Moving Target Build -- Airsoft guns


NES Member
Aug 15, 2011
Western MASS
Feedback: 6 / 0 / 0
Posting this in the build it yourself forum because I need some tinkerer's ideas.

For our new years party our zipline is up, ready, and functional. 16 feet down to 7 feet over a 150 foot run across the backyard.
This will keep the kids occupied for a while and the adults while they are sober, but I have a sneaking suspicion we will be combining the airsoft shooting gallery I have built in the garage with the zipline, creating shooting at moving targets as the evening progresses.

I'll need something light enough to shoot at to put holes in, like paper or cardboard....but it will also need to be heavy enough, like 20 lbs or so, to get some sort of speed to travel on the trolley down the line. Trolley has a simple mt climbing carabiner type clip attachment, so I can hang anything really.

need ideas on what to create, what to shoot at. Thanks.
Hmm. I would start with getting the weight right (either a barbell plate or a drywall bucket with 20-25 lbs of rocks hanging down). Then, I would build the gallery around the rope or cable hanging down once I got the SOA down... I was at first thinking eggs, but (and I apologize for not knowing how powerful airsoft is)...I would go with aluminum foil. Buy a roll of it and create a square frame that is the width of the foil and the desired length (out of wood- or PVC to keep the "roll function" on top)..then you could pull a new part of the roll down with each new shooter and hold the foil in place with a couple tacks on the bottom of the frame..draw a target on it with a sharpie/etc. Would airsoft pellets go through it? I would imagine it would at least make a cool noise when you got a "hit" ..still thinking.
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why not put yourself on the zip line and line targets up all along the 150 feet and shoot at them as you move?
why not put yourself on the zip line and line targets up all along the 150 feet and shoot at them as you move?

My first thought is..that was a sh*tty episode of "top shot."

By the time the grown ups get there- 1) it will be dark. 2) they will probably be drunk. 3) the zipline is 16 ft off the ground. 4) one hand will be wielding an airsoft gun (leaving only one to hold on). 5) see item 2.
why not put yourself on the zip line and line targets up all along the 150 feet and shoot at them as you move?

Holy sheet dude!!! See this is why I ask for ideas!!!! AWESOME!!!!
only problem........the zipline is along the woods......flip side would be the house, so we'd be shooting right at the house, I'd have to say that may be a no-go.

An airsoft will go through 2 plies of cardboard at 30 feet, it will go through a beer can. Probably about 1/2(?) to a little more the power of a BB.

Some sort of weighted cardboard sounds like the way to go.
My first thought is..that was a sh*tty episode of "top shot."

By the time the grown ups get there- 1) it will be dark. 2) they will probably be drunk. 3) the zipline is 16 ft off the ground. 4) one hand will be wielding an airsoft gun (leaving only one to hold on). 5) see item 2.

My friends are professional drunks though, they won't be fall down stupid drunk. Youngest will be like at least 35 so no problems, so just normal crazy stupid drunk.

Dark is not a problem, I have plenty of flood lights. 500w + 500w + 6 @ 150w, and that's without really trying to light it up, lol.

ohh, moving balloon target, will definitely have to try that one..
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Are you using a climbing harness with it?

kids 90 lbs and under wear a full harness.
kids over 90 lbs have a lower harness, until they get used to it, then they have the option of just riding a small poma lift-type seat that I made.
I warn them: you let go, you fall. [laugh]
The harness slows things down, but I have a detachable trolley, so that speeds things back up.
haha got it. Well, either way, I look forward to posted pictures of the aftermath!

Also, had no idea airsoft guns would go through 2-ply cardboard at 30ft! best of luck with your contraption.
Use a thin pc of plywood and screw a pc of the pink panel insulation foam to it. You can then staple actual targets to it if you want.
Use a thin pc of plywood and screw a pc of the pink panel insulation foam to it. You can then staple actual targets to it if you want.

I'm thinking this for the win. with a weight hung below it. It will need be replaced a few times if we go full auto, but should be cheap enough.

I just figured out Badcats thoughts above, harness yes, so hands could potentially be free to hold the rifle as we roll along, would be a little scary jumping from 16 feet hands free though, non of us are really real commando's, lol. I'll post vids of the
Flat stock or angle iron welded in an uppercase i shape. Use heavy duty paper clips (clamp style) to hold a piece of cardboard or paper to this frame. That way it's nearly indestructible, has the necessary weight, and new targets attach easily.
I actually taught my kids to shoot in the basement with that setup. BB gun and .22 shorts. Was only about 20ft, but I wanted them to understand on paper before we loosed them into the world lobbing .22 at a target. My eldest, daughter, went through many a box of CCI shorts punching tiny groups in the basement on rainy or winter days.
Will the pink insulation capture the bb? is that why it's being recommended? What about it flaking or disintegrating over time?

OP : Have you thought about corrugated plastic sheets? You can staple to them, they don't typically break up under repeated firing, and you can still mount them to the wood backing
I use 16 ga steel targets in my garage airsoft range (Steel Challenge practice). Using a plate rather than paper would save time and trouble patching or replacing paper targets. The 16 ga steel produces an nice ding when struck by a 6mm plastic BB.
One more day to "A Christmas Story", let's be careful out there

Will the pink insulation capture the bb? is that why it's being recommended? What about it flaking or disintegrating over time? ...

When the foam does degrade enough to let the projectile bounce off of the plywood and back out, you'll shoot your eye out.

Could an Airsoft bounce just right off of an angle iron target frame?
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