Most charges dropped in Manchester gun case

Either this guy is a raving loon and is being held to 'protect the public' (doubt it), or he has the world's worst lawyer and his constitutional rights are being violated big time!

Scratch Atty Rebecca Whitehall off your list of potential people to call if you ever get in a jam.
Derek nailed it, IMO.

He's still being held w/o bail to leverage him into a plea deal on the remaining charges. Blackmail.
lets all email Chief McKiel and let him know that we don't appreciate the way his department is stomping all over the rights of a law abiding citizen.

[email protected]

Edit. Just sent this to him.

Hi Chief McKiel,

I have been following the Greg Girard case with great interest since day 1 and wanted to voice my displeasure in the way he has been treated.

To date there has been no proof that he has broken a law and he has been in jail since February 9th.

I read today that he will now remain in jail until at least April 1st, despite the fact that the DA dropped charges on him, I also notice that she was trying to re-write the law as it suits her in regards to the indoor range. Also, in regards to that, if his wife was an LTC owner, why is she not in jail as well? Do you have proof that she didn’t use it?

Meanwhile the State Police continue desperately to find something that they can pin on him.

By my count your department has violated at least 3 of his guaranteed civil rights. He was found guilty with no presumption of innocence, had no due process before he was locked up, and was stripped of his First and Second Amendment Rights.

I understand that based on the things he allegedly said that at the least you should have had a talk with him, maybe gone over to his house for a visit, and talk to him, but have a SWAT team kick down his door, then lock him up for at least 2 months? Only in Massachusetts.

I hope to read that you will rectify this situation, or at least show proof that he has done something to deserve the punishment served to date.

Mike Sweeney
GOAL Communications Manager
Gun Owners Action League
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As far as 95% of the folks that heard of this in the begnning know, a looney with illegal bombs and guns is off the street, and everyone is safe.....[rolleyes]

Thus allowing the PD to wrap itself in the glory of protecting the common weal by getting those deadly weapons "off the street" - ignoring the fact that they were never "on the street" to begin with.
lets all email Chief McKiel and let him know that we don't appreciate the way his department is stomping all over the rights of a law abiding citizen.

[email protected]

While I appreciate the sentiment, something tells me that any email sent can be used against us. Remember, this very forum was used against a LTC applicant and perceived lack of maturity = unsuitable.

I wonder what happened to jcohen's client, now that I think of it.
While I appreciate the sentiment, something tells me that any email sent can be used against us. Remember, this very forum was used against a LTC applicant and perceived lack of maturity = unsuitable.

I wonder what happened to jcohen's client, now that I think of it.

that kind of thinking only enables them.
A couple questions for someone who might have more than speculation...

What is the purpose of the hearing that is scheduled for April 1?

I'm assuming that they sent him for a 72hr psyche evaluation (if it was possible), and either he "passed" or was so obviously within the range of normal that they didn't even have grounds to send him. If anything other than this (e.g. he has been committed) wouldn't the article have mentioned it?

He has not had a psyche eval, nor has he been to a mental hospital.

The delay is in hopes that the State Police can make the "silencer" charge stick.
Mike S. said:
She put the 209A on him the day she filed for the divorce.
Does anyone know the order of events?

Were they separated before the arrest?

Were the 209A and divorce filings after the arrest? Same day? That week?
Wow, I always learn new things here. So, it looks like even the indoor range charge is bogus. (I never would have guessed it, which is one reason I don't fire rounds in my own house.) Odds are, the "silencer" isn't one. I think that leaves zero non-bogus charges left.
Wow, I always learn new things here. So, it looks like even the indoor range charge is bogus. (I never would have guessed it, which is one reason I don't fire rounds in my own house.) Odds are, the "silencer" isn't one. I think that leaves zero non-bogus charges left.

Yes, that only leaves one charge left.... "Contempt of Libtard" or something to that effect.

Chapter 269: Section 12E. Discharge of a firearm within 500 feet of a dwelling or other building in use; exceptions

Section 12E. Whoever discharges a firearm as defined in section one hundred and twenty-one of chapter one hundred and forty, a rifle or shotgun within five hundred feet of a dwelling or other building in use, except with the consent of the owner or legal occupant thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars or by imprisonment in a jail or house of correction for not more than three months, or both. The provisions of this section shall not apply to (a) the lawful defense of life and property; (b) any law enforcement officer acting in the discharge of his duties; (c) persons using underground or indoor target or test ranges with the consent of the owner or legal occupant thereof; (d) persons using outdoor skeet, trap, target or test ranges with the consent of the owner or legal occupant of the land on which the range is established; (e) persons using shooting galleries, licensed and defined under the provisions of section fifty-six A of chapter one hundred and forty; and (f) the discharge of blank cartridges for theatrical, athletic, ceremonial, firing squad, or other purposes in accordance with section thirty-nine of chapter one hundred and forty-eight.
lets all email Chief McKiel and let him know that we don't appreciate the way his department is stomping all over the rights of a law abiding citizen.

[email protected]

Edit. Just sent this to him.

Hi Chief McKiel,

I have been following the Greg Girard case with great interest since day 1 and wanted to voice my displeasure in the way he has been treated.

To date there has been no proof that he has broken a law and he has been in jail since February 9th.

