Mosin nagant recoil problem

Aug 11, 2011
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I have a problem with the recoil that my mosin nagant has, i hold it tight to my shoulder, but when i do that i hold it too tight to my shoulder, and that causes it to be uncomfortable to shoot, then I try to hold it less tight to my shoulder and i hold it too loose, wich causes it to be uncomfortable.
Does anyone have any tips?
Get bottles of motrin. Take up to 4 pills. It's the cure for mosin syndrome.

Sent from my broken iPhone.
Its a Mosin, no matter what you do it is going to recoil. Expect it. Buy motrin as above.

Remember to stand really close to the guy on the line that is shooting a 22 pistol, rifle or some other low recoil gun... He LIKES to flinch.
"Mom, I got a big boy's rifle and it kicks like a mule. What should I do?"
"Grow a pair and deal with it or sell it"

Sorry, couldn't help myself.
go through a whole 440 round tin.

once you are done you will have callused your shoulder so it won't hurt anymore. Either that or eat some protein and hit the gym and put some meat on your shoulders.

I do like the wool coat and fur hat idea, though.
Keep shooting it, you will develop a tolerance for recoil. You will even come to crave it and be disappointed when it doesn't manifest itself. This is why I took my AR-15 budget and bought another 45-70 instead.

If this doesn't work, hire an Estonian man servant to fire it for you.
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I miss the OP question. As for shooting tips, mosin buttstock should be snug on your shoulder, not too tight and not loose enough to slip away. Hold the rifle firm. When shooting, calm your mind and don't think about the recoil. Let your shoulder work with the recoil, not your mind.

Sent from my broken iPhone.
well, there are more than enough "don't be a pussy" comments so i don't need to add another one.... oops....
seriously though, if you're hurting yourself, you're doing it wrong... hold it in the pocket of your shoulder, not on your collar bone, or any other bones.... if that still doesn't work buy a box of maxi-pads (with or without wings) they conveniently stick right to your skin to stay in place...

ees good russian rifle, top quality, verry good for killing germans, and pumpkins and stuffed animals.....
You could reload your own with cast boolits, but really whats a mosin with out the WTF response from fireing it......I talked a new FID holder to purchase a mosin and a 440 tin of ammo. His firstshot with it was priceless. He turned pale white took a breath and started squeezin that trigger(he was used to his 10/22 fancy trigger) the delay was killing me. He finall got the shot off. He dam near fell of the stool and dropped the gun. His response, WTF. he weighs all but 145lbs. He complained of recoil for the first 50 or so rounds. Finally found the sweet spot and right firmness to hold now he complains very little.
I think the other posters are right. You have to find a sweet spot, but even then I'm sure you'll be a little sore/bruised the next day. That being said, the kick is the fun part.

I just ordered a rubber pad that screws onto the butt of the gun. I’m a very rangy 6’2 and the stock wasn’t quite long enough for me. My nose hurt more than my shoulder after shooting 50 rounds. Haha… I haven’t had a chance to try it out yet, but if it helps with the recoil I’ll let you know.
The first time I fired my Mosin the recoil was a bit of a surprise, but not uncomfortable. As Slowdive said, I've even come to enjoy it. That being said, if it's as uncomfortable as you say then you do need to find that "sweet spot".

No matter what you do the recoil will be substantial. If people start asking questions about the bruises, just tell them you started a fight club.
My response to the recoil of my very first shot fired from my first mosin (very recent BTW) went something like this...

"Ha haa haaaa...that was fu%&in' awesome!"

I did have a sore shoulder the next day but I can't wait to send some more down the pipe. [smile]
well, there are more than enough "don't be a pussy" comments so i don't need to add another one.... oops....
seriously though, if you're hurting yourself, you're doing it wrong... hold it in the pocket of your shoulder, not on your collar bone, or any other bones.... if that still doesn't work buy a box of maxi-pads (with or without wings) they conveniently stick right to your skin to stay in place...

ees good russian rifle, top quality, verry good for killing germans, and pumpkins and stuffed animals.....

you might want to be more specific when you say "stick to your skin" I'm gunna assume you want him to stick him to his shoulder, there's a mangina comment just screaming to be stuck in there
anyone that has issues can always hand the rifle off to their husband who should have no problems with it. recoil? nah. bolt difficult to operate? hell naw, it's smooth as glass, dear.

seriously though you can try standing, if you have the rifle in a bench rest position you will definitely feel more recoil. don't get some silly pad, don't get some silly jacket, just stand up and shoot--with the bayonet out. for the glory of the motherland. you think you have it bad with some recoil? imagine freezing to death in stalingrad with no food, no water, and being hunted by the nazis. [laugh]
The Mosin kick is no more than any other mil bolt gun. The problem is that the butt end of the stock is a lot thinner than say a Mauser and cuts into your shoulder more. I've been shooting Mosins and Mausers for 50 yrs and finally gave up on the Macho crap and bought a cheap slip on recoil pad. Cut it off about 2 inches long. It pops on like a slipper. I just slide it on whatever gun I'm firing. Don't leave it on your gun as it will ruin the finnish. It sure is nice to be able to hold my coffee cup the next morning.
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