New federal gun control bill expected this week-Canada

Oh fer fork's sake:

Spike in gun and gang violence in Canada has experts worried

They admit it's a gang problem, but then lump "guns" and "gangs" together like they're interchangeable. Because obviously "owning a gun" is the same as "being in a violent gang"
Quite a few gems in there

Changes could include expanded background checks of someone trying to purchase a non-restricted firearm


The bill could also beef up screening of people who already own guns, allowing a continuous eligibility evaluation that would flag criminal behaviour as grounds for a potential investigation into their firearm ownership.

If Canada is like us, then gun owners are more likely to follow the law than the
Only 223 in a year, for the whole country ???

Chicago alone averages that many in only four months.

34 million people in Canada. Size up to US and that's 2,300 a year vs our 10k.

Outside of Caribbean gangsters in their major cities feuding and indigenous Canadian domestic disputes in a few territories, Canada doesn't have many murders. They are still a fairly homogenous society and law abiding without heavy drug use despite poverty.

I don't think the U.S. murder rate is much different than Canada's when out big dump cities are excluded from stats. Gangs and drugs are the vast majority of motivation for murder in the U.S. and Canada has less per capita than us.
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