, "Fire Department" book and an outline that runs off the page.
No, we had our own in-house fleet maintenance shops for all vehicles. I don’t believe any were sent out anywhere else unless directly back to the dealership.

ETA: Thinking back now (long time) the guy that always came to HQ to pick them up was named Mike. Nice guy too.

Yeah, the fleet shops did all of the maintenance/repairs, but the dealership that I worked for handled a ton of the warranty and recalls (which were free to BPD.)
BPD, having the largest fleet of Motor Units, was easily 5% of our work.

Big Mike was a good guy. He always picked up/delivered Units on the little crank down trailer. I think he passed 10 or 12 years ago. He used to bring me those nice
blue BPD Shield tee shirts. I still got one somewhere.

Tony Shuris on Dorchester Ave. used to do maintenance before they moved it in house. He used to stay in his shop until about 2:00am every day which was convenient because the night guys could swing by if they had any problems. Shuris also maintained the MDC bikes and MSP bikes (before the merge). We also used the BPD facility at Park and Adams Sts. in Dot. The guy who ran it was Bill Drago. He tried opening a custom Harley shop in Hyde Park but failed after a few years. This was before Cams came on board.
Yeah Bob, lot of great History (and stories) from the guys of the Wings and Wheels patch-holders. Much respect from this grease monkey...

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