Mosin Nagant m44


NES Member
Oct 15, 2019
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Hello all. I was wondering if you guys could give me some insight on the condition of my bore on my Mosin Nagant m44. It is a Izhevsk from 1946. I can try to get better pics if need be. Just curious on opinions. Thank you.


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Hard to say from pics. If you have a bullet. Could you put it backwards down the barrel? Then we can see if its been counter bored.

Edit. Nevermind I zoomed. I see strong rifling

What are you concerned about?
I just picked up one a few weeks ago. They are really pretty awesome rifles. No problem ringing steel @ 200yards off hand with the bayonet extended. You put those sights on the target and the gun handles the rest. Wish I got into them when they were $75 a piece.
Thank you! I now want to get more hahah! I have noticed that when I looked inside the barrel it looked very nice. I figured the wear on the muzzle was common because of the bayonet. Just wanted to make sure. The fireballs are awesome. So cool. I havent had the chance to take it out to beyond 100 as thats how long the range i belong to is. Would love to though.
You can see rifling so thats good. The crown is not all that sharp but does not look "bad"
They are what they are.
If your getting 5 moa ish your doing well. If its hitting with in a few inches of aim your doing well.
The front sight can be drifted for windage and the front sight post changed for a better elevation.

I sold off my mosins because i dont see the need to keep them. Im a shooting collector. If I aint shooting it it aint collecting in my safe.
It took a lot of effort and load development to get my mosins shooting sub 5 moa.
When ammo was .10-12¢ round the fun blasting factor was high.
I sold off my mosins and what was left at offers i could not refuse . For what mosins fetch right now i would be looking at K31s and the Swedish mauser.
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