Need boot reccomendations, Daily wear,SHF ready?

Jan 20, 2013
Southern NH
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im changing positions at work which will involve me being outdoors ALOT. the environment will be anything from mud(currently ankle deep depending on where you step) snow, and desert like summer conditions. i need to retire my current winter 6" carolina work boots as they have not done well in the 7 months ive been wearing them. so im looking for something along the lines of a tactical/hiking style boot with some sort of composite toe. does anyone have any sort of reccoemndations and if so where i can find them would be great!
Chippewa, Danner, Red Wing

I just recently bought a pair of Chippewa loggers and didnt notice they were the "made in china" version until it was too late. The shoe laces have practically become useless in a matter of 3 months.

I would make sure if your going to pay for the big name, make sure it's the made in USA ones first!!
I wear Bates 11" paratroopers daily. I absolutley love them they look a little intimidating as in they wont be comfortable but these things are like slippers. I know several people particularly firefighters that have had the same pair for years.

Naturally you can't go wrong with red wings but they are getting more and more pricey
Check out White's Boots in Spokane WA (as seen in the original Whole Earth Catalog), they don't even list prices anymore, but my $200+ hand-made smoke jumpers from 30 years ago are still going strong.

i appreciate all the suggestions os far, but from what im seeing in the posts, the only one that comes close to my liking ate the CAT boots mentioned, but the price is sure as hell less than desirable for such little boot, though it is the size boot im looking for. i dont want calf high boots, i want some LIGHT durable waterproof boots that i can wear for 14hr and not hate myself for doing so. as i mentioned ive been wearing my med height work boots from carolina for 7 months now and there is practically no usable tread on the bottom, my feet sweat like hell and get mad if im in them for more than 9 hrs

i guess im looking for more of a tactical hiking boot, not a combat/work boot if that makes more sense?
I wear Carolina logger boots all day everyday except in the off work summertime if I'm wearing shorts. Long days at work on grating, concrete, ladders or all day hiking they feel great to me. Carolina Boots: Men's CA8521 Composite Toe Waterproof Insulated Boots: Shoes

those are what im retiring as soon as i find a replacement. the first comment i read says 1 year of tough abuse is about all they are good for, which is def what i do to boots. i cant say they are bad boots, they are still waterproof as ive sunk them in the past couple weeks in plenty of ankle deep puddles and sinking nicely in the mud without any issues. i will keep them around for snow days for next winter so that i dont have to wear my snowmobile boots to work on the snow days.

since the cat boots got a reccomendation, i did a little more looking and so far these are looking to be somewhat closer to what im expecting to need: Caterpillar Men's Interface Hi ST Work Shoe: Shoes

further reccomendations are welcome
Just go to a surplus store and get a decent pair of jungles. A million companies make them, but the same DPSC pair I wore in the Army is still doing fine (with a resole or two) fifteen years later. They probably cost less than half of what a pair of Bates or Whites cost.
I recommend Asolo brand. I've been wearing their hiking boots and trail runners exclusively since I first tried them in 2005. I'm out in the woods and on my feet all day, in all weather.

You can try on a pair @REI but REI price are nuts. Sierra Trading Post has excellent deals on them from time to time.

Also recommend "superfeet" insoles and some quality wool socks!
I'm an office drone so no personal experience, but a number of colleagues swear by wolverines (made in michigan)
Keen.... I have wide feet, and these are the most comfortable thing I've ever had. They do everything from a sneaker/hiker to an 8" heavy boot. Currently wearing their "Pittsburgh" 7"...which also comes in composite safety toe.
i appreciate all the suggestions os far, but from what im seeing in the posts, the only one that comes close to my liking ate the CAT boots mentioned, but the price is sure as hell less than desirable for such little boot, though it is the size boot im looking for. i dont want calf high boots, i want some LIGHT durable waterproof boots that i can wear for 14hr and not hate myself for doing so. as i mentioned ive been wearing my med height work boots from carolina for 7 months now and there is practically no usable tread on the bottom, my feet sweat like hell and get mad if im in them for more than 9 hrs

i guess im looking for more of a tactical hiking boot, not a combat/work boot if that makes more sense?

Men's Hiking Boots up to 46% off at Sierra Trading Post Worth a look. Great CS & pricing. Coupons/promo's daily. Returns exchange no problem. I've been buying from them for years.
Take a serious look at the Danner Canadian. I wear Danner Hood Winter Lights. I've worn them everywhere from here year-round through to summer desert. Danner also makes a Wellington boot which you might find useful.
I took a gamble and bought a pair of Converse C8895 duty boots--I was shocked and the comfort and fit. I'm office bound most days but spend a fair amount of time outdoors off hours and they haven't let me down yet. Bought them from eBay dealer BoTach (they have a standard web presence too) and a) paid almost half of Amazon pricing and b) had zero issues with the transaction. I'll be buying another pair--here's a link:

Converse C8895 Desert Tactical Soft Toe Boots | eBay

Good luck--gotta protect those feet! [smile]
Keen.... I have wide feet, and these are the most comfortable thing I've ever had. They do everything from a sneaker/hiker to an 8" heavy boot. Currently wearing their "Pittsburgh" 7"...which also comes in composite safety toe.

The most recent pair of Pittsburgh I got (my 2nd) was coated in the cheapest Chinese leather you could find, safety toe wore through the leather in a month. absolute shit.
I just recently bought a pair of Chippewa loggers and didnt notice they were the "made in china" version until it was too late. The shoe laces have practically become useless in a matter of 3 months.

I would make sure if your going to pay for the big name, make sure it's the made in USA ones first!!

Agreed. I always buy Chippewa and have used them for over 12 yrs and always had good luck with them. But YES get USA as stated here.
Anything that uses "stitch down" construction from upper to sole. Adhesive only "upper to sole" constructed boots are premature failure waiting to happen.

Danner and Red Wing would top my recommended list over all others.
I should add I have yet to find a boot that can hold up in your price point, timberland pro, wolverine, keen, even Chippewa, Carolina, Bates... all blown out in 6 months or so. I am looking at bellville and Dannner for my next pairs. Course I am running around on pavement all day so its like a grinding wheel for boots.
I took a trip to the red wing store in Natick this morning to check them out. Ended up leaving with a pair of 2406 Product Detail

Was sold on the resole program and made in the USA, seems like some top quality leather and the supersole looks promising. Time will tell
I should add I have yet to find a boot that can hold up in your price point, timberland pro, wolverine, keen, even Chippewa, Carolina, Bates... all blown out in 6 months or so. I am looking at bellville and Dannner for my next pairs. Course I am running around on pavement all day so its like a grinding wheel for boots.

You might want to try a set of flight deck boots. I prefer Belleville myself.
Did you pay msrp or are they discounted a bit in store?

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I had printed a coupon from online but yeah they were priced at msrp. I dont usually jump on pricing like that but I needed boots bad, my back cant wait for a week shipping.
I'd recommend a pair 5.11 ATAC low boot. I wear them when I am working (emt/first responder) and they are great duty and casual boots. They have oil resistant and slip resistant soles and they are water resistant and can be easily water proofed. I don't think they are too expensive either. I bought mine at a surplus store for $40.00 I hike with them and wear them everyday. Terrific support, and they are comfortable. I also have a pair of 5.11 ATAC shin-high combat boots. They cost me $159.99, they are better for hiking and non casual walking, but they are not waterproof. I wore them hiking in the snow and my socks got soaked. I think it was because I bought non-waterproof ones anyway lol.

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