MSP was at Harvard Sportsmans!!


Lonely Mountain Arms
Mar 13, 2005
Starksboro, VT
Feedback: 33 / 0 / 0
So there I was at the 50 yard line and there was a guy with a bunch (5) of S&W boxes. Turns out they were M&P40s that he was function checking; he mentioned that he was MSP. Kind of surprised me when I looked at the boxes and realized that he had 5 of the same gun and at least three of them were consecutively numbered. [laugh]

Nice guy. I tried the trigger on one of them and commented to him that gee, it felt like that crappy Glock trigger. Apparently, that's on purpose... S&W wants their guns to have the same crappy feel as a Glock. Oh, well... guess a lot of folks must like it as they sure sell a bunch of them. Not my cuppa tea, though.

Oh, and yeah... I guess I couldn't resist posting this like Mark's thread when I thought about it. [laugh]
You mean to say he wasn't there checking for post ban mags, flash hiders, bayonet lugs and those shoulder things that go up ??

Surely he must have been checking to see who was carrying concealed on restricted LTC's ???

Didn't he even check to see if everyone's pistol had a 10lb triggerpull as required by the law ????

I'm shocked, shocked I tell you !
I was shocked it made it this far till one of the haters started crying.

Lighten up Francis, it's called scarcasm.

With all the fuddery about flash hiders vs muzzle brakes, carrying on "Sporrting and Target" LTC's and P-mags I thought we might have a little levity you know, humor.
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I don't think the standard Glock trigger is anywhere near as crappy as the standard MA M&P trigger. I'd take the Glock trigger over that any day.
I own and M&P and agree hte factory trigger sucks. But getting a professional trigger job or the Apeks upgrades just makes the gun that much better, and different.

I have the Pro with the performance sear which I did more trigger work to. Very light trigger and much better.
Factory triggers just don't work.
They're everywhere...Even right behind you now....

You mean to say he wasn't there checking for post ban mags, flash hiders, bayonet lugs and those shoulder things that go up ??

Surely he must have been checking to see who was carrying concealed on restricted LTC's ???

Didn't he even check to see if everyone's pistol had a 10lb triggerpull as required by the law ????

Why should he? HIS guns didn't have any 10 lb trigger pull! Although he did agree when I made a derogatory comment about the AG's requirements in that direction. It's almost like he was a gunnie and not in favor of Madam Asshat General's rules and regs!

So this dude was shooting .40 pistols at 50 yds? Do the boolits go that far?

Well... actually, he was on the 25 yard section... and frequently went up about halfway to the targets as he was alone there (I was on the 7 yard section).
S&W wants desperatley to get the MSP and Boston into M&P's. I was at an armorers class last year and there were 5 boston FI in the class. I have been told the Vermont State Police have been approached as well. I have spoken to a MSP fi and VSP FI both stated the Sig DAK guns are solid,but they have not been acepted as well by the troops as they had hoped. The troopers I know that had TDA Sigs before the transition all would rather have them back instead of the DAK.
I don't think the standard Glock trigger is anywhere near as crappy as the standard MA M&P trigger. I'd take the Glock trigger over that any day.

This. I'll take a crappy Glock trigger any day of the week... at least I can tell when the trigger resets. A worked over M+P trigger is pretty nice though... but out of the box, forget it.

Well, he did offer to let me try them out. But since I already have a .40 Glock, I didn't see the need to try out "Glock Lite".
Well, he did offer to let me try them out. But since I already have a .40 Glock, I didn't see the need to try out "Glock Lite".

They're different pistols, dude. The ergonomics are totally different. Chances are, if a Glock fits your hand, the M&P won't. Timber runs a G17 like he was born with it. I'm doing pretty well with my M&P. When we swap guns, it looks like Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder playing darts.
So does this mean that the MSP is dumping their sigs for the M&P? Will they be selling their P226's on the market???
They're different pistols, dude. The ergonomics are totally different.
And the triggers on both still suck. I dry-fired one, and before I'd spend $400-$500 for one of them, I'd save my money and buy something else, like a 1911, or a used Hi-Power.

So does this mean that the MSP is dumping their sigs for the M&P? Will they be selling their P226's on the market???

He did mention that he wasn't real fond of the DAK trigger, so who knows? S&W is definitely serious about getting the M&Ps into the hands of as many police forces as they can, so they may well make MA a really good deal. As for the disposal of them... You're a big boy, Terraformer. Do you really think our Assmuppet General is going to let it's proles get a good deal on *gasp* POLICE GUNS?! Hell, no. They're not "safe" enough.

More likely, they'll get traded directly back to S&W, who will then sell them to distributors like Horton's, etc. Who won't sell them to MA distributors because they don't have the 10lb triggers. *spit*
And the triggers on both still suck. I dry-fired one, and before I'd spend $400-$500 for one of them, I'd save my money and buy something else, like a 1911, or a used Hi-Power.

Depends on what you want it for. If you're only going to the range with it, buy whatever you want and be as picky as you want. Given the abuse sustained and amazing reliability I've seen in both glocks and M&P's, coupled with the amount of work and $$ that needs to be poured into the antique designs of the 1911 and Hi-power to make them both sturdy and reliable, I'll take the plastic gun with the crappy trigger any day of the week for a carry/self-defense gun.
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