Name that tune!

... but she still believes in sailors,
And she's true to the red, white and blue.
And altho' she's barred
from the Navy yard
Oh she loves her sailor boy absolutely.

That help any?

TonyD said:
Next line,

"...And, I can still hear the soft Southern wind in the live oak trees."

That line triggered the memory.
Haven't heard it in a long time but I think....

Don Williams - Good Old Boys
One last easy one for the day.

"When you wake up in the morning with your head on fire and your eyes too bloody to see,

Go and cry in your coffee but don't come bitchin' to me..."
Because you had to be a big shot, didn't you
You had to open up your mouth
You had to be a big shot, didn't you

Yeah, this is more my genre of music, just not quite hard enough.
Told you it'd be an easy one.

Okay, since that was too easy, here's another relative easy one,

"I've been feeling so sick inside,
Got to get better, Lord before I die.

Seven doctors couldn't fix my head,
They said, You better quit son before you're dead."
Quit the needle, quit the spoon
Quit the trip to the moon
They gonna take you away
Lord, they gonna take you away

This is MY genre of music, good old southern boys. I'll leave it for someone else to post who, it's obvious I knoiw who.
It was on a Tuesday evening
at the home of Madge Malone.
There was quite a celebration
for her parents weren't home.
There were songs and witty stories,
and a bottle on the shelf
when up sprang Dan McGrew and said,
"Here's a song I wrote meself!"
"Sing it Dan!" "Righto, I will - "

She Was Just A Sailor's Sweetheart
And she loved her sailor lad
but he left her broke in Hartford;
He was all she ever had

But she still believes in Sailors,
and she's true to the Red White and Blue.
And tho' she got sore,
when he broke her jaw,
Oh she loves her sailor boy absolutely.

She Was Just a Sailor's Sweetheart, and as I said... I learned it off a player piano roll. It's a fun tune, really.

Well... I found yours. Lynne, with a yahoo search, but I've never even heard the tune!

I'll wait a while to see if anyone guesses it before I post my next stumper. It should be easier... it was recorded more recently... like the 60's.

OK... here's one:

When someone makes a move
of which we don't approve
who is it that always intervenes?
UN and OAS - they have their place, I guess.
But first...

Since no one got mine....

Follow me where I go, what I do and who I know,
Let a part of you, be a part of me.
Follow me, up and down, away and all around,
Take my hand and I will follow you.

Follow Me. 'Tis an ole Irish tune, donchaknow. John Denver did it a couple eons ago.

and since no one here listens to Boston liberal mathematics professor Tom Lehrer...

dwarven1 said:
OK... here's one:

When someone makes a move
of which we don't approve
who is it that always intervenes?
UN and OAS - they have their place, I guess.
But first...


Send the Marines!
We'll send them all we've got: John Wayne and Randolph Scott!
Remember those exciting fighting scenes!
To the shores of Tripoli, but not to Mississipoli, whaddawe do?
We send the Marines!

For might makes right, and till they've seen the light, they've got to be protected, all their rights respected, till somebody we like can be elected!
Members of the Corps all hate the thought of war.
"We'd rather kill them off by peaceful means!"
Stop calling it aggression; we hate that expression!
We only want the world to know
that we support the status quo
They love us everywhere we go
So when in doubt... Send the Marines!


Wow... I'd never READ the lyrics before. That's really... nasty. I used to think that this song was funny, too...

Sorry, Marines, I won't do this again. But I did want to finish off the lyrics.

OK, here's an oldie that just came up on my MP3 player this morning...

Now, Dooley had a feeling we were going to war,
so he went out and enlisted in a fighting corps.
But they put him in the brig for raising such a storm
when they tried to put him in a uniform!

guess no one's interested in this thread any more. Oh, well. anyway, here's the answer:

dwarven1 said:
Now, Dooley had a feeling we were going to war,
so he went out and enlisted in a fighting corps.
But they put him in the brig for raising such a storm
when they tried to put him in a uniform!

He wanted Tan Shoes with Pink Shoe Laces,
a polkadot vest and man oh man,
He wanted Tan Shoes with Pink Shoe Laces,
and a big Panama with a purple hat band!

performed by Dodie Stevens.
I'd have thought that Len might have gotten it; it was a big hit back in the 50's... and with so many oldies stations on the air, even folks like me (who were only evil gleams in our parents eyes in the 50's) have heard it.

Oh, well... your turn!

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