Mossberg "590 Shockwave": factory-made 14" barrel non-NFA 12GA firearm

there seemed to be an opinion that even though it came from the manufacturer with that 14" barrel you could not NFA paper it to a SBS. Not sure the argument made sense to be, but it seemed to be consensus among those who are normally correct about MA law.

I don't know anything about Mass law but I'm confident that gun would be more fun as an SBS. Watching the videos of it being fired with that little grip causes me pain.
I'm 10 days into my wait for an eForm 1 Tac 13 SBS. First time I have done a shotty and I'm pretty excited.

Have used it on a cowboy action stage, not for a competition, just using the range off hours. Every bit as fun as a coach gun and you have all four rounds for the stage.
I would theorize that a person could purchase a Brand New Mossberg 590 Stripped Receiver that had never been assembled into anything. Then transfer that Receiver to into Mass through any FFL, and then assemble yourself a shockwave with easy purchasable parts, then FA-10 it as a pistol.
In Theory

In Theory you could also use this method and instead of building a shockwave, form 1 a Short Barreled Shotgun with said stripped receiver.

In Theory.
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Anybody know how this fits into Massachusetts law? IIRC, MA state law bans shotguns modified to have short barrels, while this comes that way from the factory.

I can see them being popular in New Hampshire, especially if the "loaded shotgun in a vehicle" rules are cleaned up this legislative session.

This falls through the NFA categories into the class known as "Firearm" instead of "Shotgun":
  • Never had a shoulder stock
  • Not capable of being concealed on the person, OAL is +26"
There's a good explanation on the Shockwave website, they have 4 separate BATFE letters to Len Savage.
I live in Massachusetts, if you purchase this here it comes with an 18.5" barrel making the overall length +26".
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