Near-Fest Spring 2011

No Beef Jerky @ Deerfield!

I spoke to Andrew Smith (the beef jerky guy) at the gun show in Wilmington yesterday and asked if he would be setting up at Near-Fest this Spring.
I had told him about this biannual event and urged him to check into it.
He basically got jerked around and blown off by the Near-Fest officals.
Andrew persisted and finally got a cold response like "we don't want you there".

WTF ????

Great way to promote a show and turn away commercial vendor revenue.[angry]

How many here think the jerky guy would be wholeheartedly welcomed by the other attendees of this event ??

If there's a reason NOT to allow him in, I'd like to hear it.

Someone needs to give the Near-Fest staff a kick in the nuts!

It's because he's a gun show vendor guy and the Near-Fest committee is Anti-2A. Mike doesn't like guns :(

Why should that make a difference?
He's a Food Product vendor, his wares have nothing at all to do with guns.
Guns aren't even used in the slaughtering of the animals his products are made from.
Maybe the Near-Fest crew is anti-knife or anti-food.

Counting down the days ;) Havn't missed one in 15 years....hope we get another sunny and NO rain one.

I've only missed three since getting my ticket in 93'
Once at Rochester, once at Hopkinton and once at Deerfield.
All were opt-outs dues to crummy weather.
Hoping for sunshine and temps in the low 70's for this April [wink]

(now that I've said that it's gonna' rain)
I've only missed three since getting my ticket in 93'
Once at Rochester, once at Hopkinton and once at Deerfield.
All were opt-outs dues to crummy weather.
Hoping for sunshine and temps in the low 70's for this April [wink]

(now that I've said that it's gonna' rain)

Zappa, you know you just jinxed us, right?? That's OK because the Taunton boys will be in the commercial building again, rain or shine. Well be doing iDAS/Nexedge programming for anyone needing that, seeing as there are now 4 iDAS 2 meter repeaters in SE Mass.
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