Bought a Spyderco Salt 2 for the boat. Plastic and good quality stainless. Sharp as a scalpel. Not crazy about the Spyderco design with the hump in the blade but gave it a go. Lightweight, rust-proof. Fits the bill. Question for everyone…everytime I get a new knife I cut myself 10 times with the thing in the first month. Anyone else have this issue or am I just tarded?
Any better options as compared to this, with glass breaker & belt cutter?
sog tf1-cp 994460

When I bought one of these (Seal Pup version) at WM, years ago, the guy yelled out to another assistant " He wants an OJ knife "

P1020611a.jpg IMG_3062a.jpg IMG_3067a.jpg
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I'm looking for a quick mount harpoon knife. Here's the closest I could find. A quick mount/deploy walking stick would also be nice.

How do you fight an "animal" off with a little sexy recliner knife 🤔

Amazon product ASIN B00TP8BASEView: https://www.amazon.com/Outdoor-Edge-Harpoon-Survival-Paracord/dp/B00TP8BASE
Spear Gaff
Amazon product ASIN B083F55FHXView: https://www.amazon.com/Reapr-11022-Serrated-Clip-Point-Partially/dp/B083F55FHX/ref=sr_1_11?dchild=1&keywords=walking+stick+with+knife&qid=1630320389&sr=8-11

Amazon product ASIN B018KPN95YView: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B018KPN95Y?tag=slkshp-20&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1

Amazon product ASIN B07SVD3TQSView: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SVD3TQS/ref=sspa_dk_detail_1?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B07SVD3TQS&pd_rd_w=qp0I5&pf_rd_p=5d846283-ed3e-4512-a744-a30f97c5d738&pd_rd_wg=btwEG&pf_rd_r=BNDP2WZ9EY7XPBZWCE6S&pd_rd_r=911a5ea6-44d4-4840-b46b-4e77fa45bffa&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExSDZQNDZCVDBUTVRQJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMDg2MTY1WFQxS0JKS0JHS1dLJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA0MjgyMDExUElRVEdQTDJDTUpQJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfZGV0YWlsX3RoZW1hdGljJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==

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Knife Customization starts here! [rofl]

I can't believe that there's nothing available for a quick attach pole knife or knife or spear with a retractable sheath.
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The wife bought me this one.

And I have several others from around the world, India, Nepal, Egypt ...

I need to put them in a glass shadow box. For now they live on a shelf. They are all from trips. The only one purchased from Amazon/online is that credit card folding knife.

Some of these are old and were somewhat neglected st one point.

The one in the middle with a little bit of rust on the tip is around 50 years old. My grandmother had it hanging on a wall.

Foreign historical and traditional knives are some of the most interesting items in the world. They will draw an eye from across the room...
this is more of a chopper - A2D

Love it with just one question - what is the most long lasting blade with real life use application out of photo in hand ?
No pone intended
I would guess any of the CRK along with any of the Medford’s out of that pic. With the way they are overbuilt and the warranties and attention to detail they should be some of the longest lasting with hard use. Hinderer should be on the list as well.
They are very slicy as well with the deep hollow grind.
I keep one on my boot as an EDC. Love a good boot knife. Worn one since 1981. Never lost one though...

ESEE Izula with TKC Extended Scales in Mil Spec Camo. using the OEM ESEE sheath and clip. Very Handy...

View attachment 396097

Similar to this, but darker and on black Timberlands...

View attachment 396099
Does it rub your leg? I have boots on every day now and am looking into boot knives
Berhing custom one of 2 made, 10 1/2" blade, giraffe hide sheath. I laughed at myself when I opened the box. Overkill maybe, but I've come to accept my stupidity...🤪

View attachment 539158

Oy! Whenever I see "Behring," I just assume it's James Behring from Montana. I've owned a few of his knives and they're tremendous. I never fail to recommend them in these threads.

This one's not a James Behring (the son), it's a Jim Behring (the father) knife. That's beautiful! He used to work out of Minnesota? I think?
Does it rub your leg? I have boots on every day now and am looking into boot knives
Only if It gets moved over the top of my ankle. I wear timberlands and the stainless clip has a rolled out tab that aids in insertion onto the boot cuff.
I wrap the clip with friction tape (hockey stick tape) a couple of times and that helps grip the boot cuff so it won't move.

It also helps keep the tab from cutting into my ankle.

For me, the tab has always been the killer.

Other than that, a good quality sock (I use Dickies) will keep the handle from rubbing your shin aggressively.
If set up correctly, you can run at full-bore without pain or loss of knife.

What's a good site to peruse a variety of knives? I've been using BladeHQ and feel like I've sent them all lol. Thinking about picking up a "fancier" folding knives for day to day.
Only if It gets moved over the top of my ankle. I wear timberlands and the stainless clip has a rolled out tab that aids in insertion onto the boot cuff.
I wrap the clip with friction tape (hockey stick tape) a couple of times and that helps grip the boot cuff so it won't move.

It also helps keep the tab from cutting into my ankle.

For me, the tab has always been the killer.
View attachment 546503

Other than that, a good quality sock (I use Dickies) will keep the handle from rubbing your shin aggressively.
If set up correctly, you can run at full-bore without pain or loss of knife.

When I’ve worn a knife in an actual boot, with one of those metal spring tabs? I’ve always worn them “IWB,” if that makes sense. Metal clip on the outside of the boots, sheath on the inside against my leg.
When I’ve worn a knife in an actual boot, with one of those metal spring tabs? I’ve always worn them “IWB,” if that makes sense. Metal clip on the outside of the boots, sheath on the inside against my leg.
That will work too and is best if is comfortable for you. I like my boots laced very tight and tried it. No bueno...
What's a good site to peruse a variety of knives? I've been using BladeHQ and feel like I've sent them all lol. Thinking about picking up a "fancier" folding knives for day to day.
Only if It gets moved over the top of my ankle. I wear timberlands and the stainless clip has a rolled out tab that aids in insertion onto the boot cuff.
I wrap the clip with friction tape (hockey stick tape) a couple of times and that helps grip the boot cuff so it won't move.

It also helps keep the tab from cutting into my ankle.

For me, the tab has always been the killer.
View attachment 546503

Other than that, a good quality sock (I use Dickies) will keep the handle from rubbing your shin aggressively.
If set up correctly, you can run at full-bore without pain or loss of knife.

Do you have any videos of you running full bore?
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