New State Record Buck Arrowed in Rutland

Nice deer. I know a couple up in Rutland, and I wonder if this was "the one".

Daigle described himself as “anal” about being as scent-free as possible, bathing prior to every hunt with scent-free soap and covering his body with carbon fiber, scent-absorbing clothing.
(You're doing it wrong?)[rofl]

(I know my father and his buddies would live in a cabin for 2 weeks, no shower, cigarettes, coffee, alcohol. They always brought home venison. My neighbor would have deer walk up to him while weed whacking with a 2 stroke, so, I don't buy the scent thing.)
(You're doing it wrong?)[rofl]

(I know my father and his buddies would live in a cabin for 2 weeks, no shower, cigarettes, coffee, alcohol. They always brought home venison. My neighbor would have deer walk up to him while weed whacking with a 2 stroke, so, I don't buy the scent thing.)

LOL [laugh]
holy hell thats a beast
That's a great buck.

^All I have to say about that is, "Meh."

Yeah. Thats a load of shit. The midwest is where its at. Mass does not have enough agriculture and a month long of doe and muzzleloader seasons of too many doe permits and jackasses with the brown is down mentality.
Yeah. Thats a load of shit. The midwest is where its at. Mass does not have enough agriculture and a month long of doe and muzzleloader seasons of too many doe permits and jackasses with the brown is down mentality.

No shit there... Was looking at the harvest report and could not help but notice the abundance of does well under 70lbs taken - just at the Lee checking station. One doe - 52lbs...
That name (Daigle) sounds very familiar as I'm from that town, grew up there.
A lot of hunters there as there is a ton of woods.
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A friend of a friend might have shot the new Maine record buck. The rack was 22 points and he said it measured over 240.
Yeah I know it's worthless without pics.
Taken above rangeley
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