NES Member
Well, a**h***ry seems to be a common occurrence in the amateur radio community. I believe I mentioned in another thread an active ham I know - instructed the Technician exam prep course I took* - happened to have a mic keyed when the clock in the hall struck a few bongs of Westminster Chimes... and someone wanted to have him written up for transmitting MUSIC!
![Roll Eyes [rolleyes] [rolleyes]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/042.gif)
As far as stinky goes, as the Critter with his very own Stinky Thread, I'm not throwing stones.![Laugh [laugh] [laugh]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/012.gif)
* No, I am not posting my callsign.![Grin [grin] [grin]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/041.gif)
![Roll Eyes [rolleyes] [rolleyes]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/042.gif)
As far as stinky goes, as the Critter with his very own Stinky Thread, I'm not throwing stones.
![Laugh [laugh] [laugh]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/012.gif)
* No, I am not posting my callsign.
![Grin [grin] [grin]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/041.gif)