More tips for the Sept. 24th IDPA Match at Riverside


Shooting at the big range in heaven
NES Member
Jul 30, 2005
Metrowest, MA & Points South and West
Feedback: 9 / 0 / 0
For all those defensive pistoleros planning to attend the Sept. 24th IDPA Match at Riverside Gun Club, you might want to practice some of the following skills:

Shooting in low light using only a tactical flashlight for illumination

Shooting a pistol at long distance


Riflery, iron sights

Identification, friend or foe.
And no Mel Gibson-style drop-and-roll-while-shooting???

How... ordinary.

Alas, due to other conflicts, I can't be there, Darius. There's always next season. :(
The hints sound like this should be a lot of fun. Its gonna be my first real IDPA match since attending the Handgunner I class a few weeks ago. Can't wait.

Any chance people will be able to use their own shotgun and tactical lights? I just bought a new 18" barrelled Remington 870 last week at Four Seasons as a new house gun. Would be a great chance for some truly practical experience with it considering its intended use.

Again, really loooking forward to the event.


Any chance people will be able to use their own shotgun and tactical lights? I just bought a new 18" barrelled Remington 870 last week at Four Seasons as a new house gun. Would be a great chance for some truly practical experience with it considering its intended use.

Again, really loooking forward to the event.


Steve, sorry, but your nifty new 870 will have to remain at home, safe and secure.

We will provide everything needed, if indeed there is a shotgun stage. Very little has been decided at this point. Virtually everything is up in the air.

No sweat! Figured it wouldn't hurt to ask ;)

Whatever the day holds I am sure it is going to be great.

Cross-X said:
Now might be a good time to practice your long distance pistol shooting skills.


Without going too far off-topic, that brings to mind the fact that I really need to join a club, specifically, Riverside. I have nowhere to practice on a regular basis. I was really impressed with the place. The people I met that were associated with it were great, and I liked the family vibe that obviously is a big part of the club. Seeing that "family day" carnival in full swing when we were there was key. We have a little girl and would love to have a safe friendly place to bring her when the time is right to introduce her to firearms and archery. The whole property was beautiful and well kept. Obviously a place the membership takes pride in. Gotta get around to getting my membership app in.

I just formally joined Riverside earlier this month. I figured, since I have been shooting IDPA there for over a year, it was time to finally step up and join.

Great club, great folks. You can learn lots about almost all of the major shooting sports there.
Cross-X said:
I just formally joined Riverside earlier this month. I figured, since I have been shooting IDPA there for over a year, it was time to finally step up and join.

Great club, great folks. You can learn lots about almost all of the major shooting sports there.

Hey, welcome aboard, Darius!
dwarven1 said:
Cross-X said:
I just formally joined Riverside earlier this month. I figured, since I have been shooting IDPA there for over a year, it was time to finally step up and join.

Great club, great folks. You can learn lots about almost all of the major shooting sports there.

Hey, welcome aboard, Darius!

Ross, one of the best parts of joining Riverside is now I will get to spend more time with you. Won't that be fun? After all, we get along so well. It's not like we enjoy needling each other or anything like that. :D :D :D
Cross-X said:
Ross, one of the best parts of joining Riverside is now I will get to spend more time with you. Won't that be fun? After all, we get along so well. It's not like we enjoy needling each other or anything like that. :D :D :D

And the strange part (at least to a GFW) is that, since we both have guns, we haven't tried to kill each other... :) ah, will wonders never cease?

GFW - an abbreviation (coined by Kim du Toit, or at least used by him) for Gun Fearing Wussie.

dwarven1 said:
Cross-X said:
Ross, one of the best parts of joining Riverside is now I will get to spend more time with you. Won't that be fun? After all, we get along so well. It's not like we enjoy needling each other or anything like that. :D :D :D

And the strange part (at least to a GFW) is that, since we both have guns, we haven't tried to kill each other... :) ah, will wonders never cease?

GFW - an abbreviation (coined by Kim du Toit, or at least used by him) for Gun Fearing Wussie.


Ross, you mean you have more than one gun? Horrors!
Cross-X said:
Ross, you mean you have more than one gun? Horrors!

Yeah... don't tell Senator Resor (my senator, damn it)... she'd wet herself that one of her constituants has such Evil Things.

dwarven1 said:
Nickle said:
15 more posts and he'll again be one up on you.

Heh, heh, heh... 14 more to go, Ell-Tee!


What is the next promotional milestone? Fourteen more and I get a toaster? I thought the next level was Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the road.
I have no comment there. Look at his join date and post count, then my join date and post date.

And besides, looking at yours, you're the same as Ross and I. We don't blather on, we've just got lots to share!
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