Nope. Mostly just off the shelf rustoleum/kylon/duplicator stuff.
I used vht header paint on one of the barrels.
I meant to do it on all of them.
Just got lazy with it.
The white on the grendel was vht enamel engine paint.
The green is a dodge green from the challenger/charger.
The bronze is a duplicator engine enamel.
The desert storm AR (450 bushmaster) is all rustoleum hammered line paint
I have a audi dark grey coming in for the AR10 in the next week or 2
Nope. Mostly just off the shelf rustoleum/kylon/duplicator stuff.
I used vht header paint on one of the barrels.
I meant to do it on all of them.
Just got lazy with it.
The white on the grendel was vht enamel engine paint.
The green is a dodge green from the challenger/charger.
The bronze is a duplicator engine enamel.
The desert storm AR (450 bushmaster) is all rustoleum hammered line paint
I have a audi dark grey coming in for the AR10 in the next week or 2
Full of disappointment today.
Went to the range to play with buffer weights and springs to see if I could get things to run smoother.
While I succeeded with the .223/5.56 wylde and AR 47. I got back home and was reloading mags and such and noticed the stock and grip came loose on the AR47.
The grip is dead, not a 100% sure on the stock because the finishing on the inside isn't seller.
Painted the AR10 today.
Everything was going smooth till I got to the white.
I need to get a better style of nozzle like the main color grey . I couldn't swap the nozzles unfortunately.
More things done.
So I discovered that I very much enjoy 2 stage triggers and my favorite company had a sale on black Friday for them.
So I replaced the remaining milspec single stage triggers(except the purple ar which is dedicated 22lr) to these.
3 in total only 2 pictured.
I like these so much so, I'm selling my other Triggertech competitive triggers here Triggertech triggers
So I can replace them with the same.
Also finally got my hands on a od green grip for my arex. Been waiting on that since I bought it. Also got the aluminum trigger upgrade with an additional extended mag release button because I'm lazy.
Check the other threads before buying , apparently ammo is getting tough to come by. It will most likely not last long, but you may not be able to enjoy whatever you buy.
A 22 rifle, 12ga shotgun, and a small carry in .380 or larger are pretty much standard in anyones safe.
There are some good deals in the FS section on here.
Actually 9mm verses a .380 is much more so a standard firearm for pretty much everyone. The Sig P365 fits that niche very nicely. Its probably the single best selling 9mm these days and can be had with the optic ready plate on the slide.
Actually 9mm verses a .380 is much more so a standard firearm for pretty much everyone. The Sig P365 fits that niche very nicely. Its probably the single best selling 9mm these days and can be had with the optic ready plate on the slide.
What I would recommend is to find a range with rentals and spend some shooting the pistols on your wish list. Or did Maura get them all closed down? Everybody is suggesting their favorite here, which may or may not be the best choice for YOU. I'd say get the one which YOU shoot well with. then get a couple boxes of various ammo and have a range day. Find the right boolet ( weight / shape) and put a couple hundred rounds downrange.
What I would recommend is to find a range with rentals and spend some shooting the pistols on your wish list. Or did Maura get them all closed down? Everybody is suggesting their favorite here, which may or may not be the best choice for YOU. I'd say get the one which YOU shoot well with. then get a couple boxes of various ammo and have a range day. Find the right boolet ( weight / shape) and put a couple hundred rounds downrange.
I've wanted to try the unity mount out of curiosity. But didn't want to spend $400.
So a trip to Amazon for the knock off's.
First I grabbed a 0.67 riser with the flip mount.
Found out it cut off some of the viewing window of the dot. Back to Amazon and found a monstrum 0.88 inch.
That lined up pretty much perfect.
Now that's sorted out, the next piece you already see in the other pictures.
A side charger like my other rifles.
Combined with a bad lever of your choice (phase 5 for me) makes it magnafique.
Have one on order for the AR10 right now.
And the last piece for the rifle at the moment. The kinetic development group qd mlok for the bipod.
And the last gun part.
A keltec ks7.
This was a black Friday $300 special(layaway).
Ahead of time, I ordered the mcarbo aluminum trigger and spring kit along with an aluminum hi viz follower.
Also ordered the Missouri tactical rear recoil pad, check foam pad and grip plug.
Followed by a rail from keltec to replace the carry handle.
The trigger and spring install in not for the faint of heart. 1st day spent 7-8 hours trying to reassemble everything. Finally gave up for about a week and went back to it and finished it in a hour or so. Spring tension is a bitch with this job.
Got some "gear" as well.
Snagged a pair of Salomon x ultra 4 mid gtx and some wool socks.
And lastly just for shits and giggles a new hatchet/axe/tomahawk with fire starter from tops knives.
A better flashlight mount for the fs is found.
Typically there was the surefire and streamlight mounts.
But they are discontinued and stupid pricey if you can find them.
I got the tdi mount a bit back and while it does the job, it's a bit bulky.
So I went on a search again and found a new one.
The company is .
They also make one for 1911's.
Overall it fits tighter to the frame and trigger guard and also fits the tier 1 concealed holster better than the tdi with some adjustments.
Form 1 got approved and denied within a minute of each other today.
I didn't include a picture of my ltc because I didn't see a section for it.
So I'll have to redo it when I get my refund.
This little bastard ruined my range day last Saturday.
My 1st squib. Luckily no more damage. I heard and felt it. Got some long brass rod off of Amazon in today and had it out in under 5 minutes.
I don't know what brand it was or batch or anything because it was one of my pre loaded 10 rounders
Since the upcoming shit, I asked my brother to borrow his credit card and pay him back.
Luckily, he said yes.
So I snagged a 92x vertec lower and a smith m&p competition lower as well.
Put my fs close to stock.
I'll be changing the vertec grips later. Just deciding if I want to do another green lantern one or get lok brass grips or something.
Optic will eventually bought for both the 92s.
The smith, I have a slide and barrel for.
I want to send the slide to Floyd's customs eventually for some work.
I'll be trying the wonky Leupold micro dot eventually with this one.
The 300 black build is close.
Need maybe 3 or 4 more parts.
I could put it together now. But I did a soft assembly and was not a fan of the lop to optic range.
I was too scrunched up for a 10 inch barrel.
So the stern rab-ad adapter will be used at a later date