Love my SR22. I had it about 10 months now and have shot heck out it. I did have some issues in the beginning with a few to many FTF's and a stove pipe or two, but It was just dry and I was inexperienced. Lubed up it runs like a champ and now that it's broken in, the performance has only improved. I do have the random ftf, but normally it runs flawlessly. Usually shoot Federal and Blazer bulk or CCI standard. Only ammo that gave trouble was some Remington bulk I got gifted. Stuff was garbage,very dirty and even gave my mkIII and 10/22 fits.
I'd also recommend getting a bore snake and taking it with to the range, with you. A quick pull or two through the barrel after a hundred or two rounds can make a world of difference, especially if ya start getting malfunctions.