Most mass shooters have undiagnosed psychiatric condition: Schizophrenia, psychotic symptoms, hallucinations


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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Stanford Study: Most Mass Shooters Have Undiagnosed Psychiatric Illnesses​

Over half of the perpetrators were found to have schizophrenia, with psychotic symptoms including the belief they were receiving messages from demons and seeing hallucinations ordering them to “kill, burn or destroy.”

Researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine have published a study that reveals most of the perpetrators of mass shootings in America are people with undiagnosed psychiatric disorders.

The study focused on 115 assailants of shootings committed between 1982 and 2019, and then narrowed that number down to ones who survived.

“We found that most mass shooters in our study experienced undiagnosed and unmedicated psychiatric illness,” the researchers noted.

Describing the findings as “striking,” the study notes that symptoms of clinical psychiatric disorders were identified in almost all the shooters, 32 out of 35.

Over half of the perpetrators, 18, were found to have schizophrenia, with psychotic symptoms including the belief they were receiving messages from demons and seeing hallucinations ordering them to “kill, burn or destroy.”

A further 10 of the shooters were diagnosed as bipolar, delusional and suffering from personality disorders.

The study also noted that “None were medicated or received other treatment prior to the crime.”

To make the diagnoses, the study focused on the records of forensic psychiatrists and court proceedings, in addition to writings and social media posts made by the shooters.

Researchers also found that in 20 mass shooting cases where the perpetrators died, at least eight had schizophrenia, seven had other diagnoses, and five had unknown mental illnesses.

While concluding that diagnosis and treatment of mental illness could have “decreased violence,” the study notes that “Psychiatric research… on the nature and the incidence of mental illness among mass shooters, however, remains largely understudied.”

“Most of the cases of domestic mass murders possibly might have been prevented had the assailant… been more consistently assisted to receive a correct diagnosis… followed by psychiatric medication treatment… to save lives,” the study suggests.

They should probably conduct a study trying to determine how Stanford needed to conduct the original study to determine that people of sound health did not go out and indiscriminately murder people not associated with themselves.

That's the study im interested in. Should shed some light on how clueless our phds are.
Ah... For some reason I read the title as Most Massachusetts shooters have undiagnosed mental illness. Thinking someone was trying to prove that gun enthusiasts in MA must have a mental illness...
Seeing as they want to ban anyone with any kind of mental illness from owning firearms, I would think that 100% of gun owners who may suffer from something (i.e. depression) will never seek treatment. After hearing about NY gun owners denied pistol permits for seeking treatment for depression and things like that, why would they? You're a Vet with PTSD? Better grit your teeth and hold it in if you want to hang on to your 2A rights. But it's OK to be a moonbat and run for a Democratic seat somewhere.
People that desire to murder a hoard semi-random people, destroying not only victims lives but their own as well, are mentally ill.

You don't say.
Out of all the schizophrenics out there - how many are mass shooters?

It seems to me that more killings are done by Black men than by mentally ill folks.

1 out of 3 Black men are in the criminal justice system - Jail / Prison, Probation, or Parole.

Northampton, MA has thousands of mentally ill and I don't see them going on rampages.

There were 55 shootings in Chicago all committed by Black men.

Many more shootings by Black men than mentally ill.

What is the point of this study?

What are they trying to do?
What about the lack of a father figure in the majority of cases?

Many mentally ill folks are successfully treated with medication and compared to the general public are less likely to become perpetrators of crimes.

It seems to me that mentally ill are being singled out because so many of them are against the government and bring forth ideas that are on the political right.

They must have their gun rights removed.

Even if only 1 out of 100,000 goes on a mass shooting spree - this confiscation would do well to disarm these QAnon followers.
It seems to me that more killings are done by Black men than by mentally ill folks.
I would contend those people ARE mentally ill. That kind of aggression breaks our social contract, destroys their future, and in all likelihood condemns them to an early death with few people missing them.

Similar to how depression is a mental illness; being brainwashed and blind to the reality of your circumstances where your only apparent path is gangbanging are the thoughts of a mentally ill person. Maybe mentally ill doesn't convey the proper connotations, but the values instilled through their upbringing are orthogonal to the values we as a society seek to instill. They're mentally ill by nurture not by nature, by large. At least that's my supposition.
I would contend those people ARE mentally ill. That kind of aggression breaks our social contract, destroys their future, and in all likelihood condemns them to an early death with few people missing them.

