NES Ham Radio Club

if sombody wants to donate a crappy old radio for me to use I'd be all over it but i'd sooner get clearence from the tower to buy a barret 50 than drop a couple hundred on radio equipment.
Tell the tower it's part of your prepping plan. Seriously. It's half the reason I got my license. Even for a small scale SHTF where power and communications are out in just the north east, how are you going to find out if food and generator fuel is 100 or 1,000 miles away?

You can get a new dual-band handheld that will reach your local repeaters for under $80. With your Technician's license, a computer and internet connection you can hit repeaters all over the world with echolink internet connected repeaters. If you learn Morse code (easy if you learn foreign languages easily), with just the Technician's license and a $100 used CW radio you can work the world on the HF bands.
if sombody wants to donate a crappy old radio for me to use I'd be all over it but i'd sooner get clearence from the tower to buy a barret 50 than drop a couple hundred on radio equipment.

As has been pointed out, you can get a dual band radio for about $100. Less if you find one at a flea market. Or I have an old radio shack 2 meter handheld that you can borrow if you're interested in that.
dwarven1 - Thanks for commenting on this. I just read all of the posts and I was ready to jump into this club and pay my dues. Then I noticed that this was something that was being dreamed up in 2010. I say bring it back.
Same here! Passed the tech exam last week and now I'm itching to actually do something once I finally get my call sign.
I am in the process of studying for the tech and general exams. I too would be interested in joining an NES Radio Club. Is there anyone still around from the original planning that would be interested in picking it up again?
NESARA Northeast Shooters Amateur Radio Association [smile]

+1 to this and I'm not even into this stuff yet. Although I would like to join depending on where it's going to be housed. Maybe the club and the site somewhat be together where dues can go to one place maybe.


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