My first gun (I mean it this time)

Shooting a single-shot develops the discipline to take the RIGHT shot, which develops the skill to consistently MAKE the shot.

Starting w/a semi often feeds the "spray and pray" mentality, as indicated by the "MG 42" kits and similar wanna-be accessories for the 10/22.

Ah, Grasshopper! When you can shoot the pebble from my hand, it will be time for you to go.

I learned on single shot airguns,so I have that discipline to a degree. hitting coke cans from 30 feet away with a 6mm .20 gram bb pistol is harder than you would think.I do want to instill the one shot mentality firmly though.
Nice work EddieCoyle. I might have done the same myself, except I want to see Bando do something for himself first. I appreciate your gesture though, because that IS the kind of people we are.

When I was a "poor kid", a friend of my Dad's would give me a brick of .22 once in awhile, and every few years I'd end up with one of his old guns. They're the most precious guns in my safe. I think all of us want to see new people in our sport, and we want to give back for all the old timers who helped us in the beginning.

I still need to see some individual effort. His interest is apparent. I'd like to see desire turn into action. Bando_Red, save up all you can. There are guys here like Jim who will help you, but you need to help yourself.
I would advise against the plinkster. I picked one up...very hard to clean. I got rid of it quickly. I don't have a 22 rifle right now, but when 10 different people say the same thing, I would go with it.
I know I will be the odd man out on this. I would stay away from the 10/22. I was shooting w/ a buddy and my younger sons. A Kid came in w/ a new 10/22. My boys were shooting soda cans at 75 yards and clays at 50. We were using Aguila, Winchester and CCI ammo. Sub-sonic, standard and High velocity. The Marlin 60 had 2 hick-ups in about 500 rounds, both from Aguila Sub-sonic. CCI sub-sonic and Stingers were fine, Winchester Wildcats were fine, Aguila Sub-sonic had 2 stove pipes, and Aguila hyper velocity were fine. The Ruger 10/22 was a different story. Accuracy sucked, FTE all sub-sonic rounds. Accuracy was terrible w/ all rounds. Not one hit, and I gave him 3 boxes of ammo to try. He had Remington ammo and faired no better. Go w/ an older bolt. I have seen many Mossberg M44 target rifles for less than $200.00. I have an old JC Higgins 1950's .22 that is a great .22 and shoots S/L/LR. I took a crow at 100 yards w/ it at the age of 16, 30 years ago. Average price is under $70.00. Look around and buy what you feel comfortable with. Jim

Edit, Come on up and try a few!
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.22 Rifles I love!

Marlin 60
JC Higgins
Browning A-bolt Gold Medalion .22WMR
Savage also makes some quality .22 caliber rifles at a decent price. They have a few bolt action, (scrivener mentality), that are out of the box very accurate.
I have a Savage and like it, although I feel it is made cheaply, or rather, feels cheap. I'm not contradicting myself rather offering my opinion of the same gun.
For over three hundred bucks, you could get a Savage that was really pretty, and most likely shoot well. For two hundred, you could get a 10/22 that has an almost infinite aftermarket possibility, and is accurate. I plan to get one as soon as Eddie Coyle donates one to me, or oil goes down to a dollar a gallon.

Tim[smile] didn't mention a Savage
Mark II

You're not going to find a value rimfire....they are shooters

Not to threadjack, but... I met this guy 10 years ago on a movie shoot i was working on. Nice guy, but holy crap creepy. He wanted to wrestle me and my buddy in the cage... We declined.
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