Mossberg 500a oddity

Feb 23, 2008
Feedback: 23 / 0 / 0

I've been asking around and no answers yet. Mossberg gave me the # of an old Mossberg expert. Nothing concrete. Any Ideas?
Finish is a Single layer, inards are black adonized. No cover plate on the bottom. Wood finish is hard as a rock and believe it or not is not reflective. I took this pic after I came home from crow hunting on Sunday and cleaned her up.
A guy I work and hunt with has a 500 cammo'ed just like that. I can't remember if the stock is painted too or not. It was his dad's.
Whats so odd?

Its hard to tell from the picture but it looks like someone just spray painted it. Probably a Turkey hunter. They may have sanded or dulled the wood "testors dullcote" would do it. They may have had camo stocks on it and decided to keep them before selling and switched it back to wood.
Sounds about right to me. That's the 2nd most strange shotgun I've seen. No offense to who was trying to sell it but the 1st had to go to the Winchester with the wood forend with the foldable stock. If you grab the synthetic grips for the 500 it'd look great.

Its hard to tell from the picture but it looks like someone just spray painted it. Probably a Turkey hunter. They may have sanded or dulled the wood "testors dullcote" would do it. They may have had camo stocks on it and decided to keep them before selling and switched it back to wood.
Sounds about right to me. That's the 2nd most strange shotgun I've seen. No offense to who was trying to sell it but the 1st had to go to the Winchester with the wood forend with the foldable stock. If you grab the synthetic grips for the 500 it'd look great.

No one is trying to sell it, I've hunted w/ it for 20+ years. As I stated, it is a single layer finish on the metel. No plastic for this 'ole boy, I have a Charles Daily w/ plastic and it sits in my car like a bad dog when I go hunting. The Camo is actually very effective. I love this ugly bitch, just looking for info.
OK, I checked with my buddy at work. His father bought the shotgun new and it came cammo'ed. The wood is the same as yours, not painted and the same hard finish. He can't remember where his dad bought it and dad has died. He's going to get me the serial so we can how close it is to yours. He's also going to look for any other markings.

Have you posted your question over at in the Mossberg section?
OK, I checked with my buddy at work. His father bought the shotgun new and it came cammo'ed. The wood is the same as yours, not painted and the same hard finish. He can't remember where his dad bought it and dad has died. He's going to get me the serial so we can how close it is to yours. He's also going to look for any other markings.

Have you posted your question over at in the Mossberg section?

I posted on a couple forums, Not Thanks for READING! Yes I was yelling. Can't some folks read before responding? Mine is a J series, I know the manufacture date. I've never seen another one like it. The Black adonized inards are very odd. Great gun! Please, no more plastic, painted comments. It is Ugly and a great gun, ain't changing. I paid $75.00 for it used 20+ years ago. I could beat a bear with it and rinse the blood off. The wood is an "eyed" Maple. It is so well balenced and comes to shoulder/eye real nice. It is so easy on the shoulder, even w/ 3" mags and a 30 year old pad.
Ya, my buddy loves his not only because it was his dad's but it's a nice shooter and he likes the look of it. So do I. If he didn't like it so much I'd buy it off him.
I was thinking that maybe it was one of those special order deals like for Lew Horton's, WalMart, KMart or Woolworths.
As soon as he gets me the serial, I'll pass it on to you.
I'll be watching for your post at shotgun world.
Found another. It is 8 years older than mine, still a 1970's vintage. Wally world did not exist. He also received it as a hand me down. The plot thickens. He also would not sell. Gee something is going on here!
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