My Space posting nets another bust.

Mar 4, 2006
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I wonder if even Commissar Reilly can top this?...

College student gets one year in jail for having assault rifle

Lassen County News Headline The man originally charged with taking an assault rifle into the dorms at Lassen Community College, Matthew Louis Maumoynier, 21, will spend a year in jail for illegally transporting an assault rifle.

By Shayla Ashmore
Staff Writer

Maumoynier, 21, a student at LCC and a Chester resident, received the sentence in Lassen County Superior Court on Wednesday, July 26 as a condition of three years probation.

Charges of possessing an assault rifle, possessing firearms on a college campus and furnishing or loaning a high capacity magazine were dismissed in exchange for the guilty plea Maumoynier entered on May 25.

Susanville Police recovered the assault rifle and a portion of a shotgun barrel at a home in Lake Almanor on Monday, April 3.

The rifle was allegedly one of two weapons Maumoynier appeared holding in photos taken at the college dorm and posted on the World Wide Web blog site He was arrested in Saturday, Feb. 11 in Coos Bay, Ore.

During the month of January, police began investigating allegations that college students at LCC were in possession of various firearms in the dorm rooms, according to a SPD press release.

Several photos showing both past and present students holding various types of firearms in the dorm rooms were posted on

College officials brought the pictures to the attention of investigators when college staff discovered the photos. According to Detective Rodd Joseph, during the lengthy investigation, one of the weapons in the photos was determined to be an assault rifle. These types of rifles are illegal to possess in California unless the owner has a permit"
So laws are different if the gun is an assault rifle?

Funny I would think it's illigal transport of a "Firearm". I smell a journalist cooking the story to make it a little more provocative.


-Weer'd Beard
I know there have been a lot of changes in the firearm laws since I left California (one major reason I refuse to go back), but the description doesn't sound far off. You don't need any sort of license to purchase, possess or transport long guns, with the exception of so-called assault weapons. For them you need a special permit that was only available for abouta year after the law was enacted. I wasn't aware about any special laws regarding transportation of assault weapons, but there may be some. It doesn't say whether the discovered that he had a permit for the rifle, or they simply tossed this one as part of the deal.


charged with possessing firearms on a college campus

what if the dorm is off campus??
most dorms are not located on the school premises but in buildings in the adjoining community.
are they considered a "college campus" by proxy

HOLY SNIKES IT"S ONE OF THOSE EVIL ASSAULT RIFLES!!!! Take it away! take it away before it hurts me! (Now repeat those words in your head with a Arni accent)

Under Cai law you can tell it's a illegal Asault rifle by the BLACK assault style sling. In real life Cali would have a field day with me if they raided my place as most of my stuff is preban with all the evil features.
what if the dorm is off campus??
A dormitory that is owned or leased by the school is, by definition, school property. IANAL, but I strongly suspect any court in MA would consider a university dorm to be part of the "school" and thus would fall under the "guns on school property" part of MGL Ch 269 Section 10 (I realize the story above is about OR, not MA). I believe that an apartment owned by a private individual, leased to a student (but not through the school), would not meet this test.

What becomes a trickier question is all of the property that the universities around Boston have commercially developed. For example, Harvard and Cambridge have very large real estate holdings. They have worked with developers to build commercial office buildings. Many of these office buildings are run by commercial real estate management companies for the university. The tenants are not part of the university, but may be software companies or biotech companies, etc. The buildings and/or land under the buildings are owned by the university. Are these buildings considered part of the "school" underl MGL Ch 269 Section 10? Anyone seen a precendent?
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