Mossberg MMR

Apr 20, 2011
Upstate NY
Feedback: 49 / 0 / 0
I just picked up a copy of G&A and read the article on the new Mossberg AR-15 entries. I am looking to pick up something along these lines this fall. What do you folks think of these? How soon do you suppose they will make it to the local shelves? What does an $885 MSRP translate to in actual sales price? Would you consider these to be overpriced for what you get?
It'll probably be less s**tty than something from olympic arms, but that's not saying much.

mossberg = FAIL

I'd bet you all a drink that you are wrong.

I've owned Mossberg shotguns. I've had relatives that worked at Mossberg. They make good stuff that works as advertised and doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

There is no mystery to building a reliable AR. Its all laid out in the Army assembly manuals. If you buy mil spec parts and assemble them per the manual, you will have a reliable AR.

Mossberg's well earned reputation for reliability suggests to me that they will build up decent "parts guns".

But I still wouldn't buy one. Not when I can get a M&P for $600 or a Ruger piston gun (if thats your thing) for $999.
But I'd still bet you its a decent gun. (lets not get all worked up about staked castle nuts and MPI bolts.)

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