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i have been calling around and cannot find a gunstop in NH that sells Mosin Nagants can anyone help me
I understand that Savage/Stevens made some Mosins back in the day along with some other American manufacturers. I'd love to have a Mosin that was made in the US just because. How rare are these and how does one tell?
I'm going to buy my first Mosin sometime in the next two weeks - not going to start with anything rare, just whatever North Shore has in stock - but I am curious about American Mosins.
ETA - never mind. Apparently I forgot about the existence of something called Google and I solved my problem in about three seconds.
Yes, I'm sure that a google search helped.
The American manufacturers were New England Westinghouse, and Remington Arms.
Collectable Arms and Ammo In Merrimack NH has quite a few in good condition... Good prices on both the Round and Hex receivers plus good deals on spam can ammo for the rifle....I picked up one last week.
Unlike other store in the area they didn't mind me spending time evaluating ther10+ rifles they had on the floor.
They were helpful... no presure to buy ... I learned a lot about the different models/vears. I'd check them out if your slill looking to buy one.
Huh. I was reading the Stevens wiki page and it says they produced a version of the Mosin for the Russian government during WWI, but I can't find anything else that elaborates. It's certainly possible that the wiki page is wrong, given that this particular passage doesn't have a cite. Is it possible Stevens was manufacturing under the name of either Remington or Westinghouse for these rifles? It appears that Stevens wasn't bought out by anybody until after WWI when Savage partnered with them, so if they were really manufacturing Mosins during WWI it was a when they were independently owned.
Anyone know anything about it?
So it sounds more like Stevens leased the factory to NEW to make rifles rather than Stevens actually contracting to make the rifles? Am I interpretting that page the same way everyone else is?
I've got money in hand to go buy my first Mosin and a ton of ammo to shoot it, but I can't get to the shop for another three days. I'm dying here.
Hang in there buddy. Just remember they tend to multiply. Enjoy they are a great shooting rifle. Before the gun buying madness started there was a sale on 7.62x54R. $73.99 for 440. I think that round may go up a little but should stay reasonable. Got to feed those Mosins!
Congrats on your purchase!
i have been calling around and cannot find a gunstop in NH that sells Mosin Nagants can anyone help me
+1 on that. I just ordered the last two hex Mosins at AIM store.Gonna get them on Thursday. That makes 4 for me, including the mint M38 that I got a couple days ago from a NES member.2013, number 5? When does it stop?
Folks, I'm hoping that someone can help me identify certain stock markings on my two Mosins.
First, the 91/30:
This page has listed a marking consisting of a rectangle with a single diagonal engraved into the stock. I have a similar mark that's drawn on, not engraved. I also have an engraving of a rectangle with two diagonals.
As you can see in the First picture, there is also a mark has the Russian letters ДП (DP). Not sure what those mean, as well as the circular mark underneath.
This next image has quite a few markings that I am unable to find information on:
Finally, my M38 has this mark:
The only thing that I can possibly think this might be, is a faded soviet symbol but that is quite a wild guess, as I can't really see the symbol there.
I've been trying to peruse guns.ru but getting nowhere so far. Any help would be appreciated.
Worth more as it is imo. Thats a safe queen.Just got back from a weekend stay at my army buddies house. He has Vietnam '68' take-home Mosin Nagant still unopened in original packing with tags and papers. I can verify it's/he's the real deal. I know it seems insane to be 'parking it' unopened for 47 years...but you have to know him...lol