Mosin Shoot Saturday

Mar 23, 2006
Live Free or Die !
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I'm meeting up with Nasmack on Saturday at noon to sight in Ivana (My M91/30) at Eric Manna Distributing (100 yd indoor/outdoor range) in New Ipswich, N.H.

Arrrgh ! Link keeps changing ! Just Google it !
Range fee is supposed to be $8.00 per hr. With a line like "The most politically incorrect gun shop in America" I've got to go. Nashmack just got himself a new toy and I'll let him tell you what it is.

Ok if you don't have a Mosin you're welcome anyway. [smile] I plan on staying an hour of two and If anyone still wants to shoot after that I just joined the Fitchburg Sportsman's Club and we can continue in Ashburnham at their range on Rt 119. (No fee there. [smile]. ) It's a bit primitive, another 100 yd range, some of the benches are falling apart & it's paper targets only there.

If you haven't had a chance to try one of these old soviet boomers I'll let you try mine. Any takers ?
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I'll also have my nice hicap WASR there as well, availible for anyone to try. If anyone wants to try em, I'll have Boris availible as well[smile]
Nashmack said:
Looks like this is shaping up to be a nice ComBloc shoot[smile] Anyone have something in 7.62x25 like a Tokarev or a CZ52? Maybe a Makarov?

**edit** Link posted by MrTwigg redirects you to Davidson's for some reason. You can find the location of EMD by going to This thred:

That was weird. It seemed to work ok when I did it. I just re-did it. Maybe it will stay there this time.

*teaser* Ivana has a sister now !
dreppucci007 said:
Oh boy, we've got another addict! [devil2]

I'd like to point out that I've been a firearms addict in general since I shot my first gun. That was an interesting experience too, it was an M4 carbine, andon the 28th round the bolt unlocked prematurely and I got a face full of burning powder due to the seperated case head. If it ever happens to you ya better watch out, that stuff's addicting!

Just to be sure, is someone else bringing a staple gun, or should I grab one on my way out there?
Nashmack said:
Just to be sure, is someone else bringing a staple gun, or should I grab one on my way out there?

Staple gun & duct tape are always in my range bag !

*Teaser* Ivana & her little sister will be in the Gun Gallerey shortly !
Tele Mark, I'll have my Smith. It's a real pussycat with .38 wadcutters. I gotta remember to bring a screwdriver so I can zero it again, those adjustable sights aren't known for keeping zero while riding around and getting kbnocked about in a holster.
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