MSP was at Harvard Sportsmans!!

Depends on what you want it for. If you're only going to the range with it, buy whatever you want and be as picky as you want. Given the abuse sustained and amazing reliability I've seen in both glocks and M&P's, coupled with the amount of work and $$ that needs to be poured into the antique designs of the 1911 and Hi-power to make them both sturdy and reliable, I'll take the plastic gun with the crappy trigger any day of the week for a carry/self-defense gun.

Uh-huh. That would be why so many gunsmiths do trigger jobs on the M&P and the Glock, right?
Uh-huh. That would be why so many gunsmiths do trigger jobs on the M&P and the Glock, right?
a. With the glock replacing a connector is hardly a 'trigger job'
b. Not a reliability issue with either the Glock or M&P - largely trigger pull weight
c. The worst Glock trigger out of the box is better than the best M&P (out of the box - even free state) in every instance I've experienced (FTR, I have and like both)
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That would be because you live in a crappy state. We don't have that problem here.
Bigger issue up there is that you have to take care to respect the rights of the gun... [laugh]

Headline said:
New Hampshire man arrested today for neglecting his firearm. Gun advocates say that the gun sat in a dark safe for years at a time without so much as a cleaning...
They're different pistols, dude. The ergonomics are totally different. Chances are, if a Glock fits your hand, the M&P won't. Timber runs a G17 like he was born with it. I'm doing pretty well with my M&P. When we swap guns, it looks like Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder playing darts.

you got the right thing babaaayyy!!!! [rofl][rofl]

a. With the glock replacing a connector is hardly a 'trigger job'
b. Not a reliability issue with either the Glock or M&P - largely trigger pull weight
c. The worst Glock trigger out of the box is better than the best M&P in every instance I've experienced (FTR, I have and like both)

this [thumbsup]

although i haven't replaced the connector on either of my Glocks, i did swap the trigger from the serrated to the smooth one of the G22/G17 [wink]

if i switch the connector, i'm afraid of giving myself Glock leg. [rofl][rofl]
if i switch the connector, i'm afraid of giving myself Glock leg. [rofl][rofl]
Come to the darkside... feel the powa....

Luke, keep your !@#$ing finger off the force until you are ready to use it... [laugh]

Seriously, its not a problem unless you Mexican carry in hammer pants and run upstairs in a loud club... Even then, just let it fall and pick it up later...
They're different pistols, dude. The ergonomics are totally different. Chances are, if a Glock fits your hand, the M&P won't. Timber runs a G17 like he was born with it. I'm doing pretty well with my M&P. When we swap guns, it looks like Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder playing darts.

I realize I'm not the center of the bell curve here, but I really like both my G17 and M&P. They both have trigger jobs, and both shoot well for me.
I realize I'm not the center of the bell curve here, but I really like both my G17 and M&P. They both have trigger jobs, and both shoot well for me.

They're not mutually exclusive at all, my point was more to the uniqueness of every shooters hand, grip, posture, etc. The subtle differences between the two can really throw you off once you're relying on your muscle memory and running the gun fast.

And you're obviously some kind of weirdo to be able to do that. [wink]
I like the 1911. I've shot a few and it's a wonderful gun. I owned an M&P a while and liked it well enough. I've shot plenty of Glocks and feel the same. I don't love striker fired guns so I no longer own any but that's just my preference.

I've gone to a few ISPA practices at my club. Most of the guys are shooting either 1911' or Glocks - some are raced out, some are 'stock'. The one thing I noticed was the Glocks go 'bang' every time while the 1911's go 'click' disconcertingly often. I don't mean all the time or even a lot, but enough to make me go 'hmmmmm'.
And the triggers on both still suck. I dry-fired one, and before I'd spend $400-$500 for one of them, I'd save my money and buy something else, like a 1911, or a used Hi-Power.

He did mention that he wasn't real fond of the DAK trigger, so who knows? S&W is definitely serious about getting the M&Ps into the hands of as many police forces as they can, so they may well make MA a really good deal. As for the disposal of them... You're a big boy, Terraformer. Do you really think our Assmuppet General is going to let it's proles get a good deal on *gasp* POLICE GUNS?! Hell, no. They're not "safe" enough.

More likely, they'll get traded directly back to S&W, who will then sell them to distributors like Horton's, etc. Who won't sell them to MA distributors because they don't have the 10lb triggers. *spit*

From what I understand S&W has an offer of trading straight up any PD's Glocks for M&Ps. The only thing that was not on the table were holsters. Additional mags were a straight up trade too. I would assume that they would sweeten the deal for the SP as they are a "banner" organization that would end up influencing others to join on. Considering the SPs are running SIGs I would assume the deal would have to be even better (or the deal from Sig even worse on replacement guns)
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The makers of Just-For-Men cowered and gave Chuck a lifetime supply without his opening his mouth.
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