New rifle suggestions

Jan 10, 2023
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I’m looking for a budget (<$600) bolt rifle for daytime predator hunting and will mostly be in MA. Money wise the Axis II XP was the cheapest I found but the Ruger Gen II seems like the next best option with decent reviews so far. Building a dedicated night pistol with thermals to meet MA regs is not in the budget…..yet.

Any other ideas? I’m primarily looking at 223 to not destroy the pelts and I’ve been reading through the predator hunting forums but figured any advice from this area would be helpful.
Fan of the Axis 2xp. Accutrigger is nice and mine was easily MOA although I only shot it to 100 yards. Was a wood stocked 6.5CM and held 1” at that distance pretty easily.
I’m thinking a 60gr - Vmax. Unfortunately, I don’t reload so I’m at the mercy of what I can rely on off the shelf.

With the ranges you are likely to be shooting at in MA, even a 223 will likely do quite a bit of damage to the fur. I have a 22 Hornet (and a bunch of 223s as well) but I know there are few options in terms of rifles and ammo in that cartridge and it can be a bit expensive for what it is. I know some people use a 22 WMR but, IMO, they can be a bit light for coyotes unless the range is pretty close and shot placement is right on. If you did reload, you could load down the 223 to 22 Hornet velocities pretty easily, and even taking a bit off the top with just starting loads in a 223 would lessen fur damage. I know, not much help, just thinking out loud.
I have a Savage 110 Apex Hunter XP in .308. I love it, I use it just for target shooting, and to have a SHTF hunting rifle in the safe (as I don’t hunt, but will if that day comes at some point). I have it dialed in at my 100 yard range, and I’m planning on taking it to some longer ranges to see what kind of legs I can get out of her. It comes with a decent Vortex scope, I could put a nicer scope on it, but I don’t see the need to have a scope that cost more than the rifle. You can find them for mid $550’s online, find a local shop that will come close to the online price, you can order them in multiple calibers. It comes with adjustable trigger, and adjustable pads for your desired LOP.

A .44 mag or even a .357 mag would be sufficient for coyotes. Perhaps its time to get a lever action.
OP was talking about an inexpensive .223 bolt gun. A lever is neither inexpensive, nor a bolt action. And 44 mag or .357 does fur damage if your worried about fur.

I've had the Ruger Ranch in 5.56 that would be my vote. Good barrels, and handy length, takes AR mags which are cheap and available.....even 10 rounders for the retard state. You can find the Gen 1 Rugers around at shops still and they are in the 400's without a scope.
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I’ve looked at the gen I—for what I will be doing with it, it would definitely work. The adjustments available on the gen II, threaded barrel and the cerakote are nice additions that for $150 I could probably live without.

Thanks for everyone’s suggestions!
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