Moutain House Packs @ Costco


NES Member
Feb 17, 2008
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The Dedham store has been carrying it for some time now: $29.97 for 10 packs. Buying assorted packs from would cost $59+S&H

2 Beef Stew
2 Lasagna w/ meat sauce
3 chicken Teriyaki w/ rice
3 beef stronganoff with noodles

47.7 Oz total weight

Another way to look at it: preparedness is kind of going main stream
Well I guess that I'll try to check out the danvers/peobody store for everyone tomorrow. Plus you guys do know that they sell the Auguson Farms and others in the #10 cans and also some stuff in 5 gallon buckets. I don't think any of the stores here on east coast carry it in store, but you can look it up and have it shipped to a store. I'm not really sure of the quantity or taste of that brand, since I get the Provident Pantry brand from EE. At that price though it might be worth getting a few cases just for poops and giggles right!

Guys and Gals, I just got home from the Danvers store and they are selling these for $19.99, I couldn't take a picture since my phone is as cheap as they come and I couldn't buy any since we were just doing the preview pass to just look at the store. Happy hunting people, they are on the pharmacy side about at the 8th row maybe left side. They had a very big pallet there, but didn't see anymore up in any of the lofts.

Someone else please head to the Danvers store and take a picture, I really feel people don't believe me! They were $19.99, or maybe you could even call.

I took a picture on Aug 14 and it was $29.97 and today $19.97. I stocked up on some. [smile] At this rate, I wouldn't mind filling up my whole pantry.

An old lady asked what it was for, I told her it's emergency food good for 6-7 years, and it's sold for 1/3 of price anywhere else. She loaded up too.

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Just got a load from Dedham Costco. Price confirmed @ $19.97. That's 50% off the price @ Nashua Costco @ $39.99.

Looks like they are not stocking anymore @ Dedham location. There are about less than 10 boxes left.

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I might have to join Costco and try to get to Danvers this weekend. Even with gas and the membership that is a good price.

You paid a cup of SB/DD coffee, I can meet you @ Danvers Costco. [laugh][laugh][laugh]

No need to spend for the $55 membership. Non member purchase also available for 5% surcharge.
Man, I wish I had seen this before heading out on my lunch break today. It would have been worth the drive out to Dedham to grab a few boxes.
You know though lots of stores out west carry this type of stuff all the time, could it be that most people here on the east coast are really just idiots? It's a shame that walmart/sam's or costco's here don't carry the Agausons Farms stuff in the #10 cans, I tell you I would be trying and buying all that I could if you could easily purchase them individually.

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