Most reliable Handgun of all time

Only time I've had an issue is related to mag issues.
Weak spring, or shit aftermarket mag/mag spring.

My eagle mags had feeding issue problems.
I replaced them with either Wolfe or OEM. Can't recall if I did the follower as well.
Either way, after replacement, zero issues.
Other than 1 I caused myself and took me a while to figure out.
Hint, for the 96, don't use the lightened mcarbo sear spring. It causes some "ooopsies". Don't ask how I know.
I had these old South Korean mags. All ran flawlessly. I took a three day class at the Gunsite back when it was still good and ammo was $5/box. We were pushing 1500rds. My 92 ran flawlessly. Some upgrades make things better. some turn good guns into garbage.
I had these old South Korean mags. All ran flawlessly. I took a three day class at the Gunsite back when it was still good and ammo was $5/box. We were pushing 1500rds. My 92 ran flawlessly. Some upgrades make things better. some turn good guns into garbage.
Well, it wasn't garbage per say. But the fuds weren't appreciative of what was happening. I imagine the fuzz wouldn't be either

Mods for the 92 and 96 are pretty safe to do.
Especially when you use quality items.
Something is not kosher with your story. First it's a sight made out of hard steel being broken now the rear sight is "too tight" that, not one, but multiple "gunsmiths" couldn't move it.
I call bull$#it. Either you made it all up or you one of those who insists that the gun is the problem when you can't shoot straight and you INSIST that it's a gunsmith's fault when in fact they just didn't want to deal with you.
Reading is fundamental. I mentioned two separate 92's.The first 92 had the damaged front sight, which was part of the slide. Which is why I won't own a gun again that doesn't have removable (and thus repairable) sights.

The 92X was new and produced in TN. It had a removable front sight, but the rear notch must have been cut too tightly. Two different gunsmiths could not get it to budge. First with a punch and then with a sight pusher. I had to send it back to Beretta to get it fixed.
the most reliable handgun is the one you own at the moment that just plain works. i'll tell you what mine is, a s&w 4013. yep, in your fav classic caliber .40 s&w. i bought it when it was first introduced around '91-'92 and still own it. call me a liar, it has never failed, never had a jam or feeding problem. it'll eat anything, any bullet configuration, and loves reloads. seriously, in 35 years i don't ever remember any malfunction. i'll be buried with that little pistol. i'll post a pic of a poached photo of a 4013 in case you need a memory jog. although my trigger is matte stainless, not black. but first, a cobra story. it's a bushingless design. when i took it out of the box at the shop when i picked it up, the muzzle of the barrel had a decent dent in it, like someone had the barrel out and dropped it and where it hit the floor, well, you get it. pissed i was having to refuse it out of the gate. dent noted by the shop owner, he let me take it to the range that afternoon. seriously, that dent effected nothing. accuracy was fabulous. i kept it, dent and all. the pistol impressed me that much that first range trip. lucky me! oh, still using the original mags.


Cool article. I wonder if mine will make it 300k rounds. I recently picked up a LEO trade in Glock 17 Gen 2 and it's quickly becoming my favorite handgun. The slide has a good amount of holster wear already so it's begging to be used and abused. I swapped the NY1 trigger spring for a normal trigger spring and now I shoot with it better than my Glock 47. I called Glock and they told me it was manufactured in Oct 1991.
Curious what you all think...I would imagine Glock would be at the top, but they have 40 years of a track record, whereas M&P, H&K VP9, P320 are the relative new kids on the block.

I've probably owned 150+ pistols in my time in the shooting sports and the only gun that has never, ever failed has been my P220 10MM. Rounding out the top 5 would be my 226, Glock 17, Beretta 92, and M&P9.

The bottom 5, Canik TP9SF, Tisas Yukon, Ruger 1911 10mm, Ruger Security 9, and Ruger SR9c.

As far as rimfires, my Browning Buckmark has been incredible as well. It even cycles CCI Quiet rounds fairly consistently.

*Note. Having worked at Kittery Trading Post, Alaska Ammo, Holliston Firearms, Sportsman Ski Haus, Yellowstone Sports and a few pawn shops, I'd say my views on reliability from sending hundreds of guns back to the manufacturer for issues helped solidify what I have chosen to be my go to guns.
For most reliable, you forgot Lorsin, Jennings, and Raven!!
Cool article. I wonder if mine will make it 300k rounds. I recently picked up a LEO trade in Glock 17 Gen 2 and it's quickly becoming my favorite handgun. The slide has a good amount of holster wear already so it's begging to be used and abused. I swapped the NY1 trigger spring for a normal trigger spring and now I shoot with it better than my Glock 47. I called Glock and they told me it was manufactured in Oct 1991.
I like picking up the police trades. Just got a Gen 4 21 myself. Thru some 40 dollar night sights on it and its ready to go for less than 400 bucks. Pre broken in and ready to shoot...of course its flawless with everything including my reloads.
Reading is fundamental. I mentioned two separate 92's.The first 92 had the damaged front sight, which was part of the slide. Which is why I won't own a gun again that doesn't have removable (and thus repairable) sights.

The 92X was new and produced in TN. It had a removable front sight, but the rear notch must have been cut too tightly. Two different gunsmiths could not get it to budge. First with a punch and then with a sight pusher. I had to send it back to Beretta to get it fixed.
Still, not buying it.
I like picking up the police trades. Just got a Gen 4 21 myself. Thru some 40 dollar night sights on it and its ready to go for less than 400 bucks. Pre broken in and ready to shoot...of course its flawless with everything including my reloads.

The golden age of milsurp is long past but right now sure seems like the age of cop surp.
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