Most reliable Handgun of all time

Sep 29, 2011
Fairbanks, Alaska
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Curious what you all think...I would imagine Glock would be at the top, but they have 40 years of a track record, whereas M&P, H&K VP9, P320 are the relative new kids on the block.

I've probably owned 150+ pistols in my time in the shooting sports and the only gun that has never, ever failed has been my P220 10MM. Rounding out the top 5 would be my 226, Glock 17, Beretta 92, and M&P9.

The bottom 5, Canik TP9SF, Tisas Yukon, Ruger 1911 10mm, Ruger Security 9, and Ruger SR9c.

As far as rimfires, my Browning Buckmark has been incredible as well. It even cycles CCI Quiet rounds fairly consistently.

*Note. Having worked at Kittery Trading Post, Alaska Ammo, Holliston Firearms, Sportsman Ski Haus, Yellowstone Sports and a few pawn shops, I'd say my views on reliability from sending hundreds of guns back to the manufacturer for issues helped solidify what I have chosen to be my go to guns.
I always have to qualify whenever someone asks what is the "best".

Best at what? Reliability? At what price point? Since when? By model? By brand? What era? Today? Right now?

I've had very different experiences with my canik TP9's. I own 3 TP9's - SF Elite, SF, SFX. Although the SF will probably go first. The only malfunction I've had with them is feeding them the crappy Syntech ammo. I've also shot the shit out of a Ruger SR9C. That is the one gun that feels better than my canik's, or at least equal to them, in terms of shooting pleasure and consistency. It's on the short list, along with a Beretta M9, whatever my first 1911 is going to be, and a Desert Eagle. the X-frame .460 just didn't do it for me.
Glock 17, cause...well... My dad's Gen2, which he bought in the 90's and then gave it to me in mid-2000's. The darn thing still shoot like a sweetheart. I don't remember if I've ever had issues with the gun. Old magazines that cracked, yes. Bad ammo that resulted in squibs, sure! Never an malfunciton due to the gun. Ever

Beretta 92 is along the same lines. it is built like a tank.

CZ 75 was another great one. Later versions, like SP01 or P-0x CZ's: they just weren't CZ 75. That classic CZ 75 is incredible.

Of modern guns, it's hands down Beretta PX4 full size: there is just nothing that can touch it! nothing!
Curious what you all think...I would imagine Glock would be at the top, but they have 40 years of a track record, whereas M&P, H&K VP9, P320 are the relative new kids on the block.

I've probably owned 150+ pistols in my time in the shooting sports and the only gun that has never, ever failed has been my P220 10MM. Rounding out the top 5 would be my 226, Glock 17, Beretta 92, and M&P9.

The bottom 5, Canik TP9SF, Tisas Yukon, Ruger 1911 10mm, Ruger Security 9, and Ruger SR9c.

As far as rimfires, my Browning Buckmark has been incredible as well. It even cycles CCI Quiet rounds fairly consistently.

*Note. Having worked at Kittery Trading Post, Alaska Ammo, Holliston Firearms, Sportsman Ski Haus, Yellowstone Sports and a few pawn shops, I'd say my views on reliability from sending hundreds of guns back to the manufacturer for issues helped solidify what I have chosen to be my go to guns.

How much do you shoot the P220 10MM compared to the others?

Most reliable handgun of all time? Probably a revolver and not the ones you listed.
I always have to qualify whenever someone asks what is the "best".

Best at what? Reliability? At what price point? Since when? By model? By brand? What era? Today? Right now?
The question was literally what is the most reliable handgun of all time. So ya, probably best at reliability would be what we are after here.
My G26 has proven to be my most reliable - although I have other glocks that have never had a malfunction, the 26 has the most rounds with zero malfs
My Gen 3 Glock 35. More than a decade of matches, range visits and qualifications with not one failure of any kind.
I heard that berreta92 glock17 and s&w m&p 9mm can run over 50k rd each noproblem. Too bad the trigger on my berreta92 suck
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Queue the Glock fan bois.
At least my dog can’t eat my P-01

Glock is overrated garbage. They came up with an idea decades ago and haven’t improved it at all.
Blocky. Poor ergonomics. Budget cop gun.

Almost every single striker fired gun in the last 20 years makes them look bad. (Sorry P320 not you)
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