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Yea it sucks. Thanks for the offers to let me check out the firearms owned by others. I appreciate it but I think I'll not impose upon you and just bug the hell out of S&W when they open. I was thinking a bout a G21 but you know... this is Mass.... A brand new M&P 45 is half the cost of a used G21. So it kind of made the choice easy. But hell - I'll probably end up with the G21 anyway, so this little adventure has basically cost me more money.
I should have followed my own advice... Buy once & cry once.... Otherwise you just cost yourself more getting what you should have gotten in the first place. I'll update again after speaking to S&W and again upon the firearms return to me. After this latest adventure with this brand though I think i'll never buy another S&W again.
I don't care for my Ruger SR45. The grip is too big for my hands. But at least the damn things works. Never a failure to feed, accurate, and mags go insert without issue. Not to mention the Rugers (SR1911 and SR45) are the most accurate pistols I have. God dang it, I really wanted to like this pistol. Its just so nice and lite and comfortable.
If the P226 fits your hand why not try a P220? .45 and probably similar ergos as the P226.
SIG is also making a couple MA compliant 1911's now.
Well I believe I solved my problem today once and for all. See below...
View attachment 75688
Brandy new in the box Gen3 Glock 21.
Not impressed with the mag capacity of the 220, or the weight. I don't think we can get the 227 in mass. Plus it's 10 pounds! Looks sharp though. I like the slender grip. Looks like it would fit my hands pretty well. Don't think I can get one though so its a moot point.
im kind of sad about that though. I would like to hold one at a minimum and get a feel for it. I'm open minded and certainly can be convinced.
I don't get this. S&W M&P's are 10 rounds. If you want more magazine capacity, go with a Glock 21 SF with some pre-bans mags. The Sig P220 is 8+1 with aftermarket 10 rounders available...
As far as triggers go, even with an apex kit, my M&P40 trigger still felt like crap compared to the single action of the DA/SA Sig. I couldn't wait to get rid of the M&P... hated the .40 cal round and hated the trigger. Shooting my Sig P220 is night and day compared to the S&W.
I don;t have the 21 SF. I've got the full size frame. It doesn't fit my hand too well, but with some decal grip tape on the grip I can manage it. I also put in an extended slide catch so I can reach that too, and an extended mag release. Top it off with a ghost 3.5 trigger bar and its a pretty sweet firearm.
Anyone who knows anything about what the government purchases and why should have the good sense to avoid same at all costs 90% of the time. Not that the M&P is a bad gun, but don't fool yourself into thinking MSP got them because of some significant tactical advantage.
Just because they drive Crown Vics and Explorers doesn't mean those vehicles are a particularly good choice for you or me.