Similar to how depression is a mental illness; being brainwashed and blind to the reality of your circumstances where your only apparent path is gangbanging are the thoughts of a mentally ill person. Maybe mentally ill doesn't convey the proper connotations, but the values instilled through their upbringing are orthogonal to the values we as a society seek to instill. They're mentally ill by nurture not by nature, by large. At least that's my supposition.
As I said in a different post, there is a lot of mental disorders in the blacks in our country.
i had a friend who was a shrink. he had a theory, based on decades of dealing with these types:
Some are crazy, and would benefit from drugs
Some are just evil f***ers who need to be locked away.

he did NOT believe that 100% of evil doers were "crazy"
I think there should be a different two part study conducted over a 5 yr period;

1) open the insane asylums again

2) give the FBI ‘watch list’ to anybody else who can actually walk and chew gum at the same time
got be be something at odds in the heads of mass killers...or any head on the body of someone committing a crime. why would anyone just want to sucker punch an elderly asian lady? or commit horrible crimes against their own "kind?" almost every species won't devour it's own except a very few. seems to me the largest percent WERE known to authorities as whack jobs and had many incidents of making violent threats. I seem to remember the Parkland shooter having like 30+ incidents with police at his house.

This is likely a created story by anti-gunners to force gun owners to show they are "mentally" fit to "own" a firearm.
Many of them “hear voices” inciting them to rage and telling them exactly what to do.

I believe at least some of these are induced via Voice-to-Skull directed energy, voice-modulated microwave weapons. They used that shit in Iraq to get Iraqi soldiers to surrender without firing a shot, called it the “Voice of Allah” weapon. Just basically the guts of a microwave oven connected to an directional antenna at one end and a microphone at the other. Make it yourself from plans online for about $100.

Same tech now being blamed for the US State Dept Cuban embassy workers brain injuries and weird sounds etc.

Just pick a kid that’s got a history of psychosis and run ins with the law, get a gun in his hands and park a van across the street from his house and speak inciting hateful crap into the microphone pointed at his bedroom. Voila. Instant mass shooter.
Many of them “hear voices” inciting them to rage and telling them exactly what to do.

I believe at least some of these are induced via Voice-to-Skull directed energy, voice-modulated microwave weapons. They used that shit in Iraq to get Iraqi soldiers to surrender without firing a shot, called it the “Voice of Allah” weapon. Just basically the guts of a microwave oven connected to an directional antenna at one end and a microphone at the other. Make it yourself from plans online for about $100.
So can we use it to get voters to vote Libertarian/Republican, or are the Dems already using it?

Stanford Study: Most Mass Shooters Have Undiagnosed Psychiatric Illnesses​

Over half of the perpetrators were found to have schizophrenia, with psychotic symptoms including the belief they were receiving messages from demons and seeing hallucinations ordering them to “kill, burn or destroy.”

Researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine have published a study that reveals most of the perpetrators of mass shootings in America are people with undiagnosed psychiatric disorders.

The study focused on 115 assailants of shootings committed between 1982 and 2019, and then narrowed that number down to ones who survived.

“We found that most mass shooters in our study experienced undiagnosed and unmedicated psychiatric illness,” the researchers noted.

Describing the findings as “striking,” the study notes that symptoms of clinical psychiatric disorders were identified in almost all the shooters, 32 out of 35.

Over half of the perpetrators, 18, were found to have schizophrenia, with psychotic symptoms including the belief they were receiving messages from demons and seeing hallucinations ordering them to “kill, burn or destroy.”

A further 10 of the shooters were diagnosed as bipolar, delusional and suffering from personality disorders.

The study also noted that “None were medicated or received other treatment prior to the crime.”

To make the diagnoses, the study focused on the records of forensic psychiatrists and court proceedings, in addition to writings and social media posts made by the shooters.

Researchers also found that in 20 mass shooting cases where the perpetrators died, at least eight had schizophrenia, seven had other diagnoses, and five had unknown mental illnesses.

While concluding that diagnosis and treatment of mental illness could have “decreased violence,” the study notes that “Psychiatric research… on the nature and the incidence of mental illness among mass shooters, however, remains largely understudied.”

“Most of the cases of domestic mass murders possibly might have been prevented had the assailant… been more consistently assisted to receive a correct diagnosis… followed by psychiatric medication treatment… to save lives,” the study suggests.

Yeah and most are on some sort if meds also right?
I call them evil morher f***ers dont give a shit about themselves or others
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