I read today that he will now remain in jail until at least April 1st, despite the fact that the DA dropped charges on him, I also notice that she was trying to re-write the law as it suits her in regards to the indoor range. Also, in regards to that, if his wife was an LTC owner, why is she not in jail as well? Do you have proof that she didn’t use it?

Meanwhile the State Police continue desperately to find something that they can pin on him.

By my count your department has violated at least 3 of his guaranteed civil rights. He was found guilty with no presumption of innocence, had no due process before he was locked up, and was stripped of his First and Second Amendment Rights.

I understand that based on the things he allegedly said that at the least you should have had a talk with him, maybe gone over to his house for a visit, and talk to him, but have a SWAT team kick down his door, then lock him up for at least 2 months? Only in Massachusetts.

I hope to read that you will rectify this situation, or at least show proof that he has done something to deserve the punishment served to date.

Mike Sweeney
GOAL Communications Manager
Gun Owners Action League

This guy has been Nifonged already. It's criminal what has happened to him.

Oh, did you really open with "Hi Chief McKiel"?
The crime against Girard's rights and society has been done, the crime will be committed again against another person. When is society going to say, enough is enough and put the DA and the chief in tar and feathers!!
lets all email Chief McKiel and let him know that we don't appreciate the way his department is stomping all over the rights of a law abiding citizen.

[email protected]

Edit. Just sent this to him.

Hi Chief McKiel,

I have been following the Greg Girard case with great interest since day 1 and wanted to voice my displeasure in the way he has been treated.

To date there has been no proof that he has broken a law and he has been in jail since February 9th.

I read today that he will now remain in jail until at least April 1st, despite the fact that the DA dropped charges on him, I also notice that she was trying to re-write the law as it suits her in regards to the indoor range. Also, in regards to that, if his wife was an LTC owner, why is she not in jail as well? Do you have proof that she didn’t use it?

Meanwhile the State Police continue desperately to find something that they can pin on him.

By my count your department has violated at least 3 of his guaranteed civil rights. He was found guilty with no presumption of innocence, had no due process before he was locked up, and was stripped of his First and Second Amendment Rights.

I understand that based on the things he allegedly said that at the least you should have had a talk with him, maybe gone over to his house for a visit, and talk to him, but have a SWAT team kick down his door, then lock him up for at least 2 months? Only in Massachusetts.

I hope to read that you will rectify this situation, or at least show proof that he has done something to deserve the punishment served to date.

Mike Sweeney
GOAL Communications Manager
Gun Owners Action League

You're writing to the wrong address. the CoP doesn't make the final disposition of charges or handle bail, the DA and the judge do those things.

Since we don't have all the relevant facts over why the raid was executed, it's still unsure if the raid itself was bogus. Granted this is Mass so assuming the worst of the cops in this instance is probably not entirely wrong, but I'd send letters to the DA's office, not the CoP. The DA is the one who argued for bail denial.
Thanks Bill, I realize that. However, it was the Chiefs PD that initiated the mess, it was the Chief that is supposed to be the "local authority" that knows who he is licensing, and if the chief had handled it as I mentioned to him in the letter, it would have been much better for all involved.
I smell a lawsuit.

Perhaps one of the firearm specialist attorneys who frequent this site could offer some legal asistance "Pro Bono".

..A ground breaking high profile legal victory that benifits gun owner rights in MA., would be better promotion for ones practice than NES.
Perhaps one of the firearm specialist attorneys who frequent this site could offer some legal asistance "Pro Bono".

..A ground breaking high profile legal victory that benifits gun owner rights in MA., would be better promotion for ones practice than NES.

Yep, and a cause worth donating to.....
Channel 7 picked this up last night- the mentioned that all but 2 of the charges have been dropped, but they got the silencer and indoor range bit wrong, of course. They did mention he's been held without bail for 19 days, though.

ETA: Of course my wife's response, when they put up the clip of his collection of rifles says, "wow, look at that arsenal." I asked her if there was any legal limit to how many guns he could own. (she's an atty.) I then asked her how many of those rifles does she think he could fire at the same time? The answers of course, were none and one. She holds an LTC-A ALP, like me, and she still had this kneejerk reaction to a table full of old rifles.

It's a disease, I tell ya.....
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Was there a search warrant at the time of Girard's original arrest? If so, has the affadavit been FOIAed?

The other possibility for the search is that the estranged wife consented to it. But, if they were already separated, is it legal to consent to a place that she wasn't living in?
I smell a lawsuit.
He can sue all he wants. His LTC is gone forever. He will never get it back unless a judge ORDERS the Chief of Police in Manchester-By-The-Sea to return it to him if he is exonerated on all charges. This, we know, will never happen. No judge will override a chief's denial if the chief determines that the applicant is "not suitable".
He can sue all he wants. His LTC is gone forever. He will never get it back unless a judge ORDERS the Chief of Police in Manchester-By-The-Sea to return it to him if he is exonerated on all charges. This, we know, will never happen. No judge will override a chief's denial if the chief determines that the applicant is "not suitable".

So that leaves 350 other opportunities where he may choose to go and re-apply. I imagine MBTS is out of his preferred place of residency list after this debacle, regardless, so he gets to pick a new town.
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